HSMS-282L-TR1 ,Surface Mount RF Schottky Barrier DiodesElectrical Specifications” forcontact is made to the circuit board.appropriate package marking.[4]
HSMS-282L-TR1G ,Packard) - Surface Mount RF Schottky Barrier Diodes
HSMS-282M ,HSMS-282M · RF mixer/detector diodeSurface Mount RF SchottkyBarrier DiodesTechnical DataHSMS-282x Series
HSMS-282P ,HSMS-282P · RF mixer/detector diodeapplications.resistance, low forward voltage atThis series offers a wide range ofall current levels ..
HSMS-282P-BLKG ,Packard) - Surface Mount RF Schottky Barrier Diodes
HSMS-282P-TR1G ,Packard) - Surface Mount RF Schottky Barrier Diodes
I3002 , Power Factor Correction
I3101 , Versatile Gate Driver
I3101 , Versatile Gate Driver
I5062-ZD , USB Flash Disk Controller
I5068-Z , USB Flash Disk Controller
i7110-EG , 300 Mbps LED Drivers