ICL7137CQH ,Low Power, 3 Digit A/D ConverterFeatures
The Maxim ICL7137 is a monolithic analog to digital t Improved 2nd Source.' (see 3rd page ..
ICL7139CPL ,33/4 Digit, Autoranging MultimeterICL7139, ICL714933 / Digit,4August 1997Autoranging Multimeter
ICL7149CM44 ,33/4 Digit, Autoranging MultimeterICL7139, ICL714933 / Digit,4August 1997Autoranging Multimeter
ICL7149CM44 ,33/4 Digit, Autoranging MultimeterICL7139, ICL714933 / Digit,4August 1997Autoranging Multimeter
ICL7149CM44 ,33/4 Digit, Autoranging MultimeterICL7139, ICL714933 / Digit,4August 1997Autoranging Multimeter
ICL7149CM44 ,33/4 Digit, Autoranging MultimeterFeatures Description• 13 Ranges - ICL7139 The Intersil ICL7139 and ICL7149 are high performance, lo ..
IDT72211 , CMOS SyncFIFO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72211 , CMOS SyncFIFO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72211. , CMOS SyncFIFO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72211L10J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72211L15J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72211L15J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
Low Power, 3 Digit A/D Converter
2AMLill Diet l] AVE
Low Power, CWA, Digit AID Converter
- —_ General Description
The Maxim ICL7137 is a monolithic analog to digital
converter with all the necessary active devices to directly
interface with a light emitting diode (LED) display.
Fen tures
. Improved 2nd Source! (see 3rd page for
"Maxim Advantage"'")
Excluding the LED display current, the ICL7137 supply . Guaranteed first reading recovery from overrange
current is under 200PA, making it suitable for battery . Zero Input Gives Zero Reading
operation. . Drives LED Displays Directly
Versatility and accuracy are inherent features of -
this converter. The dual-slope conversion technique . 2gr'alti'eehte,t2'f without hysteresis or
automatically rejects interference signals common in _ g g
industrial environments. Thetruedifferential input and . True Differential Reference and Input
reference are particularly useful when making ratio-
metric measurements (ohms or bridge transducers), . Monolithic, Low Power CMOS Design
and the zero-integrator phase in Maxim's ICL7137
eliminates overrange hangover and hysteresis effects.
Finally, this device offers high accuracy by lowering
rollover error to less than one count and zero reading .
drift to less than 1pV/°C. Ordering Information
__—. Applications I a a ,
These devices can be used in a wide range of digital 42mg“ - 0 C to '70 C 40 Lead Plastic DIP I
panel meterapplications. Most applications, however, in- 'CL7137CJL 0°C to t70''C 40 Lead CERF)”: 4
vo|ve the measurement and display of analog data: F ICL7137CQH 0''C to +70°C 44 Lead Plastic Chip Carrier,}
Pressure Conductance L ICL7137C/D 0'''C to 070°C Dice _]
Voltage Current
Resistance Speed
Temperature Material Thickness
___ Typical Operating Circuit __— Pin Configuration
Top View
LEI] " E 0 V 40, 0861
msruv '" 01!: 39 0802
ron - - - c. E CE nsc:
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fCL7137 Mom 02 [E MAXI/VI CEI. IN HI
J, 32 cc ICL7137 CE m Lil
V“ mm At E E h/
r-- ' i F2 [E E BUFF
L. E2 Tf, Er] INT
o-sv tlt i CEI ll-
l , 33 E Tsl tl IIO'SI
H ' TO ANALOG mp8 F3 E Ct j
4" common l__ E3 18 Tsd! A3 10iYS
ionn‘s - A34 IE CE] tlt _J
POL [E E, sun
I (Derailed Circwt Diagram-See last page; I See fast page for P/asltc Chip Carrier Pin Conhgwatimt
The 'Maxim Advantage"" signllies an upgraded quality level. At no additional cost we offer a second-sourca dewce that IS sub/ect lo the tollo wtng: guaranteed
performance 0V9! temperature along with lighter testspecilications on many key parameters: andde Vice enhancements. when needed. that result tn ImplOVeU
performance wttttuut changing the functionality.
lVl/J XI/Vl
Maxim Integrated Products 1
£811 79!
ICL 7137
Low Power, 3.'d Digit AID Converter
Supply Voltage v‘ ..................................... HN Power Dissipation (Note 2)
V‘ ....................................... -9V Cerdip Package ...... ' . . . ............. 1000mW
Analog lnputVoltage(eitherinput) (Note 1) .......... V+ to V‘ Plastic Package . ............... . . . . . . . . 800mW
ReterencelnputVoltageieitherinput) ' v' to V‘ Operating Temperature Range ......... 0°C to +70°C
Clock Input ...................................... GND to v1 Storage Temperature Range ........ -65''C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) ........ +300°C
Nola 1: Input voltages may exceed the supply voltages, provided the input current is limited to i100pA,
Note 2: Dissipation rating assumes device is mounted with all leads solderedto printed circuit board.
Stresses above those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ranngs" may cause permanent damage to the dsvrce. These are stress ralvngs only and Iunctrona/
operation of the deoce at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operationalsectons of the sprrcmcations IS not Implied Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliablmy.
T VIN = 0.0V -000.0 :0000 +0000 Digital
Zero Input Reading Full Scale : 200.0mV Reading
. Di ital
Ratiometric Reading VIN = Vnst VREF = 100mV 999 999/1000 1000 Reagding
Rollover Error (Difference in 7le 7 *Vm a 2000mV -1 :02 +I Counts
reading for equal positive and
negative reading near full scale)
Linearity [Max.devia1ion from Full Scale = 200,0mV -1 :02 +1 Counts
best straight line fit) or full scale = 2000V
Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCs, = , 1V, V,N = ov 30 pV/V
(Note 4) Full Scale = 200.0mV
Noise(Pk-Pk value not exceeded Vm = 0V, Full Scale = 200.0mV 15 pV
95% of time)
Leakage Current@lnput Vm = 0 1 10 PA
Zero Reading Drift VIN = 0V, J' < TA < 00°C J2 1 wNi''ry
Scale Factor Temperature V,N = 199.0mV, 0°C < TA < '70''C 1 5 ppm/°C
Coefficient (Ext, Ref, 0ppm/°C)
v1 Supply Current (Does not vIN = OV (Note 5) TO 200
include LED current) pA
V‘ Supply Current 40
Analog COMMON Voltage (With 250kit between Common and 26 3.0 3.2 V
respect to positive supply) Positive Supply
Temp Coeff, of Analog COMMON 250kit between Common and 80 ppm/°C
(with respect to Positive Supply) Positive Supply
Segment Sinking Current v" : 5.0V 5 8.0
(Except Pm 19) Segment Voltage : 3V mA
(Pin190nly) 10 16
Power Dissipation Capacitance vs. Clock Frequency 40 pF
Note 3: Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply at TA--25''C, tcuooe16kHz and are tested in the circuit of Figure I,
Note 4: Refer to "Differential Input” discussion in the ICL7136 data sheet.
Note 5: 48kHz oscillator, Figure 2, increases current by 3514A (typ).
Note 6: Extra capacitance of CERDIP package changes oscillator resistor value to 470KH or 150kfl (1 reading/sec or 3 readings/sec),
The elecmcal characteristics above are a reproduction ofa portion of Intersrl's copyrighted (1983/1984) data book, _ Thrs inlormahon does not constitute any
representation by Maxim that Intarsil's products will perform In accordance mm Mesa specifications. The "Electrical Characteristics Table" along mm the
descnpnve excerpts from the origmal rrtimufacturttr's data sheet have been included In thm data solely for comparative purposes.
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