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Programmable Current Sensing High Side Switch in a 5-Lead TO-220 package
Data Sheet No.PD60210_C
15.212 Rectifier IR3311(S)
Features Product Summary
. Load current feedback
. Programmable over current shutdown Rds(on) 12mn
. Active clamp
o E.S.D protection 1/ccop. 6 to 28V
. Input referenced to Vcc Current ratio 5300
. Over temperatue shutdown
. Reverse battery protection I shut d own 6 A to 58A
Description Active clamp 35V
The IR 3311 (S) is a Fully Protected 4 terminal high side switch.
The input signal is referenced to Vcc. When the input voltage Load Dump 40V
Vcc - Vin is higher than the specified Vih threshold, the output
power MOSFET is turned-on. When Vcc - Vin is lower than Package
the specified W threshold, the output MOSFET is turned-off.
A sense current proportional to the current in the power Mosfet
is sourced to the lfb pin. Over-current shutdown occurs when
V© - Vin > 4.5 V. The current shutdown threshold is adjusted
by selecting the proper leb. Either over-current and over-tem-
perature latches off the switch. The device is reset by pulling its'" 5 Lea
the input pin high. Other integrated protections ( ESD, reverse 5 Lead T0220 , D2Pak (SMD220)
battery, active clamp ) make the IR3311(S) very rugged and IR3311 IR3311S
suitable for the automotive environment.
Typical Connection
IN IR 3311 Battery --
lfb OUT
I E Rlib
on System
“fl Ground
”-77 Er Ground
Absolute Maximum Ratings
TOR Rectifier
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters
are referenced to Vcc lead. (TAmbient = 25°C unless otherwise specified).
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vcc - Vin max Maximum input voltage -16 50
Vcc-Vlfb max Maximum Ifb voltage -0.3 50 v
Vcc - Vout max. Maximum output voltage -0.3 30
Ids cont. Diode max. permanent current (Rth = 60 °C/W) (1) - 2.8
Ids1 cont Diode max. permanent current (Rth = 5 °C/W) (1) - 30 A
Ids pulsed Diode max. pulsed current (1) - 100
ESD 1 Electrostatic discharge (human body model) C=100pF, R=1500n, - 4
ESD 2 Electrostatic discharge (machine model)C=200pF, R=OQ, L=10pH - 0.5 kV
Pd Power dissipation ( Rth = 60 ''C/W) - 2 W
TJ max. Max. storage and junction temperature -40 150 ''C
Min leb Minimum resistor on the Ifb pin 0.3 - k9
Ifb max Max. Ifb current -20 +20 mA
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Units
Rth 1 Thermal resistance junction to Ambient - T0220 60 -
Rth 2 Thermal resistance junction to case - T0220 0.7 -
Rth 1 Thermal resistance with standard footprint - SMD220 60 - ''C/W
Rth 2 Thermal resistance with 1" square footprint - SMD220 35 -
Rth 3 Thermal resistancejunction to case - SMD220 0.7 -
Recommended Operating Conditions
These values are given for a quick design. For operation outside these conditions, please consult the application notes.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vcc -Vin Continuous input voltage 6 28
Vcc A/lib Continuous Ifb pin voltage 0.3 28 v
Vcc Supply to power ground voltage 6 28
Iout Continuous output current ( Rth/amb < 5 "C/W, Tj = 125°C) - 18
Iout 85''C amb. Continuous output current ( Rth/amb < 60 ''C/W, Tj = 125°C) - 5 A
leb Ifb resistor to program Isd and scale (2 & 3) 0.5 3.5 kn
Pulse min. Minimum turn-on pulse width 1 - ms
Fmax Maximum operating frequency - 500
Fmax Prot. Maximum frequency with protections activated - 200 Hz
1) Limited by junction temperature. Pulsed current is also limited by wiring
2) <500 Ohm or shorting Ifb to gnd may damage the part with Isd around 90A
3) >5000 Ohm or leaving Ifb open will shutdown the part. No current will flow in the load.