IR2152S ,Half Bridge Driver, LO Out of Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 1.2us Deadtime in a 8-lead SOIC packagefeatures a programmable oscillator which is simi-lar to the 555 timer. The output drivers feature a ..
IR2153 ,Half Bridge Driver, LO In Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 1.2us Deadtime in a 8-lead PDIP packageFeaturesProduct SummaryIntegrated 600V half-bridge gate driver•V 600V max.15.6V zener clamp on Vcc ..
IR21531 ,Half Bridge Driver, LO In Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 0.6us Deadtime in a 8-pin DIP package and differenct phasePreliminary Data Sheet No. PD60131 revMIR21531(D)(S) & (PbF)SELF-OSCILLATING HALF-BRIDGE DRIVER
IR21531D ,Half Bridge Driver, LO In Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 0.6us Deadtime in a 8-pin DIP package and differenct phaseFeaturesProduct SummaryIntegrated 600V half-bridge gate driver•V 600V max.OFFSET15.6V zener clamp o ..
IR21531PBF ,Half Bridge Driver, LO In Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 0.6us Deadtime in a 8-pin DIP package and differenct phaseFeaturesProduct SummaryIntegrated 600V half-bridge gate driver•V 600V max.OFFSET15.6V zener clamp o ..
IR21531S ,Half Bridge Driver, LO In Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 0.6us Deadtime in a 8-lead SOIC package and different phasePreliminary Data Sheet No. PD60131 revMIR21531(D)(S) & (PbF)SELF-OSCILLATING HALF-BRIDGE DRIVER
IRU3013 ,VRM 8.5 COMPATIBLE 5-BIT PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRONOUS BUCK CONTROLLER IC WITH TRIPLE LDO CONTROLLERfeatures of the device are: Under-voltage lockout for bothDC to DC Converters5V and 12V supplies, a ..
IRU3013CW ,5 Bit Prog in a 24-Pin SOIC(WB) packagefeatures of the device are: Under-voltage lockout for bothDC to DC Converters5V and 12V supplies, a ..
IRU3013CWTR ,5 Bit Prog in a 24-Pin SOIC(WB) packageFEATURES DESCRIPTIONMeets Latest VRM 8.5 Specification The IRU3013 controller IC is specifically de ..
IRU3013CWTR ,5 Bit Prog in a 24-Pin SOIC(WB) packagefeatures a patentedtion as well as 100% duty cycle when operating with topology that, in combinatio ..
IRU3018 ,5-BIT PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRONOUS BUCK PLUS LDO CONTROLLER AND 200mA LDO ON-BOARDAPPLICATIONSinternal thermal shutdown.Total Power Solution for Pentium II processorapplicationTYPIC ..
IRU3018 ,5-BIT PROGRAMMABLE SYNCHRONOUS BUCK PLUS LDO CONTROLLER AND 200mA LDO ON-BOARDFEATURES DESCRIPTIONProvides single chip solution for Vcore, GTL+ & clock The IRU3018 controller IC ..
Half Bridge Driver, LO Out of Phase with RT, Programmable Oscillating Frequency, 1.2us Deadtime in a 8-pin DIP package
Preliminary Data Sheet No. PD600350
C) n al I R21 52 (NOTE: For new designs, we
TOR Rect I fl er recommend IR's new products IR2154 and IR21541)
Featu res Product Summary
q Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
Fully operational to +600V VOFFSET 600V max.
Tolerant to negative transient voltage o
dV/dt immune Duty Cycle 50 A)
q Undervoltage lockout kyr/- 100 mA / 210 mA
q Programmable oscillator frequency
f= 1 VOUT IO - 20V
1.4x(RT+75Q)XCT .
o Matched propagation delay for both channels Deadtime (typ.) 1.2 ps
q Low side output in phase with RT
The IR2152 is a high voltage, high speed, self-
oscillating power MOSFET and IGBT driver with both
high and low side referenced output channels. Pro-
prietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies
enable ruggedized monolithic construction. The front
end features a programmable oscillator which is simi-
lar to the 555 timer. The output drivers feature a high
pulse current buffer stage and an internal deadtime
designed for minimum driver cross-conduction. Propa-
gation delays for the two channels are matched to sim-
plify use in 50% duty cycle applications. The floating 8 Lead PDIP 8 Lead SOIC
channel can be used to drive an N-channel power
MOSFET or IGBT in the high side configuration that
operates off a high voltage rail up to 600 volts.
Typical Connection
up to 600V
(Refer to Lead Assignment diagram for correct pin conhguration)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The Thermal Resistance and Power Dissipation ratings are measured
under board mounted and still air conditions.
ISER Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High side floating supply voltage -0.3 625
Vs High side floating supply offset voltage VB - 25 VB + 0.3
VH0 High side floating output voltage Vs - 0.3 VB + 0.3 V
VLo Low side output voltage -0.3 VCC + 0.3
VRT RT voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3
VCT CT voltage -O.3 VCC + 0.3
lcc Supply current (note 1) - 25 mA
IRT RT output vurrent -5 5
dvsldt Allowable offset supply voltage transient - 50 V/ns
PD Package power dissipation @ TA 3 +25°C (8 Lead DIP) - 1.0 W
(8 Lead SOIC) - 0.625
RTHJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient (8 Lead DIP) - 125 "C/W
(8 Lead SOIC) - 200
TJ Junction temperature - 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 "C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Recommended Operating Conditions
The input/output logic timing diagram is shown in figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the
recommended conditions. The Vs offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High Side Floating Supply Absolute Voltage Vs + 10 Vs + 20
Vs High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage - 600 V
VH0 High Side Floating Output Voltage Vs VB
VLo Low Side Output Voltage 0 VCC
Ice Supply Current (Note 1) - 5 mA
TA Ambient Temperature -40 125 ''C
Note I: Because of the IR2152's application specificity toward off-Iine supply systems, this IC contains a zener clamp
structure between the chip Vcc and COM which has a nominal breakdown voltage of 15.6\/. Therefore, the IC
supply voltage is normally derived by forcing current into the supply lead (typically by means of a high value
resistor connected between the chip Vcc and the rectired line voltage and a local decoupling capacitor from
Vcc to COM) and allowing the internal zener clamp circuit to determine the nominal supply voltage. There-
fore, this circuit should not be driven by a DC, low impedance power source of greater than VCLAMp.