IR2110PBF ,High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 14-pin DIP packageElectrical CharacteristicsV (V , V , V ) = 15V, C = 1000 pF, T = 25°C and V = COM unless otherwise ..
IR2110S ,High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 16-lead SOIC packageFeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation V (IR2110) 500V max.OF ..
IR2110SPBF ,High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 16-lead SOIC packageData Sheet No. PD60147 Rev.TIR2110(S)/IR2113(S) & (PbF)HIGH AND LOW SIDE DRIVER
IR2110STR ,High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 16-lead SOIC packageFeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation V (IR2110) 500V max.OF ..
IR2110STR ,High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 16-lead SOIC packageFeaturesProduct Summary• Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation V (IR2110) 500V max.OF ..
IRS2308STRPBF ,High Voltage and High Speed power MOSFET and IGBT Half Bridge Driver in a 8-Lead packageFeaturesPackages• Floating channel designed for bootstrap operationFully operational to +600 V•Tole ..
IRS2332 ,High Voltage High Speed power MOSFET and IGBT Driver. Compatible down to 3.3V Logic. Deadtime 0.7us. IRS233(0,2)(D)(S&J)PbF ..
IRS2332JTRPBF ,High Voltage High Speed power MOSFET and IGBT Driver. Compatible down to 3.3V Logic. Deadtime 0.7us.Features Floating channel designed for bootstra ..
IRS2336DMPBF ,High voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver for 3-phase applicationsapplications. This IC is designed to be used with low2cost bootstrap power supplies; the bootstrap ..
1:23 Rectifier
Featu res
I: Floating channel designed tor bootstrap operation
Fully operational to +4OOV
Tolerant to negative transient voltage
dV/dt immune
ll Gate drive supply range from 10 to 20V
ll Undervoltage lockout for both channels
ll Separate logic supply range from 5 to 20V
Logic and power ground t51/ offset
I: CMOS Schmitt-triggered inputs with pull-down
I: Cycle by cycle edge-triggered shutdown logic
I: Matched propagation delay for both channels
I: Outputs in phase with inputs
The IR2110L4 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET
and IGBT driver with independent high and low side
referenced output channels. Proprietary HVIC and latch
immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic
construction. Logic inputs are compatible with standard
CMOS or LSTTL outputs. The output drivers fetures a
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Product Summary
VOFFSET 400V max.
Io+1- 2A / 2A
VOUT 10 - 20V
ton/off (typ.) 120ns & 94ns
Delay Matching 10ns
high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum
driver cross-conduction. Propagation delays are matched
to simplify use in high frequency applications. The Mating
channel can be used to drive an N-channel power MOSFET
or IGBT in the high side configuration which operates up
to 400 volts.
Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are
absolute voltages referenced to COM. The Thermal Resistance and Power Dissipation ratings are measured under board
mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vs High Side Floating Supply Voltage -0.5 Vs + 20
Vs High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage - 400
VH0 High Side Floating Output Voltage Vs - 0.5 VB + 0.5
Vcc Low Side Fixed Supply Voltage -0.5 20
We Low Side Output Voltage -0.5 Vcc + 0.5 V
VDD Logic Supply Voltage -0.5 vss + 20
vss Logic Supply Offset Voltage Vcc - 20 Vcc + 0.5
VIN Logic Input Voltage (HIN, LIN & SD) VSS - 0.5 VDD + 0.5
st/dt Allowable Offset Supply Voltage Transient (Figure 2) - 50 V/ns
PD Package Power Dissipation @ TA s +25°C - 1.6 W
RthJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient - 75 "CMI
TJ Junction Temperature -55 125
Ts Storage Temperature -55 150 (
TL Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Weight 1.5 (typical) g
IR21 10L4 International
TOR Rectifier
Recommended Operating Conditions
The Input/Output logic timing diagram is shown in Figure 1. For proper operation the device should be
used within the recommended conditions. The Vs and Vss offset ratings are tested with all supplies
biased at 15V differential. Typical ratings at other bias conditions are shown in Figures 36 and 37.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
VB High Side Floating Supply Absolute Voltage Vs + 10 vs + 20
vs High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage -4 400
VHO High Side Floating Output Voltage vs VB
VCC Low Side Fixed Supply Voltage 10 20 V
VLO Low Side Output Voltage 0 VCC
VDD Logic Supply Voltage l/SS + 5 vss + 20
Vss Logic Supply Offset Voltage -5 5
V|N Logic Input Voltage (HIN, LIN & SD) vss VDD
Dynamic Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (Vcc, VBS, VDD) = 15V, and Vss = COM unless otherwise specified. The dynamic electrical
characteristics are measured using the test circuit shown in Figure 3.
T] = 25°C T] =
-55 to 125°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Max. Units Test Conditions
ton Turn-On Propagation Delay - 120 150 - 260 Vs = 0V
toff Turn-Off Propagation Delay - 94 125 - 220 Vs = 400V
tsd Shutdown Propagation Delay - 110 140 - 235 ns Vs = 400V
tr Turn-On Rise Time - 25 35 - 50 CL = 1000pf
tf Turn-Off Fall Time - 17 25 - 40 CL = 1000pf
MT Delay Matching, HS & LS Turn-On/Off - - 20 - - I Hth-tm l/l “WI
Typical Connection
up to 400V