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Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel High Side Driver in a Super 220 (TO-273AA) Package
Internat onal
TOR Rectifier
Data Sheet No. PD60168-D
. Over temperature shutdown
. Over current shutdown
. Active clamp
. Input referenced to + Vcc
. E.S.D protection
. Input referenced to Vcc
The FS5551T is a fully protected three terminal high side
switch with built-in short-circuit, over-temperature, ESD
protection, inductive load capability. The input signal is
referenced to Vcc. When the input voltage Vcc - Vin is
higher than the specified threshold, the output power
MOSFET is turned on. When the Vcc - Vin is lowerthan the
specifed Vil threshold, the output MOSFET is turned off.
Input noise immunity is improved by an hysterisis. When
the input is left floating, an internal current source pulls it up
to Vcc. The over-current protection latches offthe high side
switch if the output current exceeds the specified Isd. The
over-temperature protection latches off the switch if the
junction temperature exceeds the specified value Tsd. The
device is reset by opening the input pin high.
Product Summary
Rds(on) 6.0mQ (max)
V clamp 40V
Ishutdown 100A
Vcc (op.) 5.5 - 18V
Truth Table
Op. Conditions I-n (3) Out
Normal L H
Normal H L
Over current L L (latched)
Over current H L
Over-terr-ture L L (latched)
Over-temperature H L
(3) m is referenced to Vcc.
G= L means (Vcc -Vin) >Vih
G-- H means (Vcc - Vin)
I I Vcc
Ihput Logic con ro 4-
(Refer to lead assignment for correct pin configuration)
IPS5551T International
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage pa-
rameters are referenced to Vcc lead. (Tj = 25°C unless otherwise specified). PCB mounting uses the standard
footprint with 70pm copper thickness
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units Test Conditions
Vcc A/in max Maximum input voltage -0.3 30 V
Vcc -Vin1 max Max. transient Input voltage (less than Is) -0.3 40
lin max Maximum input current -1 20 mA
Vcc -Vout max Maximum output voltage -0.3 40 V
lsd cont. Diode max. continuous current (1)
(rth = 62°CNV) - 2.8
Isd1 cont. Diode max. continuous current (1) A
(rth = 5°CNV) - 35
lsd pulsed Diode max. pulsed current (1) - 100
Pd Power dissipation (rth = 62°CNV) - 2 W
ESD1 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human Body) - tbd C = 100 pF, R = 15009
ESD2 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Machine Model) - tbd kV C = 200 pF, R = on, L=10pH
T stor. Max. storage temperature -55 150
Tj max. Max. junction temperature -40 150 oc
Tlead Lead temperature (soldering 10 seconds) - 300
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Rm 1 Thermal resistance free air 60 -
Rth 2 Thermal resistance with standard footprint 60 - OCA/V
Rm 3 Thermal resistance with I" footprint 35 -
Rth 4 Thermal resistance junction to case 0.7 -
Recommended Operating Conditions
These values are given for a quick design. For operation outside these conditions, please consult the application notes.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vcc - Vin Continuous input voltage 6 18 V
Vcc Supply to power ground voltage 6 18
lout Continuous output current (rth clamb. < 5°C/W, T] = 125°C) - 35
lout Continuous output current A
Tamb=85°c (TAmbient = 85°C, Tj = 125°C, free air) - 8
(1) Limited by junction temperature. Pulsed current is also limited by wiring