IR2171S ,IR2171S is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175S for new designs.Electrical CharacteristicsoV = V = 15V, and T = 25 C unless otherwise specified.CC BS ASymbol Defi ..
IR2172 ,IR2172 is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175 for new designs.Electrical CharacteristicsoV = V = 15V, and T = 25 C unless otherwise specified.CC BS ASymbol Defi ..
IR21726S ,IR2172S is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175S for new designs.Block DiagramUp to 600V15V VCC V+PWM OutputPO V-IR2171/IR2172GND COM VBVSOvercurrent NC (OC 2172) T ..
IR2172S ,IR2172S is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175S for new designs.FeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel up to +600V V 600Vmax• Monolithic integration OFFSET• ..
IR2175 ,Linear Current Sensing IC in a 8-Lead DIP packageFeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel up to +600V V 600Vmax• Monolithic integration OFFSET• ..
IR2175S ,Linear Current Sensing IC in a 8-lead SOIC packageElectrical CharacteristicsoV = V = 15V, and T = 25 unless otherwise specified. CC BS ASymbol Defin ..
IRU431LCL3 ,LOW -VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORAPPLICATIONSquires 80mA maximum quiescent current before regu-Precision Voltage Referencelating, ma ..
IRU431LCL3 TR ,LOW -VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSUnless otherwise specified, these specifications apply over TA=0 to 708C, ..
IRU431LCL5TR ,LOW -VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORFEATURES DESCRIPTIONSOT-23 Packages The IRU431L is a three-terminal adjustable shunt regu-Voltage R ..
IR2171 is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175 for new designs.
n tionol Data Sheet No. PD60192 revG
Inter a ifi IMPORTANT NOTICE: IR2171llR2172 (S)
IEER Recti Ier For new designs we recommend IR's new products
IR2175, IR2177, |R21771, IR2277 or |R22771.
Features Product Summary
. Floating channel up to +600V
. Monolithic integration VOFFSET 600Vmax
. Linear current feedback through shunt resistor IQBS 1mA
. Direct digital PWM output for easy interface .
. Low IQBS allows the boot strap power supply Vin +/-260mVmax
. Independent fast overcurrent trip signal Gain temp.drift 20ppm/OC (typ.)
. High common mode noise immunity
. Input overvoltage protection for IGBT short circuit f0 40kHz (typ.)
condition Overcurrent trip 1.5usec (typ)
. Open Drain outputs signal delay (IR2172)
Description Overcurrent trip level +/-260mV (typ.)
lR2171/lR2172 are monolithic current sensing IC
designed for motor drive applications. It senses the Packages
motor phase current through an external shunt resistor,
converts from analog to digital signal, and transfers the
signal to the low side. IR's proprietary high voltage iso-
lation technology is implemented to enable the high
bandwidth signal processing. The output format is dis-
crete PWM to eliminate need for the A/D inputiriterface
for the IR2172. The dedicated overcurrent trip (OC) sig-
nal facilitates IGBT short circuit protection. The open- 8-Lead soc 8-Lead PDIP
drain outputs make easy for any interface from 3.3V to
Block Diagram - Upt0600V
15V 4 VCC V+ " v,
PWMOutput A-PO IR2171/ v.7 F F-
GND 4 COM IR2172 VB K\
Overcurrent 4 NC (@2172) vs = To Motor Phase
A " "A, (Refer to Lead Assignments for correct pin
configuration). This/These diagram(s)
show electrical connections only. Please
refer to our Application Notes and
I DesignTips for proper circuit board layout.
IR2171/IR2172 International
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage
parameters are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal
resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
Vs High side offset voltage -0.3 600
VBS High side floating supply voltage -0.3 25
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage -0.3 25
VIN Maximum input voltage between V|N+ and VIN. -5 5 V
Vpo Digital PWM output voltage COM -0.3 VCC +0.3
VOC Overcurrent outputvoltage (IR2172) COM -0.3 VCC +0.3
VIN- VIN- input voltage (note 1) VS -5 VB+ 0.3
dV/dt Allowable offset voltage slew rate - 50 V/ns
PD Package power dissipation @ TA s +25''C 8 lead SOIC - .625
8 lead PDIP - 1.0 W
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient 8 lead SOIC - 200 o
8 lead PDIP - 125 C/W
TJ Junction temperature - 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 ''C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Note 1: Capacitors are required between VB and Vin-, and between VB and Vs pins when bootstrap power is used. The
external power supply, when used, is required between Vs and Vin-, and between VB and Vs pins.
Recommended Operating Conditions
The output logic timing diagram is shown in figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the recom-
mended conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High side floating supply voltage VS +13.0 Vs +20
Vs High side floating supply offset voltage 0.3 600
Vpo Digital PWM output voltage COM VCC V
Voc Overcurrentoutput voltage COM VCC
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage 9.5 20
VIN Input voltage between V|N+ and VIN. -260 +260 mV
TA Ambient temperature -40 125 ''C