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Soft Start Controller IC in a 64-lead MQFP package
TGiR Rectifier
Featu res
q Self-contained soft charging of DC bus capacitor
q DC bus voltage regulation
q 3-phase or 1-phase AC input
q Applicable to 115/230/380/460/575V AC input
q Drives SCR phase controlled half bridge
q Programmable ramp rate
q Protection against DC bus short circuit
q Fast power dip ride through with automatic ramp back
q Selectable shutdown on single phase loss
. 1-phase and 3-phase loss fault output
q Insensitive to phase rotation
q High line or low line fault output
q Low power consumption
q Integrated watchdog function for each phase
. 64-pin MQFP package
The lR1110 is a high performance analog IC designed
to control ramp rate and voltage of the DC bus from
either single or three phase AC line voltage input. It con-
trols a SCR half bridge and provides robust ride through
capability in event of transient loss of line, and DC bus
regulation with eternal reference input. Comprehensive
line status fault output including 1/3 phase loss and high
or low line fault provides versatile line diagnostic capa-
bility to the system. The lR1110 is based on advanced
low power design so it can utilize the SCR snubber
derived power supply.
System Block Diagram
Product Summary
VDDsts +/- 5V
Iss/IDD +/- 5mA
DC bus registration 100msec (typ.)
response time
Min. DC bus regulation 35% of VDCMAX
voltage with capacitive load
100msec to
330msec (typ.)
DC bus ramp time
Typical Application
. Motor drives
I Welders
. Battery chargers
I Power supplies
64 Lead MQFP
Snubber and
Snubber derived
power supply
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to AGND and DGND, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal
resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
TOR Rectifier
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VDD Positive supply voltage - 6.0
VSS Negative supply voltage - -6.0
VIN Operating input voltage range on UlNNIN & WIN pins (VSS + 0.4) (VDD - 0.4)
VBIN Operating input voltage on VBOS and VBNEG - 4.5 3.0 V
VLED Operating input voltage on 1PHLED, LNLED, and LNLSLED pins - VDD
VLNSET Operating input voltage on LNSET - (VDD - O.4)
ILED Sinking current on 1PHLED, LNLED, and LNLSLED pins - 3 mA
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient - 60 °c/w
TA Operating ambient temperature -40 85
TJ Junction temperature - 150 DC
Ts Storage temperature -55 150
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Recommended Component Values
All capacitors are rated 6.3V unless otherwise specified. All resistors are rated 1/16W unless otherwise specihed. The
typical connection diagram is shown in figure 3. For proper operation the device should be used with the recommended
components specfed below.
Symbol Definition Typ. Tolerance Units Comments
Qu Phase UNNV complementary MOSFET IRF7509 Complementary
QW Driver
Ru1 Resistor divider tor input voltage 3.4 X 1% k9 Note 1
RV1 VACrms .25W
Rw1 max
RB Bias resistor 249k 1%
Rug Resistor divider for input voltage 9.09k 1%
RERR DC bus regulation error resistor 2M 5%
RCLAMP1 Ramp clamp resistor 1 430k 5%
RCLAMP2 Ramp clamp resistor 2 100k 5%
RRAMp Ramp resistor 82k 5%