INA129SHKJ ,High Temperature Precision, Low Power Instrumentation Amplifiers 8-CFP -55 to 210Features 3 DescriptionThe INA128-HT and INA129-HT are low-power,1• Low Offset Voltage: 25 uV Typica ..
INA129U ,Precision/ Low Power INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERSMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
INA129U/2K5G4 ,Precision, Low Power Instrumentation Amplifiers 8-SOIC Maximum Ratings.. 310.2 Layout Example....... 196.2 ESD Ratings........ 311 Device and Documentatio ..
INA129UA ,Precision/ Low Power INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERSElectrical Characteristics....... 411.3 Community Resources...... 206.6 Typical Characteristics. 71 ..
INA129UA/2K5 G4 ,Precision, Low Power Instrumentation Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1112 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable7.3 Feature Description.... 11Information ..
INA131AP ,Precision G = 100 INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERFEATURES DESCRIPTIONl LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 50μV max The INA131 is a low cost, general purpose G = 10 ..
IRFPG40 ,1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageapplications
where higher power levels preclude the use of TO-220 devices. The TO-247
is similar ..
IRFPG40PBF ,1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packagePD-9.576B
1:212 Rectifier
. Dynamic dv/d ..
IRFPG50 ,1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageDynamic dv/dt Rating
Repetitive Avalanche Rated
Isolated Central Mounting Hole
Fast Switching
IRFPG50PBF ,1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageDynamic dv/dt Rating
Repetitive Avalanche Rated
Isolated Central Mounting Hole
Fast Switching
IRFPG50PBF ,1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageDynamic dv/dt Rating
Repetitive Avalanche Rated
Isolated Central Mounting Hole
Fast Switching
IRFPS29N60L ,600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Super 247 (TO-274AA) packageFeatures and Benefits• • ..
High Temperature Precision, Low Power Instrumentation Amplifiers
kW1+ 49.4kW
INA128, INA129Over-Voltage
25 kW(1)
25 kW(1)1+ 50kW
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
INA12x-HT Precision, Low-Power Instrumentation Amplifiers Features 3 DescriptionThe INA128-HT and INA129-HT are low-power, Low Offset Voltage:25 uV Typical general-purpose instrumentation amplifiers offering• Low Input Bias Current:50 nA Typical(1) excellent accuracy. The versatile three-operational-• High CMR:95 dB Typical(1) amplifier design and small size make them ideal fora
wide rangeof applications. Current-feedback input• Inputs Protectedto ±40V circuitry provides wide bandwidth evenat high gain.A• Wide Supply Range: ±2.25Vto ±18V single external resistor sets any gain from1to 10000.• Low Quiescent Current:2 mA Typical(1) The INA128-HT provides an industry-standard gain
equation; the INA129-HT gain equationis compatible
2 Applications with the AD620. Bridge Amplifiers The INA128-HT and INA129-HT
very low offset voltage• Thermocouple Amplifiers
common-mode rejection• RTD Sensor Amplifiers devices operate with power• Medical Instrumentation V, and quiescent current Data Acquisition input protection can withstand
damage.• Supports Extreme Temperature Applications:
Texas Instruments' high-temperature– Controlled Baseline
highly optimized silicon– One Assembly/Test Site and process enhancements– One Fabrication Site over extended temperatures. Availablein Extreme Temperature Ranges The INA129-HTis available(–55°Cto 210°C)(2) 8-pin ceramic surface-mount– Extended Product Life Cycle the –55°Cto 210°C temperatureis availablein an 8-pin SOIC-8 surface-mount– Extended Product-Change Notification package, specified for the –55°C to 175°C– Product Traceability temperature range.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat(1) Typical valuesfor 210°C application. the endofthe data sheet.(2) Custom temperature ranges available.
Simplified Schematic