ICL7663ACPA ,Programmable Positive Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
vt, = 9V, VOUT = 5V, TA = +25°C, test circuii unless noted.
ICL7663ACSA ,Programmable Positive Voltage Regulatorapplications.
The ICL7663B is a reduced input voltage range version
limited to a maximum of 10V ..
ICL7663ACSA ,Programmable Positive Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics Table" along with ft
6escriptive excerpts from the original mettfecture ..
ICL7663ACSA+ ,Low-Power, Adjustable-Output, Positive-Voltage Linear RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
vk = va Your = SM TA 7 +259 test cIrcIIII unIsss nmeu
- am,
ICL7663AIJA ,Programmable Positive Voltage Regulatorelectrical characteristics above are a reproduction of a portion of Intemil's copyrighted (1983/198 ..
ICL7663BCPA ,Programmable Positive Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
vt, = 9V, VOUT = 5V, TA = +25°C, test circuii unless noted.
IDT72V275L15PF , 3.3 VOLT CMOS SuperSync FIFO
IDT72V275L-15PF , 3.3 VOLT CMOS SuperSync FIFO
IDT72V275L20TF , 3.3 VOLT CMOS SuperSync FIFO
IDT72V281L15PF , 3.3 VOLT CMOS SuperSync FIFOTM
Programmable Positive Voltage Regulator
19-0961. flee f, 4/94
General Descrip tion
The Maxim ICL7663 is a high efficiency positive voltage
regulator with a quiescent current of less than IOWA. The
output voltage is set by two external resistors to any volt-
age in the 1.3-16V range, with an input voltage range of
1.5-16V. The ICL7663 is well suited for battery powered
supplies, featuring low quiescent current, 40mA output
current capability, low VIN to VOUT differential, and a log-
ic input level shutdown control. In addition, the ICL7663
has a negative temperature coefficient output suitable for
generating a temperature compensated display drive
voltage for multiplexed LCD display systems.
The Maxim ICL7663A is an enhanced version of the
|CL7663, with a 1% accurate voltage reference, which
eliminates the need for trimming the output voltage in
most applications.
The ICL76638 is a reduced input voltage range version
limited to a maximum of 10V input
- ,Applica tions
Designed specifically for battery powered systems, the
ICL7663 positive voltage regulator excels wherever low
quiescent power, wide voltage range operation, medium
output current levels, current limiting, and logic-con-
trolled shutdown is desired.
Handheld Instruments
LCD Display Module and
Remote Data Loggers
_<_Pin Configure tion
Top View
SENSE T, 0 vrr:
V0012 9 6 VSET
Programmable Positive
Voltage Regulatgr
Fea tures
. Improved 2nd Source! (See 3rd page for
"Maxim Advantage"'").
. 1% Output Voltage Accuracy (ICL7663A)
t Quiescent Current guaranteed over Temperature
, Improved Temperature Coefficient ot
Output Voltage
. 40mA Output Current, with Current Limiting
. 1.5V to 16V Operating Range
. Adjustable Output Voltage
. Low lnput-to-Output Voltage Drop
. Monolithic, Low Power CMOS Design
Ordering Information
ICL7663C/D 0°C to 5703c Dice
KCL663CPA 0°C to +70°c - a Lead Piasim DIP
ICL7663CSA 0°C to vionc a Lead Small Outline ---
-icL7ss3UA -20'C to -85"C) 8 Lead CERDIP
|CL7663ITV -20°c to 435°C 8 Lead To-99 - 7
WEL7663A5/D occ to +70”C Dice -
kiCL7663ACPA occ to ~707=Vc7 a Lead Plastic D V
TUBEMCSA 03010 +70% 8 Lead Sh1-a-Iidutllm;
VrT7iz3/uuA -20''C to 705% 8 Lead CERDIP _
loueeémrv -20'C to 435°C T609 4
TcL7l:uk'E 0°C to +70%: Dice - - V _
ICL7663BCPA V 0°C to ~70-‘c 7 8 Lead Plastic DIP
ICL7663BIJA -20oC to +85''C a Lead CERDIP
lCL7663BITV -20t to +85°C 8 Lead T0799
- _ -Typical Operating Circuit
-- Rfr''s'tr'3' v
9V t -- our
Positive Voltage Regulator
f Detailedfiircuit Diagram-Figure 3)
The "Maxim Advantage"“signlhes an upgraded quality level. At no additional cost we orlera second-source dewce that is subject to the
following: guaranteed performance over temperature along with tighter test specifications on many key parameters: and device
enhancements. when needed. that result in Improved performance Without changing the functionality.
