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IR2127STR-IR2128S Fast Delivery,Good Price
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IR2127STRIRN/a7500avaiSingle High Side Driver, Noninverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2128SN/a15avaiSingle High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2128SIORN/a495avaiSingle High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2128SIRN/a38avaiSingle High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package

IR2127STR ,Single High Side Driver, Noninverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2127STRPBF ,Single High Side Driver, Noninverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-Lead package
IR2128S ,Single High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2128S ,Single High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2128S ,Single High Side Driver, Inverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-lead SOIC package
IR2130 ,3 Phase Driver, Inverting Input, 2.5us Deadtime in a 28-pin DIP packageElectrical CharacteristicsV (V , V ) = 15V, V = V , C = 1000 pF and T = 25°C unless otherwise speci ..
IRU1030 , 3A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE REGULATORELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSUnless otherwise specified, these specifications apply over CIN=1mF, COUT= ..
IRU1030-3.3 , 3A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE FIXED 3.3V REGULATORFEATURES DESCRIPTIONGuaranteed < 1.3V Dropout at Full Load Current The IRU1030-33 is a low dropout ..
IRU103033 , 3A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE FIXED 3.3V REGULATORELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSUnless otherwise specified, these specifications apply over Cin=1µF, Cout= ..
IRU1030-33 , 3A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE FIXED 3.3V REGULATORApplicationsTYPICAL APPLICATION5VC1330uFVin3Vout 2 3.3V / 3AIRU1030-33C2330uFGnd1Figure 1 - Typical ..
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IRU103033CM ,3A Fixed LDO Linear Regulator in a TO-263 3-Leads packageapplications use standard electrolytic capacitors with a typicalESR in the range of 50 to 100mV and ..

Single High Side Driver, Noninverting Inputs, Current Sensing, Overcurent Detection and Shutdown Fault Output in a 8-pin DIP package
ic,good price

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