IR2238QPBF ,High Voltage, 3-Phase Driver IGBT Driver best suited for AC motor drive applicationsapplications. Integrated Soft shutdown duration time (typ.) 6.0μsecdesaturation logic provides ..
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High Voltage, 3-Phase Driver IGBT Driver best suited for AC motor drive applications
Data Sheet No. PD60228
Ti,0li1 Rectifier IR2238Q
3-PHASE AC Motor Controller IC
. Floating channel upto +1200V Product Summary
. "soft" over-current shutdown turns off output
. Integrated desaturation circuit VOFFSET 1200V max.
. Two stage turn on output for di/dt control IO+/- (min.) 220mA/460mA
. Integrated brake IGBT driver with protection
. Voltage feedback sensing function VOUT 12.5V - 20V
. Separate pull-up/pull-down outputdrive pins Brake (lo+/- min) 40mA/80mA
o Matched delay outputs
. Under voltage lockout with hysteresis band Deadtime Asymmetry Skew (max.) 145nsec
. Programmable deadtime Deadtime (typ. with RDT=39kQ) 1p.sec
. Hard shutdown function DESAT Blanking time (typ.) 3.0psec
Description DSH, DSL input voltage
threshold (typ.) 8.0V
The IR2238Q is a high voltage, 3-phase IGBT driver
bestsuited for AC motordrive applications. Integrated Soft shutdown duration time (typ.) 6.0usec
desaturation logic provides all mode of overcurrent Voltage feedback matching
protection, including ground fault protection. Soft shut-
down is predominantly initiated in the event of
overcurrent followed by turn-off of all six outputsf. A Package
shutdown input is provided for a customized shut-
down function. The DT pin allows external resistorto
program the deadtime. Output drivers have separate
turn on/off pins with two stage turn-on output to
achieve the desired di/dt switching level of IGBT.
Voltage feedback provides accurate volts *seconds
delay time (max.) 125nsec
64-Lead MQFP
15V VCC VB1,22 F-4
-3/-r LIN12,3 T V - C
H7. HIN1,2,3 HOP1 2.3 I
W Hem 23 ---C) W
uP,Control -F BRIN - ~70 V Motor
DC VCC a so DSH12,3 "T"
BUS IR2238Q l o u
H VFH1.2.3 vs1.2,3 VCC --N"s/v--o)--
‘7 VFL12,3 LOP1.2.3 I K
(Refer to Lead . DSB LOO123 ---VvN---
Assignments for LON”; -NVr-
correct pin T V V V BR USU;
configuration). in V _
This diagram COM
shows electrical V55
connections only.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (tentative)
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters
are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal resistance and power
dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
TOR Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VS High side offset voltage VB1,2,3 -25 VB1,2,3 +0.3
VB High side floating supply voltage -0.3 1225
VHO High side floating outputvoltage (HOP, HON, HOQ) VS1,2,3 - 0.3 VB1,2,3 + 0.3
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage -0.3 25
vss Logic ground VCC - 25 VCC + 0.3
VLo Low side output voltage (LOP, LON, LOQ) -0.3 VCC + 0.3
VIN Logic inputvoltage (HIN/N,LIN, BRlN/N, SD) Vss - 0.3 VCC + 0.3 or V
Vss + 15
which ever is
VFLT FAULT output voltage Vss - 0.3 VCC + 0.3
VF Feedback output voltage Vss - 0.3 VCC + 0.3
VDSH High side desat/feedback inputvoltage V3123 - 0.3 V3123 + 0.3
VDSL Low side desat/feedback input voltage - 0.3 VCC + 0.3
VBR Brake outputvoltage -O.3 VCC + 0.3
st/dt Allowable offset voltage slew rate - 50 V/ns
PD Package power dissipation @ TA f +25°C - 2.0 W
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient - 60 ''C/W
TJ Junction temperature - 125
Ts Storage temperatu re -55 150 a C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Recommended Operating Conditions
For proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions. All voltage parameters are absolute
voltages referenced to COM. The vs offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
V3123 High side floating supply voltage V3123 + 13 V3123 + 20
I/sl 2,3 High side floating supply offset voltage Note 1 1200
VHO1,2,3 High side (HOP/HOQ/HON) outputvoltage V3123 VB1,2,3
VLO1,2,3 Low side (LOP/LOQ/LON) output voltage VCOM VCC
VIN Logic inputvoltage (HlN/N,LlN,BRIN/N SD) Vss Vss + 5
VCC Low side supply voltage 12.5 20
Vss Logic ground -5 +5 V
VFLT FAULT output voltage Vss VCC
VF Feedback output voltage Vss VCC
VDSH High side desat/feedback inputvoltage V3123, - 0.3 VB1,2,3
VDSL Low side desat/feedback input voltage - 0.3 VCC
VBR BRAKE output voltage VCOM VCC
TA Ambient temperature -20 115 'C
Note 1: Logic operational for Vs of COM-5V to COM+1200V. Logic state held for Vs of COM-5V to COM-VBS.
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