(V+ = +15V, Vt. = +5V, V' = -15V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise specifie ..
IH5352EWE ,Quad RF and video switchWmvnweDem
WW RF/Vldlo 'telehqq
jr118 ..
IH5352MJE ,Quad RF and video switchWmvnweDem
WW RF/Vldlo 'telehqq
jr118 ..
IH5352MJE ,Quad RF and video switchWmvnweDem
WW RF/Vldlo 'telehqq
jr118 ..
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IR53HD420 ,500V Self-Oscilliating Half-Bridge Hybrid MOSFET and Gate Driver in a 9 Lead SIP w/o #5and8 packageFeaturesProduct Summary• • • • • Output power MOSFETs in half-bridge configuration• • • High side ..
IR53HD420 ,500V Self-Oscilliating Half-Bridge Hybrid MOSFET and Gate Driver in a 9 Lead SIP w/o #5and8 packagefeatures two HEXFETs in a half-bridge con- are matched to simplify use in 50% dutyfiguration with a ..
IR53HD420-P2 ,SELF-OSCILLATING HALF BRIDGEapplications. The device can oper-mum cross-conduction in the half-bridge. Propagation delays ate ..
IR6220 ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel High Side Driver in a TO-220FL PackageApplicationsThe IR6220 is a 5 terminal monolithic HIGH SIDE SWITCH with• Solenoid driverbuilt in sh ..
IR6224 ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel High Side Driver in a TO-220FL PackageGeneral Description• Solenoid driverThe IR6224 is a 5 terminal monolithic HIGH SIDE SWITCH with• Pr ..
Quad RF and video switch
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Supply Currents
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ordering Information
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Maxim Integrated Precinct: ,
8 the la test literature: httpwwww.maxlm4tumm, or phone 1-800998-3800
Hflffi WW
#017534 17/ #0175352
@MmI/Quad HF/Videa Switches
Supply Voltages V+ and V- ......................................................... t17V
Current in Terminal ..........
Analog Input Voltage .................
Operational Temperature Range...
(M Version) ...P-.F..._......
(E Version) .
(C Version) .................................................................. 0°C to +70°C
Voltage on VL Pin ............................... .
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec) ................................... +300°C
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability,
(V+ = +15V, ih. = +5V, V‘ = -15V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C) .......... 800mW
...... V+ 16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C) ... ....842mW
...... s30V 16-Pin Wide so (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C) ..... ....762mW
.-55°C to +125°C 10-Pin TO-1OO (derate 6.67mW/°C above +70°C) ............... 533mW
o.-40''C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ..................................... -65°C to +150°C
Logic Control Voltage ....................... V+ to V-
.. V+ to V-
(Note 1) -55''C +25°C +125°C 0°C +25''C +70":
Supply Voltage
Positive Supply V+ 4.5 > 16 5 to 15 5 to 15
Logic Supply It (Note 3) 4.5 > V+ 5 to V+ 5 to V+ V
Negative Supply V' -4 > -16 -5 to -15 -5 to -15
Switch "0N" VD - 5V to +5v 75 75 100 75 75 100
Resistance rds(0N) Is = 10 mA, v.” = 2.4V
(Note 4) yo = -10V to +10v 125 125 175 150 150 175
Switch "ON" rdsz) V = Vc = 5V, V.N = 3V 250 250 350 300 300 350 n
Resistance V‘ = -5V, VD = 13v
On Resistance - -
Match Is--- 10mA, VD--eN 5
Switch "OFF" lruorn VS/D = +5V to -5V i1 50 i2 100
Leakage or VIN = 0.8V
(Notes 2 and 4) |S(OFF) I/sm = +14V to -14V ll 50 i2 100 A
Switch "ON" ImON) v0 = HN or -5v drl 100 t2 100
Leakage + V.” = 2.4V
ISM, VD = +14V to -14V i1 100 i2 100
Input Logic
Current G vIN > 2.4V or < o 0.001 1 1 10 1 1 10
Positive Supply + VIN = 0V or +5V
Quiescent Current I (Note 5) 0.01 1 1 10 1 1 10 A
Negative Supply - VIN = 0V or +5V
Quiescent Current I (Note 5) 0.01 1 1 10 1 1 10
Logic Supply VIN = 0V or +5V
Quiescent Current IL (Note 5) 0.01 1 1 10 1 1 10
v+ = +15v, It = +5v, V‘ = OV, TA = +25°C
Switch "ON" Time tON See Figure 1 160 300
Switch "OFF" Time tor, See Figure 1 70 150
"OFF" Isolation Rejection Ratio OIRR See Figure 2 (Note 6) 70 80
. . . . Figure 3 IH5341 70 80 dB
Cross Coupling Rejection Ratio CCRR (Note 6) IH5352 66 72
Frtsfpenty1/there [DS(ON) , 0.7 x T (Note 6) 100 MHz
Note 1: Typical values are not tested in production. They are given as a design aid only.
Note 2: Positive and negative voltages applied to opposite sides of switch, in both directions successively.
Note 3: These are the operating voltages at which the other parameters are tested, and are not directly tested.
Note 4: The logic inputs are either greater than or equal to 2.4V or less than or equal to 0.8V, as required, for this test.
Note 5: Maximum values shown are for the dual (IH5341). They are doubled for the quad (IH5352).
Note 6: All AC parameters are sample tested only. Test circuits should be built on copper clad ground plane board, with correctly
terminated coax leads. etc.