HS7067K ,10 V to 60 V, 7 A, multimode, high efficiency switching regulatorFeatures
The HS7067/HS7107 is a hybrid high efficiency switching I HS7067--10V to 60V input
r ..
HS9149A , HS9149A
HS9-26C32RH-Q ,Radiation Hardened Quad Differential Line ReceiverHS-26C32RHRadiation HardenedQuad Differential Line ReceiverAugust 1995
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HSB2838 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Speed Switching
HY64UD16162B-DF70E , 1M x 16 bit Low Low Power 1T/1C Pseudo SRAM
HY64UD16322A-DF70E , 2M x 16 bit Low Low Power 1T/1C Pseudo SRAM
HY86-12 , 90 Degree Hybrid 0.82-0.90 GHz
HY86-12 , 90 Degree Hybrid 0.82-0.90 GHz
HY86-12 , 90 Degree Hybrid 0.82-0.90 GHz
HY86-12 , 90 Degree Hybrid 0.82-0.90 GHz
10 V to 60 V, 7 A, multimode, high efficiency switching regulator
T Semiconductor
HS7067/HS7107 7 Amp, Multimode, High Efficiency
Switching Regulator
General Description
The HS7067/HS7107 is a hybrid high efficiency switching
regulator with high output current capability. The device is
housed in a standard TO-S package containing a tempera-
ture compensated voltage reference. a pulse-width moduia-
tor with programmable oscillator frequency, error amplifier,
high current, high voltage output switch and steering diode.
The H37067/HS7107 operates in a step-down, inverting, as
well as in a transformer-coupled mode.
The HS7067/HS7107 can supply up to 7A of continuous
output current over a wide range of input and output volt-
I: HS7067--10V to 60V input
a HS7107-10V to 100V input
a 7A continuous output current
I: Step-down, inverting, and transformer-coupled operation
tt Frequency adjustable to 200 kHz
u High-efficiency (>75%)
ll Standard 8-pin TO-3 package
Block and Connection Diagrams
mm! ouumn
4 010*
emcx c
nurm CASE
mm; ' nsc o uanunn
coup MP 3 Emma
- 0 mp mm
r 4 mam
W (Vnzr)
mm comm 1
AND coursusmun
TL/ Kl 6746- 1
Metal Can Package
ma comm 0
mo coumsmou OUTPUT
her 200 l) mun:
mm fads! um
tlt ' ' mm
Top View
Case is ground
Order Number HS7067CK, HST06rk,
H37107CK or HS7107K
See NS Package Number K08A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace speclfled devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
OffitNUDlatributttrtt for availability and apeclflcatlons.
VIN, Input Voltage
TA, Operating Temperature Range
HS7067/ 71 O7
Tsro Storage Temperature Range
- 25°C to + 85'C
- 55''C to +125'C
-65'C to + 150°C
HS7067 65V VRWS _ r),
HS7107 105V Steering Diode Reverse Voltage 105V
Iour, Output Current 8A '007 - ts),
Ts Operating Temperature 15ty'C Steering Diode Forward Current 8A
PD, Internal Power Dissipation 25W
Electrical Characteristics Tc = 25''C, VIN = 20V (unless otherwise sptsttified)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Mln Typ Max Units
VIN'VOUT Min VIN/VOUT Differential HS7067 10V S VIN S VIN(MAX) 3.0 V
HS7107 'OUT = 2A (Note 6) 3.0
Vs Switch Saturation Voltage Ic = 7.0A, VIN = 10V HS7107 1.6 TBD V
HS7607 1.9 V
k: = 2.0A, VIN = 10V 1.0 V
Vr Steering Diode On Voltage ID = 7.0A H87107 1.3 TED V
HS7607 1.7 TBD
ID = AOA 0.9 V
VIN Supply Voltage Range HS7067 TMIN S TA S TMAX 1O 60 V
(Note 7) HS7107 TMIN s TA s TMAX 10 100 V
In Steering Diode Reverse Current Va = 100V 60 “A
lo Quiescent Current (Note 3) 0% Duty Cycle N3 = 3.0V) 6 mA
100% Duty Cycle (V3 = 0V) 26 mA
Va Reference Voltage on Pin 2 TMIN S TA S TMAX 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
VCLK H Clock Output High IGLK = - 750 pA 1.2 1.6 V
VCLK L Clock Output Low ICLK = 80 FA 0.9 V
AV2 Line Regulation of VMIN I VIN S VMAX 5 mV
Reference Voltage on Pin 2
RA Resistance on Pin 3 to Ground (Note 4) 4.0 kn
VouT Feedback Resistor Rf Tel. 11% HS7107 4 TBD %
HS7067 9
V4 Voltage Swing-Pin 4 3.0 V
u Charging Current-Pin 4 330 JsA
ICLK Clock Input Current - Pin 6 VCLK = 3.5V 1.75 4 mA
tr Transistor Current Rise Time IO = 2.0A (Note 6) 70 ns
IO *= 7.0A (Note 6) 120 ns
tt Transistor Current Fall Time IO = 2.0A (Note 6) 100 ns
Io = 7.0A (Note 6) 160 ns
ts Diode Storage Time lo = 7.0A (Note 6) 120 ns
td Delay Time IO == 7.0A (Note 6) 600 ns
fMAX Max Clock Frequency (Note 5) 200 kHz
Electrical Characteristics Tc = 25'C, VIN = 20V (unless otherwise specified) (Continued)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
2pm 1 Impedance at Pin 1 (Note 6) 5 Mn
'l Efficiency vow = 5V to == 25 kHz (Note 6) 80 %
'OUT = IA f0 = 200 kHz (Note 5) 70 %
trot, Thermal Resistance (Note 1) 4.0 't3/W
Note 1: 9M is typically 35'C/W tor natura! convection cooling.
