IR2277STRPBF ,1200V Phase Current Sensing IC for AC Motor Control in a 16-Lead SOIC package. Ratiometric analog output suitable for DSP A/D interface.applications. The current is sensed by an external shunt resistor. The IC converts the analog volt ..
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600V Phase Current Sensing IC for AC Motor Control in a 16-Lead SOIC package. Ratiometric analog output suitable for DSP A/D interface.
Data Sheet No. PD60233 revB
1:23 Rectifier IR2277S/lR2'r77S(PbF)
Phase Current Sensor IC for AC motor control
Features Product Summary
q Floating channel up to 600 v for IR2177 & 1200 v for VOFFSET (max) IR2277 1200 V
IR2277 IR2177 600 V
q Synchronous sampling measurement system Vin range Et50mV
0 High PWM noise (ripple) rejection capability Bootstrap supply range 8-20 V
. . Floating channel quiescent 2.2 mA
0 Digital PWM output current (max)
0 Fast Over Current detection Sensing latency (max) 7.5 psec
. . (@20kHz)
0 Suitable for bootstrap power supplies Throughput 40ksampie/sec
. (@20kHz)
q Low senslng latency (<7.5 “sec @20kHz) Over Current threshold i470 mV
q Ratiometric analog output suitable for DSP A/D interface (max)
|R2177/IR2277 is a high voltage, high speed, single phase current
sensor interface for AC motor drive applications. The current is
sensed by an external shunt resistor. The IC converts the analog
voltage into a time interval through a precise circuit that also Package
performs a very good ripple rejection showing small group delay.
The time interval is level shifted and given to the output both as a
PWM signal (PO) and analog voltage (OUT). The analog voltage is
proportional to the measured current and is ratio metric with respect
to an externally provided voltage reference. The max throughput is 16-Lead soc
40 ksample/sec suitable for up to 20 kHz asymmetrical PWM (wide body)
modulation and max delay is <7.5 psec (@20kHz). Also a fast over
current si nal is rovided for IGBT rotection.
Typical Connection
Vcc VB
Supply Sync GO - To __
IR2277 GI -1/isor - " (
+ 15V VRH
- OUT -
- Ver, IR2177 Vo, T /ll To
(Please referto To M- oc Ms, motor
Lead Assignments DSP phase
for correct pin A- PO "
configuration. This 4, Vss Vs
diagram shows
connections only)
IEER Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters
are absolute voltages referenced to Vss, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The Thermal Resistance and Power
Dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
Vs High Side Floating Supply Voltage :23; , 8: 1622255 V
Vs High Side Floating Ground Voltage VB - 25 VB + 0.3 V
Vin+l Vin. High-Side Inputs Voltages VS - 5 Vs, + 0.3 V
G0 / G1 High-Side Range Selectors Vs - 0.3 VB + 0.3 V
Vcc Low-Side Fixed Supply Voltage - 0.3 25 V
Sync Low-Side Input Synchronization Signal - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
VRHNRL DSP Reference High and Low Voltages - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
Out Analog Output Voltage - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
PO PWM Output - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
oc Over Current Output Voltage - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
st/dt Allowable Offset Voltage Slew Rate 50 V/ns
PD Maximum Power Dissipation 250 mW
RthJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 90 °CNV
T, Junction Temperature -40 125 °C
Ts Storage Temperature -55 150 °C
TL Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300 °C
Recommended Operating Conditions
For proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions. All voltage parameters are absolute
voltages referenced to Vss. The Vs offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
I/ss High Side Floating Supply Voltage (VB- VS) Vs + 8.0 Vs + 20 V
Vs High Side Floating Ground Voltage 1i_22277 -5 1200 V
IR2177 600
Vin+l Vin. High-Side Inputs Voltages Vs - 5.0 Vs + 5.0 V
GO / G1 High-Side Range Selectors Note 1 Note1
Vcc Low Side Logic Fixed Supply Voltage 8 20 V
Sync Low-Side Input Synchronization Signal I/ss I/cc V
fSync Sync Input Frequency Using PO 4 20 kHz
Using OUT 8 20
PO PWM Output -0.3 Note 2 V
oc Over Current Output Voltage -0.3 Note 2 V
VRH OUT Reference High Voltage 3 Vcc-2.5 V
VRL OUT Reference Low Voltage I/ss VRH-3 V
T, Ambient Temperature -40 125 ''C
Note 1: Shorted to Vs or VB
Note 2: Pull-Up Resistor to Vcc