IR3312STRR ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel High Side Driver in a D2-Pak 5-Lead PackageFeatures Product Summary• Load current feedbackR 20mΩds(on)• Programmable over current shutdown• Ac ..
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IR3313S ,Programmable Current Sense High Side Switch in a 5-Lead D2-Pak PackageFeatures Product Summary Load current feedback Rds(on) 7 m max. Programmable over c ..
IR3313STRLPBF ,Programmable Current Sense High Side Switch in a 5-Lead D2-Pak PackageData Sheet No. PD60288_D IR3313(S)PbF PROGRAMMABLE CURRENT SENSE HIGH SIDE SWITCH
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IS42S16100C1-6T , 512K Words x 16 Bits x 2 Banks (16-MBIT) SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM
IS42S16100E-7TLI , 512K Words x 16 Bits x 2 Banks 16Mb SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM
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Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel High Side Driver in a D2-Pak 5-Lead Package
Data Sheet No.PD60211 rev.D
15.21% Rectifier IR3312(S)
Features Product Summary
. Load current feedback
. Programmable over current shutdown Rds(0n) 20mn
q Active clam
o E.S.D protegtion Ifaop. 6 to 28V
. Input referenced to Vcc Current ratio 2800
q Over temperatue shutdown
. Reverse battery protection I shutd own 3 to 30 A
Description Active clamp 35V
The IR 3312(S) is a Fully Protected 4 terminal high side switch.
The input signal is referenced to Vcc. When the inputvoltage Load Dump 40V
Vcc - Vin is higher than the specified Vih threshold, the output
power MOSFET is turned-on. When Vcc - Vin is lower than Package
the specified Vil threshold, the output MOSFET is turned-off.
A sense current proportional to the current in the power Mosfet
is sourced to the Ifb pin. Over-current shutdown occurs when
Wb - Vin > 4.5 V. The current shutdown threshold is adjusted
by selecting the proper leb. Either over-current and over-tem-
perature latches off the switch. The device is reset by pulling
the input pin high. Other integrated protections ( ESD, reverse 2
battery, active clamp ) make the IR3312(S) very rugged and 5 Ligistgzzo D "1,(i15l220)
suitable for the automotive environment.
Typical Connection
IN IR 3312 Battery -
”-77 - Ground
IR3312(S) International
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters
are referenced to Vcc lead. (TAmbient = 25°C unless otherwise specified).
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vcc - Vin max Maximum input voltage -16 50
Vcc-Vlfb max Maximum Ifb voltage -0.3 50 v
Vcc - Vout max. Maximum outputvoltage -0.3 33
Ids cont. Diode max. permanent current (Rth = 60 °C/W) (1) - 2.8
Ids1 cont Diode max. permanent current (Rth = 5 °C/W) (1) - 25 A
Ids pulsed Diode max. pulsed current (1) - 100
ESD 1 Electrostatic discharge ( human body model )C=100pF, R=1500§2, - 4
ESD 2 Electrostatic discharge (machine mode|)C=200pF,R=OS2, L--10WH - 0.5 kV
Pd Power dissipation ( Rth = 60 °C/W ) - 2 W
TJ max. Max. storage and junction temperature -40 150 "C
Min Rlib Minimum resistor on the Ifb pin 0.3 - k9
Itb max Max. Ifb current -20 +20 mA
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Units
Rth 1 Thermal resistance junction to Ambient - T0220 60 -
Rth 2 Thermal resistance junction to case - T0220 0.7 -
Rm 1 Thermal resistance with standard footprint - SMD220 60 - °C/W
Rth 2 Thermal resistance with 1" square footprint - SMD220 35 -
Rth 3 Thermal resistancejunction to case - SMD220 0.7 -
Recommended Operating Conditions
These values are given for a quick design. For operation outside these conditions, please consult the application notes.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vcc -Vin Continuous input voltage 6 28
Vcc -Vlfb Continuous Ifb pin voltage 0.3 28 V
Vcc Supply to power ground voltage 6 28
lout Continuous output current ( Rth/amb < 5 "C/W, Tj = 125°C) - 14
lout 85°C amb. Continuous output current ( Rth/amb < 60 ''C/W, Tj = 125°C) - 3.9 A
leb Ifb resistor to program Isd and scale (2 & 3) 0.5 3.5 k!)
Pulse min. Minimum turn-on pulse width 1 - ms
Fmax Maximum operating frequency - 500
Fmax Prot. Maximum frequency with protections activated - 200 Hz
1) Limited byjunction temperature. Pulsed current is also limited by wiring
2) <500 Ohm or shorting Ifb to gnd may damage the part with Isd around 37A
3) >5000 Ohm or leaving Ifb open will shutdown the part. No currentwill flow in the load.