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Single High Side Driver, Current Limiting, Programmable Shutdown Error Pin
Data Sheet No. PD60017-P
TtOR Rectifier IR2125(S)
Features Product Summary
. Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
Fully operational to +500V VOFFSET 500V max.
Tolerant to negative transient voltage
dV/dtimmune ltyrl- 1A I 2A
. Gate drive supply range from 12 to 18V
. Undervoltage lockout VOUT 12 - 18V
. Current detection and limiting loop to limit driven
powertransistor current VCSth 230 mV
. Error lead indicates fault conditions and programs
shutdown time tonloff (typ.) 150 & 150 ns
. Output in phase with input
. 2.5V, 5V and 15V input logic compatible Packages
The IR2125(S) is a high voltage, high speed power
MOSFET and IGBT driver with over-current limiting
protection circuitry. Proprietary HVIC and latch im-
mune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized mono-
lithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with
standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs, down to 2.5V 16-Lead SOIC
logic. The output driver features a high pulse current 8-Lead PDIP MMe Body)
buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-
conduction. The protection circuitry detects over-current in the driven power transistor and limits the gate drive volt-
age. Cycle by cycle shutdown is programmed by an external capacitor which directly controls the time interval
between detection of the over-current limiting conditions and latched shutdown. The Mating channel can be used to
drive an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT in the high or low side configuration which operates up to 500 volts.
Typical Connection
(Refer to Lead Assignments for correct pin configuration). This/These diagram(s) show electrical
connections only. Please refer to our Application Notes and DesignTips for proper circuit board layout.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The Thermal Resistance and Power Dissipation ratings are measured
under board mounted and still air conditions.
152R Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High Side Floating Supply Voltage -0.3 525
Vs High Side Floating Offset Voltage VB - 25 VB + 0.3
VH0 High Side Floating Output Voltage Vs - 0.3 VB+ 0.3
Vcc Logic Supply Voltage -O.3 25 V
MN Logic Input Voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3
VERR Error Signal Voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3
Vcs Current Sense Voltage Vs - 0.3 VB + 0.3
st/dt Allowable Offset Supply Voltage Transient - 50 V/ns
PD Package Power Dissipation @ TA f +25°C (8 lead PDIP) - 1.0 W
(16 lead SOIC) - 1.25
RthJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient (8 lead PDIP) - 125 ''C/W
(16lLead SOIC) - 100
TJ Junction Temperature - 150
Ts Storage Temperature -55 150 ''C
TL Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Recommended Operating Conditions
The Input/Output logic timing diagram is shown in Figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the
recommended conditions. The vs offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High Side Floating Supply Voltage Vs + 12 Vs + 18
Vs High Side Floating Offset Voltage Note 1 500
VH0 High Side Floating Output Voltage Vs VB
Vcc Logic Supply Voltage 18 V
VlN Logic Input Voltage 0 Wc
VERR Error Signal Voltage 0 Vcc
Vcs Current Sense Signal Voltage Vs VB
TA Ambient Temperature -40 125 'C
Note 1: Logic operational for Vs of -5 to +500V. Logic state held for Vs of -5V to NBS. (Please refer to the Design Tip
DT97-3 for more details).