ICL7652BCPD ,Chopper-stabilized operational amplifierApplications
The ICL7852 Is ideal for all preamplifier clrcuIt appli-
cations where low offset ..
ICL7652CPA ,Chopper Stabilized Operatlonal AmplifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - ICL7652
(V+ = +5V, V‘ = MN, TA = +25°C, Test circuit unless noted)
ICL7652CPA ,Chopper Stabilized Operatlonal Amplifier19-3031; Rev o; 1988
General Dominion
The Maxim ICL7652 Is a chopper-etabilized ampllfier,
i ..
ICL7652CPA ,Chopper Stabilized Operatlonal Amplifierapplications requlrl Iow-level signal ampli-
fication and condltioning. Th device otters distinct
ICL7652CPD ,Chopper Stabilized Operatlonal AmplifierApplications
The ICL7852 Is ideal for all preamplifier clrcuIt appli-
cations where low offset ..
ICL7652CPD ,Chopper Stabilized Operatlonal AmplifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - ICL7652
(V+ = +5V, V‘ = MN, TA = +25°C, Test circuit unless noted)
IDT72605L20PF , CMOS SyncBiFIFOO 256 x 18 x 2 and 512 x 18 x 2
IDT72615L25J , CMOS SyncBiFIFOO 256 x 18 x 2 and 512 x 18 x 2
IDT72615L25PF , CMOS SyncBiFIFOO 256 x 18 x 2 and 512 x 18 x 2
IDT72615L25PF , CMOS SyncBiFIFOO 256 x 18 x 2 and 512 x 18 x 2
IDT72615L35PF , CMOS SyncBiFIFOO 256 x 18 x 2 and 512 x 18 x 2
IDT7280 , CMOS DUAL ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO DUAL 256 x 9, DUAL 512 x 9,DUAL 1,024 x 9, DUAL 2,048 x 9,DUAL 4,096 x 9, DUAL 8,192 x 9
Chopper-stabilized operational amplifier
19-3031; Rev tt 1988
General Minion
The Maxim ICL7652 Is a chopper-stabillzed amplifier,
Ideal for applications requlri Iow-ievel signal ampli-
flttatlort and conditioning. Th device otters distinct
performance advantages over the ICL7650, including
improved noise performance and a wider common-
mode Input voltage range. The bandwidth and slow
rate are ellghtty reduced.
The ICL7652 virtually eliminates the Vos error term in
system ttrrorealeulatlons, eliminating the reliability and
cost problems associated with otentiometer adjust-
ments. In addition, the 0.01 pV/° C osdrift specification
and the excellent long term offset stability eliminate the
need for ptsrlodlto Vos trimming.
The offset nulling clrcuit tor the 8-Iead iCL7652 is con-
trolled by an Intemaloeclllatorclrcuit.1he14-iead version
offers the capability of connectl ng an external oscillator
to control the Vos nulling operation. The 14-Ieed
device has an output voltage clamp circuit to minimize
overload recovery time.
The ICL7652 ls Ideal tor all preamplifier circuit appli-
cations where low offset voltage is critical and periodic
adjustment of the offset is difficult or inaccesslbie.
Precision AmpMer
Instrumentation Amplifier
Thermocouple Amplifier
Thermistor Am plifier
Strain Gauge Amplifier
Typical Operating Glrc'ult
L ICL7852 .
Inverting Amplifier
with Optional Clamp
(Detailed Clrcult Diagram - Flgure 5)
Ghatgtgrtter Stab ,"llitaedl
Opomttloml Amplifier
' Improved 2nd Source! (See 3rd page for
“Maxim Advantage”).
' Low Input Nola Vot‘cae tuyhrstDtMm
' Low Ofteat Vetbge: suv Matt.
' Low ac Input Bl: Ctmnt: W Max.
' Kgh Gan, CHM! and Penn (11MB Min.) Nl
O Compemted for Unity Gem Operation
' Exeethnt Tltettt om: may
(<100nV/ l
' Monolithlc, Low Power CMOS Design 8
Ordering Information
ICL76520PA tPC to +70°c a Lead Plastic DIP
ICLTBSZCPD tPC to mm 14 Lead Plastic DIP
lousszcw 0°C to +70°c T0-99 Metal Can
ICL7652IJA -20'C to +35°c a Lead CERDIP
ICL7652IJD -20% to +es°c 14 Lead CERDIP
lCL7652iTV -2tPC to +es°c To-ee Metal Can
lCL76520/D 0°C to +70°c Dice
ICLN52CWE tPC to +70°c 16 Lead Wide s.o.
NOTE: All devices listed above are available in B versions. Order
part number ICL78529 ---.