_ - Maxlmlntegrated Products I
‘8991 73!
ICL 7663
Programmable Positive
Voltage Regula tor
Input Supply Voltage ............................. + 18V Output Si.nki.ng Current
Any Input tar Output Voltage (Note 1) + (T ermlnal 7). ................................ - 10mA
(Terminals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) (GND - 0.3V) to (V/N + 0.3V) Pterp.issipation (Note 2)
Output Source Current Minidip ..................................... 200mW
(Terminal 2) .................................. 50mA T099 Cant ...................
(Terminal 3) .................................. 25mA Cerdip (Maxim) .......... , ................... 500mW
Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation ot the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections ot the spmyeatdns IS not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions tor extended periods may affect device reliability.
VI; = 9v_ VOUT = 5v, TA = +25°C, test circuit unless noted.
- - - _ - MIN TVP MAX
Input Voltage VIII ICL7663
TA = 25°C 1.5 16.0 V
20'C 3 TA f, +70'C 1.6 16.0 V
TA = 25''C 1.5 10 v
ZO'C'S TA ut +70°C 1.6 10 V
C2uimictmtCurrtrrqt lo Ru = co vi, - 16V, ICL7663 only 4.0 12 WA
{1.4V s" VouT s 8.5V] v.1] = av 3.5 10 “A
Reference Voltage VSET 1.2 1.3 1.4 V
Temperature Coefficient "va-STE' 8.5V < vil < 9V t200 ppm
Line Regulation de5J,-s 2V < V13 < ISV, ICL7663 0.03 'Yo/V
SET Pl 2V < VII! < 9V, ICL7663B 0.03 o/o/V
VSET Input Current 1557 , 0.01 10 nA
Shutdown Input Current ISHDN t 0.01 10 nA
Shutdown Input Voltage VSHDN VSHDNHI: Both Vou'r Disabled 1.4 v
VSHDNLOI Both Vout Enabled 0.3
Sense Pin Input Current 155ng 0.01 10 nA
Sense Pin Input Threshold Voltage VCL VCL ' Vomg - VSENSE 0.7 V
(Current-Limit Threshold)
Input-Output Saturation Resistance RsAT va = 2V 200 n
Note 3 - _
( ) va - av 70 n
% = 15V, |CL7663 only 50 n
_ AVour Mom. = 100PA @voun = 5V 2.0
Load Regulation TOUT A'OUTZ = 10mA © Vou12 = 5V 1,0 tt
Available Output Current (vow) 10m VI}; = 3v VOU-r .. VSET 10 mA
nl ' 9V vou-r = 5v 25 mA
VI; = 15V VOUT = 5v. ICL7663 only 40 mA
Negative Tempco Output (Note 4) VTC Open-Circuit Voltage 0.9 V
In; Maximum Sink Current ' 0 8 2.0 mA
Temperature Coefficient C-," Open Circuit + 2.5 mV/°C
Minimum Load Current lumm) (Includes VSET Divider) 1.0 "
Note t: Connecting any terminal to voltages greater than (VIE 1 0.3V) or Gi, than (GND - 0.3V) may cause destructive deviée iatGvup. It is recommended that
no inputs from sources operating on external power supplies be applied prior to ICL7663 power-up.
Nate 2: Derate linearly above 50°C at 5mWPC for minidip and 7.5mW/'C tor T0-99 can.
Note 3: This parameter raters to the saturation resistance of the MOS pass transistor, The minimum input-output voltage differential at low current (under 6mA),
can be determined by multiplying the load currenl (including set resistor current, but not quiescent current) by this resistance.
Note 4: Th s output has a positive temperature coeliacnent Usmg it m CDmhmaton with the mvemng Input of the regulator at Vser. a negative coemcmnt results m
the output voltage See Figure 5 for details. Pm Will not source current.
The electrical characteristics above are a reproduction of a portion of Infersil's copyrighted (1983/1984) data book, This information does not cttnsthute any
raprttstrntation by Maxim that Intersil's products " perform in accoldance with these specifications. The "Electrical Characteristics Table" along with the
tiescriptive excerpts from me original manu(aftvrtr'E (jam sheaths ve been includsct in this data ghee! 50/er [pl comparative gurposes. - - _