INA194AQDBVRQ1 ,Automotive Grade, -16V to +80V, Low- or High-side, High-Speed, Voltage Output Current Shunt Monitor 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe INA19xA-Q1 family of current shunt monitors1• Qualified for Automotive Ap ..
INA195AIDBVR ,CURRENT SHUNT MONITORMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
INA195AIDBVT ,CURRENT SHUNT MONITORBlock Diagram... 114 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page ..
INA195AIDBVT ,CURRENT SHUNT MONITORFeatures... 18.4 Device Functional Modes.... 162 Applications..... 19 Application and Implementatio ..
INA195AIDBVT ,CURRENT SHUNT MONITORElectrical Characteristics....... 512.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution. 257.6 Typical Characterist ..
INA195AQDBVRQ1 ,Automotive Grade, -16V to +80V, Low- or High-side, High-Speed, Voltage Output Current Shunt Monitor 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe INA19xA-Q1 family of current shunt monitors1• Qualified for Automotive Ap ..
IRFR310 ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageapplications. Power dissipation levels up to 1.5 watts
are possible in typical surface mount
IRFR310B ,400V N-Channel MOSFETFeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect • 1.7A, 400V, R = 3.4Ω @V = 10 VDS(on) ..
IRFR310BTF ,400V N-Channel B-FET / Substitute of IRFR310 & IRFR310AIRFR310B / IRFU310BNovember 2001IRFR310B / IRFU310B400V N-Channel MOSFET
IRFR310BTM ,400V N-Channel B-FET / Substitute of IRFR310 & IRFR310AFeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect • 1.7A, 400V, R = 3.4Ω @V = 10 VDS(on) ..
IRFR310PBF ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageapplications. D-PAK l-PAK
TO~252AA TO-251AA
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. -___,_t_ ..
IRFR310TR ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageInternatiqnal PD-9.597A
TOR Rectifier IRFR310
q Dynamic dv/dt ..
Automotive Grade, -16V to +80V, Low- or High-side, High-Speed, Voltage Output Current Shunt Monitor 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125