Pin Configurations
Top View
Cm." . INT/EXT
tho, a 13 EXT/CLK IN
quAm) [a Nt/cLKouT
-lNPUY ll ICU” ll "
v‘ n 8 cm.
The "Maxim Advantage” 'lgnitl" an upgraded quality level. At no additional ceit m otter I mond-soume device that Is tables! to the tollewlng:
ti'eg,tt2tti'grt,it owl temperature along with tighter tut apstMtltathm' on many key pulmotem'and lelcl enhlncementl, when needed, that malt
n Improve pertdrnumm without changing the functionality.
M4004! is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
tuxtm Integrated Product 1
[CL 7652/ 7 6523
thmr Stabilized
Opera tlonal Ntrtptiilitar
Total Supply Voltage iv' to W) F.................... 18V
Input Vol Itage .................. (V’ ' 0.3) to (rio- 0.3 V
Storage Temperature Range ............ -65''C to 160 C
Operating Temperature Range .............. See Note 1
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 30tPC
Voltage on Oscillator Contro Pins ..... . V* to it-
Duration of Output Short Circuit ............. Indefinite
Current into Any Pin ............................ 10mA
- while operating (Note) 4) ..................... 100pA
Continuous Total Power Dissloation ITA' - +25''C)
CERDIP Package (Maxim) .................. 500mW
Plastic Package ............................ 375mW
TO-99 Metal Can ........................... 250mW
Small Outline .............................. 350mW
Stresses above those listed undsr "Attsotutg Maximum Ratings" rmy cause permanent damage to the device. Thus nro stress ratings only and
functional operation of the device at those orany otMrttondlttons above those indicated In the operational auctions ot the specifltuttlotts I: not implied.
Expowre to absolute maximum rating condmona for axiended periods may ttttttttt device rallabillty.
N' = HN, ( = AN, TA = +25° C. Test circult unless noted)
input Offset Voltage Vos " = +25'C $0.7 :5
Over Operating Temperature 11.0 "V
Range (Note 1)
tggt'h,Tr'/,rlnnltuu,"' Egg ftlCltt/l2,1'r'r"u"' 0.01 0.05 wNPt5
Offset Voltage
Input Bias Current lttas TA = +25°C 15 30
$833333” ttPC am“ cm s: T. s +70°c 35 pA
-20°C < TA < r85''tt 100
Input Offset Currant Ios TA = +25°C 25 60 pA
Input Resistance Rm 1012 n
Large Signal Voltage Gain AVOL RI. = 10m. Vow = t4V, 120 150 dB
Output Voltage Swing (Note a) vow HI. = 10m t4.7 14.85 V
HI. = 100ktt 14.95
Common-Mode Voltage Range CMVR -4.3 M.8 to +4.0 3.5 V
Common-Mode Helectlon Ratio CMRR CMVR = -4.3V to +3.5V 110 130 dB
Power Supply Relection Ratio PSRR A3V to 18V 110 130 dB
Input Noise Voltage 6n” Rs = 100n, DC to 1H2 0.2 UVp-p
DC to 10H: 0.7
Input Noise Current In f = 10Hz 0.01 PA/s/PE
Unity-Galn Bandwidth GBW 0.45 MHz
Slew Rate SR CL = 50pF, Ru = 10kit 0.5 vas,'
Rise Time tr 0.8 as
Overshooi 20 96
Operating Supply Range V’ to V‘ 5.0 16 V
Supply Current lsupp No Load 2.0 3.5 mA
Internal Chopping Frequency fch Pins 12-14 Open (DIP) 400 Hz
Clamp ON Current (Note 2) Ru = 100kft 25 100 M
Clamp OFF Current (Note 2) -4.0V < Vour < +4.0V 1 pA
Offset Voltage " Time 100 nwvFtirnifi
Nah tt Operating ttrmperaturt' range tor I series parts is -20°c to 45°C. for C saris: Is tPC to +70°c.
Not. 2: Son OUTPUT CLAMP under detailed description.
Nate 3: OUTPUT CLAMP not connected. See typitml characteristic: curves for output swing vs. clamp current characteristics.
N01. 4: Limiting input current to 100M Is recommended to avoid lalch-up problems. Typically mm is sale. however this not guaranteed.
The electrical characteristics abovo are a reproduction of a portion of Inmsil’ s copyrighted (1983/1984) data book. This Information does not commute any
"tprrmentatloo by Maxim that Intersil‘s pmducta will perform In accordance with these apeciiicliians. Tho' 'EIsctric-I Characteristics Table" along wlth rha
descriptive excerpt: from menufatptumr's data sheet ham been included In this dam shut solely for competitive purposes.
An A X l [VI