IR2167S ,PFC Ballast Control, Thermal Overload Protection, Brown Out Protection, Programmable Preheat and Frequency, Programmable Deadtime in a 20 Lead SOIC packageIR2167Data Sheet No. PD60184 rev FFor new designs, we recommendIR’s product IR2166IR2167(S) & PbFPF ..
IR2167SPBF ,PFC Ballast Controlfeatures such as protection from failure of a lamp to strike, filament failures, low ACline conditi ..
IR2170 ,Current Sensing IC in a 8-pin DIP packageapplications. It senses the motorphase current through an external shunt resistor, de-tects overcur ..
IR2170S ,Current Sensing IC in a 8-lead SOIC packageFeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel up to +600V V 600VmaxOFFSET• Monolithic integration• O ..
IR2171 ,IR2171 is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175 for new designs.FeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel up to +600V V 600Vmax• Monolithic integration OFFSET• ..
IR21716S ,IR2171S is not recommended for new designs. We recommend the IR2175S for new designs.applications. It senses themotor phase current through an external shunt resistor,converts from ana ..
IRU3137CS ,Synchronous PWM Controller for DDR Memory Applications in a 8-Pin SOIC packageAPPLICATIONSexternal programmable soft-start function as well asoutput under-voltage detection that ..
IRU3138 ,SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER FOR TERMINATION POWER SUPPLY APPLICATIONSAPPLICATIONSoutput under-voltage detection that latches off the de-DDR memory source sink Vtt appli ..
IRU3138CS ,Synchronous PWM Controller for Termination Power Supply Applications in a 14-Pin SOIC packageAPPLICATIONSoutput under-voltage detection that latches off the de-DDR memory source sink Vtt appli ..
IRU3138CSPBF ,Synchronous PWM Controller for Termination Power Supply Applications in a 14-Pin SOIC packageapplications such DDR memory and general purposeand shutdown on-board DC to DC converter. Modern mi ..
IRU3138CSTRPBF ,Synchronous PWM Controller for Termination Power Supply Applications in a 14-Pin SOIC packageAPPLICATIONSoutput under-voltage detection that latches off the de-DDR memory source sink Vtt appli ..
IRU3146CF ,Dual Synchronous PWM Controller with Current Sharing Circuitry and Auto-RestartApplicationsPoint of Load Power ArchitecturesD1C1212VC11C13C3 C4 C14VCL VcH1 VcH2VOUT3HDrv1 Q2VccL3 ..
PFC Ballast Control, Thermal Overload Protection, Brown Out Protection, Programmable Preheat and Frequency, Programmable Deadtime in a 20 Lead DIP package
ISZR Rectifier
Featu res
Critical Conduction Mode Boost Type PFC
No PFC Current Sense Resistor Required
Programmable Preheat Time & Frequency
Programmable Ignition Ramp
Programmable Over-Current
Internal Fault Counter
End-of-Life Protection
Lamp Filament Sensing & Protection
The IR2167 is a fully integrated, fully protected 600V ballast control IC designed to
drive all types of fluorescent lamps. PFC circuitry provides for high PF, low THD and
DC Bus regulation. Externally programmable features such as preheat time & fre-
quency, ignition ramp characteristics, and running mode operating frequency provide a
high degree of flexibility for the ballast design engineer. Comprehensive protection
features such as protection from failure of a lamp to strike, filament failures, low AC
line conditions, thermal overload, or lamp failure during normal operation, as well as
an automatic restart function, have been included in the design. The heart of the
ballast control section is a variable frequency oscillator with externally programmmable
deadtime. Precise control of a 50% duty cycle is accomplished using a T-flip-flop.
Typical Application Diagram
Data Sheet No. PD60184 rev F
For new designs, we recommend
IR's product |R2166
IR2167(S) & PbF
. PFC, Ballast Control and Half Bridge Driver in One IC
Capacitive Mode Protection
Brown-Out Protection
Dynamic Restart
Automatic Restart for Lamp Exchange
Thermal Overload Protection
Programmable Deadtime
Internal 15.6V Zener Clamp Diode on VCC
Micropower Startup (150pA)
Latch Immunity and ESD Protection
+ Rectified AC Line 1 ML Al
m ie'"
- Rectified AC Line
Please note that this datasheet contains advance information that could change before the product is released to production.
IR2167(S) & PbF
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal resistance
and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
TOR Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High side floating supply voltage -0.3 625
Vs High side floating supply offset voltage VB - 25 VB + 0.3
VH0 High side floating output voltage Vs - 0.3 V3 + 0.3 V
VLo Low side output voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3
Vch PFC gate driver output voltage -0.3 VCC + 0.3
IoMAx Max. allowable output current (HO,LO,PFC) due to external
power transistor miller effect -500 500 m A
IRT RT pin current -5 5
VCT CT pin voltage -0.3 6.5
VDC VDC pin voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
ICPH CPH pin current -5 5
IRPH RPH pin current -5 5
IRUN RUN pin current -5 5 mA
IDT Deadtime pin current -5 5
VCS Current sense pin voltage -0.3 6.5 V
Ics Current sense pin current -5 5
loc Over-current threshold pin current -5 mA
ISD Shutdown pin current -5
VBUS DC bus sensing input voltage -0.3 Vcc v
sz PFC inductor current, zero crossing detection input -5 5
ICOMP PFC error amplifier compensation current -5 5 mA
ICC Supply current (note 1) -20 20
dV/dt Allowable offset supply voltage slew ratet -50 50 V/ns
PD Package power dissipation @ TA f +25''C (20 lead PDIP) - 1.50 W
(20 lead SOIC) - 1.25
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient (20 lead PDIP) - 85 o
(20 lead SOIC) - 90 CAN
TJ Junction temperature -55 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 ''C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300