INA143UA ,High-Speed/ Precision/ G = 10 or G = 0.1 DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERSINA2143INA143®INA143INA2143For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr ..
INA143UAG4 ,High-Speed, Precision, G = 10 or G = 0.1 Difference Amplifiers 8-SOIC INA2143INA143®INA143INA2143For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr ..
INA143UG4 ,High-Speed, Precision, G = 10 or G = 0.1 Difference Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 85INA2143INA143®INA143INA2143For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr ..
INA145 ,Programmable Gain DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERINA145®INA145For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr-brown.comProg ..
INA145UA ,Programmable Gain DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERINA145®INA145For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr-brown.comProg ..
INA146 ,High-Voltage, Programmable Gain DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERINA146®INA146For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr-brown.comHigh ..
IRFR15N20D ,200V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageApplicationsV R max IDSS DS(on) Dl High frequency DC-DC converters200V 0.165Ω 17ABenefitsl Low Gate ..
IRFR15N20DTRLP ,200V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageApplicationsV R max IDSS DS(on) D High frequency DC-DC converters200V 0.165Ω 17A Lead-FreeBenefit ..
IRFR18N15 ,SMPS MOSFETApplicationsV R max IDSS DS(on) Dl High frequency DC-DC converters150V 0.125Ω 18ABenefitsl Low Gate ..
IRFR18N15D ,150V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageApplicationsV R max IDSS DS(on) Dl High frequency DC-DC converters150V 0.125Ω 18ABenefitsl Low Gate ..
IRFR18N15DPBF ,150V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packagePD- 93815AIRFR18N15DSMPS MOSFET IRFU18N15D®HEXFET Power MOSFET
IRFR18N15DTRPBF ,150V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageApplicationsV R max IDSS DS(on) D High frequency DC-DC converters150V 0.125Ω 18A Lead-FreeBenefit ..
High-Speed, Precision, G = 10 or G = 0.1 Difference Amplifiers 8-SOIC
INA2143 INA143 ® INA143 INA2143 For most current data sheet and other product information, visit www.burr-brown.com High-Speed, Precision, G = 10 or G = 0.1 DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERS FEATURES APPLICATIONS lDESIGNED FOR LOW COSTlDIFFERENTIAL INPUT AMPLIFIER BUILDING BLOCK lG = 10V/V or G = 0.1V/V lDIFF IN/DIFF OUT AMPLIFIER lSINGLE, DUAL VERSIONS lGAIN = –10 INVERTING AMPLIFIER lLOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: –250mV max, –3mV/°C maxlGAIN = +10 NON-INVERTING AMPLIFIER lLOW GAIN ERROR: 0.01%lGAIN = +11 NON-INVERTING AMPLIFIER lHIGH SLEW RATE: 5V/mslSYNCHRONOUS DEMODULATOR lFAST SETTLING TIME: 9ms to 0.01%lCURRENT/DIFFERENTIAL LINE RECEIVER lLOW QUIESCENT CURRENT: 950mAlVOLTAGE-CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE lWIDE SUPPLY RANGE: –2.25V to –18VlBATTERY POWERED SYSTEMS lSO-8 and SO-14 PACKAGESlLOW COST AUTOMOTIVE The differential amplifier is the foundation of many DESCRIPTION commonly used circuits. The low cost INA143 and The INA143 and INA2143 are high slew rate, gain of INA2143 provide this precision circuit function without 10V/V or 0.1V/V difference amplifiers consisting of a using an expensive precision network. precision op amp with a precision resistor network. The The single version, INA143, package is the SO-8 surface on-chip resistors are laser trimmed for accurate gain and mount. The dual version, INA2143, package is the SO-14 high common-mode rejection. Excellent TCR tracking surface mount. Both are specified for operation over the of the resistor maintains gain accuracy and common- extended industrial temperature range, –40°C to +85°C. mode rejection over temperature. They operate over a Operation is from –55°C to +125°C. wide supply range, –2.25V to –18V (+4.5V to +36V V+ single supply), and input common-mode voltage range 11 extends beyond the positive and negative supply rails. 10kW100kW 2 12 –In A Sense A V+ 13 A Out A 7 10kW100kW10kW100kW 2 5 3 14 –In Sense +In A Ref A 10kW100kW 6 10 6 –In B Sense B Output 10kW100kW9 3 1 B Out B +In Ref INA143 10kW100kW 5 8 4 +In B Ref B V– INA2143 4 V– International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 Twx: 910-952-1111 • Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ©1999 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1531A Printed in U.S.A. June, 1999 SBOS116