IPS021L ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a SOT-223 PackageFeatures Product Summary• Over temperature shutdown• Over current shutdownR 150mΩ (max)ds(on)• Acti ..
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Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a SOT-223 Package
Data Sheet No.PD60145-K
Internat onol
TOR Rectifier IPS021 L
Features Product Summary
. Over temperature shutdown
. Over current shutdown
. Active clamp Rds(on) 150mn (max)
. Low current & logic level input
. E.S.D protection V clamp 50V
. . lshutdown 5A
Ton/Tott 1.5pus
The lPS021L is a fully protected three terminal SMART
POWER MOSFET that features over-current, over-
temperature, ESD protection and drain to source
active clamp.This device combines a HEXFET©
POWER MOSFET and a gate driver. It offers full Package
protection and high reliability required in harsh envi-
ronments. The driver allows short switching times
and provides efficient protection by turning OFF the
power MOSFET when the temperature exceeds 165°C
or when the drain current reaches 5A. The device
restarts once the input is cycled. The avalanche
capability is significantly enhanced by the active
clamp and covers most inductive load demagnetiza-
ead SOT223
Typical Connection
R in series D
(if needed) IN
I: control
Logic signal
(Refer to lead assignment for correct pin configuration)
IPS021 L
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are ref-
erenced to SOURCE lead. (T Ambient = 25°C unless otherwise specified). PCB mounting uses the standard footprint with 70 um
copper thickness..
TOR Rectifier
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units Test Conditions
Vds Maximum drain to source voltage - 47 V
Vin Maximum Input voltage -0.3 7
lin, max Maximum IN current -10 +10 mA
lsd cont. Diode max. continuous current (1)
(rth=125°C/W) - 1.4 A
lsd pulsed Diode max. pulsed current (1) - 10
Pd Maximum power dissipation“)
(rth=125oC/U/) - W
ESD1 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human Body) - 4 C=100pF, R=1500f2,
ESD2 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Machine Model) - 0.5 kV C=200pF, R=OQ, L=10VH
T stor. Max. storage temperature -55 150 °C
Tj max. Max.junction temperature -40 +150
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Rth1 Thermal res1stance w1th standard footpriht - 100 - °C/W
Rth2 Thermal resistance with 1" square footprint - 50 -
Recommended Operating Conditions
These values are given tor a quick design. For operation outside these conditions, please consult the application notes.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
Vds (max) Continuous drain to source voltage - 35
VIH High level input voltage 4 6 V
VIL Low level input voltage 0 0.5
Ids Continuous drain current
Tamb=85°C (TAmbient = 85°C, IN = 5V, rth = 100°CNV, Tj = 125°C) - 1.4 A
Rin Recommended resistor in series with IN pin 0 5 5 kn
Tr-in (max) Max recommended rise time for IN signal (see fig. 2) - 1 ws
Fr-lsc (2) Max. frequency in short circuit condition (Vcc = 14V) 0 1 kHz
(1) Limited by junction temperature (pulsed current limited also by internal wiring)
(2) Operations at higher switching frequencies is possible. See Appl. notes.