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High Speed 100V Self Oscillating 50% Duty Cycle Half Bridge Driver in a 8-Lead SOIC package
Data Sheet No. P060206_B
Ctit2iR Rectifier IR2085S
Features Product Summary
q Simple primary side control solution to enable half-bridge
DC-Bus Converters for 48V distributed systems with reduced Vcc (max) 25V
component count and board space. offset(max) 100Vdc
q Integrated 50% duty cycle oscillator & half-bridge driver IC in a . .
. High/low side
single SO-8 package
q Programmable switching frequency with up to 500kHz max per output freq (fosc) 500kHZ
channel Output Current (lo)
q +/- 1A drive current capability optimized for low charge MOSFETs +1-1 .0A(typ.)
q Adjustable dead-time 50nsec - 200nsec . .
o Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation up to +100Vdc High/low side pulse
q High and low side pulse width matching to +/- 25nsec width matching +/- 25ns
. Adjustable overcurrent protection
. Undervoltage lockout and internal soft start Package
The IR20858 is a self oscillating half-bridge driver IC with 50% duty cycle ideally suited
for 36V-75V half-bridge DC-bus converters. This product is also suitable for push-pull
converters without restriction on input voltage.
Each channel frequency is equal to fosc, where u, can be set by selecting R, & CT, where
u, AT. 1/(2*RT.CT). Dead-time can be controlled through proper selection of c, and can
range from 50 to 200nsec. Internal soft-start increases the pulse width during power up and maintains pulse
width matching for the high and low outputs throughout the start up cycle. The IR2085S initiates a soft start at
power up and after every overcurrent condition. Undervoltage lockout prevents operation if Vcc is less than 7.5Vdc.
Simplified Circuit Diagram
Vbias (10-15V) Vin( 100V max)
Dsom C3007
V Vb HO 81 Lt C2 -- .h..s-h) l
cc (0 S R1 C R V0
R m . L
OSC N Vs .
c, LE . S
CBIAS S2 bCi; C1 -- _R21
= Cs LO H T T T
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. All currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal resistance
and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
TOR Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
Vb High side floating supply voltage -0.3 150
Vcc Low side supply voltage - 25
Vs High side floating supply offset voltage Vb - 25 Vb + 0.3
VH0 High side floating output voltage Vb - 0.3 Vb + 0.3 V
Wo Low side output voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3
OSC OSC pin voltage -0.3 VCC + 0.3
VCS Cs pin voltage -0.3 VCC + 0.3
st/dt Allowable offset voltage slew rate -50 +50 V/ns
ICC Supply current - 20 mA
PD Package power dissipation - 1.0 W
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient - 200 'C/W
TJ Junction temperature -55 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 ''C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Recommended Operating Conditions
For proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
Vb High side floating supply voltage Vdd -0.7 15
Vs Steady state high side floating supply offset voltage -5 100 Vdc
Vcc Supply voltage 10 15
'00 Supply current (Note 2) - 5 mA
RT Timing resistor 10 100 Kn
CT Timing capacitor 47 1000 pF
fosc(max) Operating frequency (per channel) - 500 KHz
TJ Junction temperature -40 125 °C
Note1: Care should be taken to avoid output switching conditions where the Vs node flies inductively below ground by more
than 5V.