Note 2: VOUT and kwr refer to the output DC voltage and output current of a switching supply after the output LC fitter as shown in Figure t.
Note 3: Quiescent current depends on the duty cycle ot the switching translator.
Note 4: This test includes the input bias current of the error amplifier.
Note 5: Circuit configured as shown in Figure 1.
Not: & These parameters are not tested. They are given for Informational purposes only.
Note r, Functionally tested at limits only (pass-fail).
Typical Performance Characteristics
Frequency " Tlmlng
Pu (W)
Power Deratlng Curve
5 <40 Hm sum
0 a 50 15100125150175
0J0 = 4''C/W
OJA = 35''C/W
Typical Applications
The buck converter is the most common application in
switching-power conversion. It allows to step down a volt-
age with a minimum of components and a maximum of effi-
ciency (for further information on the theory of operation of
a buck converter, see AN-343).
120/240 Ut;
Typical Compensation
1m Input Voltage " Rc
* 1000 10000 " toe
h.-tMteg CNHANCE (FF) Ielio TL/K/6746-3
f = 1 _ I 200k 1 n
o 10k x 01- VIN(MAX)
cc = Jr-tix/ll' F
to 25 kHz 200 kHz
L 86 pH 21 pH
CT 0.0039 pF 330 pF
Cc 0.2 pF 0.068 pF
Rf 4 k0. 4 kit
RC 5.7 kn 5.7 k9.
COUT 1500 pF 680 ”F
VIN = 10V to 35V Load Regulation - 40 mV
vow = 5V Line Regulation = 5 mV
lou'r = 1A to "
HSTMT/ H8710?
Typical Applicatlons (Continued)
Design equations:
Following are the design equations for a buck converter ap-
plication using the HS 7107/7067:
_ 104 M to
= (VINMAero) Vo
VIN(MAX) M f0 X Al
- 4toteo - Al x ESR)
J10 LC
2 y 105
V0 - 2.5
R = 4k()-"-'L'-" tt
Note r.. Usm la the minimum vatue of output filter Inductance. L, for stable
Note a: thm Is the minimum value of output tllter capacitance. C. necessary
to achieve an output ripple voltage, 60. ESE is the EffectNe Series
Resistance of the output filter capacitor. c, at the operating frequen-
w, fo.
Note 9: AI = Peak to Peak Ripple current through the Inductor and the
LMIN (Note 7, 9)
CMIN (Note 8, 9)
capacitor. T < low" and; < 7-louAw
Emeleney Equatlons
Since high efficiency is the principal advantage of switched-
mode power conversion, switching regulator losses are an
important design concern. Losses and efficiency of a buck
converter can be calculated with the following equations.
Note: Pin 7 Is grounded; I0 '= average output current at pin 8
Switching Period (T)
T = tT, = tON + tOFF
Duty Cycle (D)
= i = -Yti-vE.-...
ton + tOFF VIN - Vs + VF
Transistor DC Losses Prl
Pr = Vs X lo M D
Transistor Switching Losses (PS)
(tr + tt + tIts) to
Ps---MN+VF)xlox 2
Capacitor Losses (PC)
Pc --= ESR M (W)2
Diode DC Losses (PD)
Drive Circuit Losses ith.)
DL = 0.02 x VIN x D
Inductor Losses (PL)
PL = I02 M Rt. (DC winding resistance)
Power Output (P0)
= ((VIN - Vs) ton) - ((VF) tOFF) M lo
o tom + tOFF
Efficiency in)
in addition to the implementation of a buck converter. the
HS 7107/7067 can be used in various transformer coupled
configurations. They can be used in various topologies such
as: step-up, step-down, inverter, multiple outputs and isolat-
ed converters.
There are basically two different methods in implementing
transformer coupled converters: the tlyback and the toward
The Flyback Prlnclple
Figure 1 shows a functional diagram of a tlyback converter.
Depending on the turn ratio N2/N1 and the feedback volt-
age, it can be implemented as a step-down or step-up con-
When the switch is on, the current (Ip) flows through the
primary winding creating a magnetic flux in the core and
storing the energy. At this time, the voltage at the secondary
keeps the same polarity (with respect to the dotted termt~
nals), the diode is off and no current flows through it When
the switch Is off, the voltage at the secondary and primary
becomes reversed and the diode turrttron (Id). The stored
energy is then transferred to the load and the output filter
capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor will supply the
load current during the next turn-on,
FIGURE 1. Typical Flybaek Functional Diagram
Typical Applications (Continued)
V, = Voltage at primary
Vas = Voltage actose the switch
Vs = Voltage at the secondary
b = Current at primary
id = Current through diode
Io = Cunent through output cap
lom -- Output current of the converter
Ai = Ripple current
D = TondTott + Ton)
F = Switching frequency
Va, = Forward voltage drop of the diode
v, = Vout X N1/N2 V2 = Vin + Vout N1/N2
Va = Saturation voltage of the switch
Va ara Vout + Vdf Vs = Vin X N2/N1
The load current is not supplied directly by the input source
when the switch is on, but only by the energy stored in the
output capacitor. The output voltage is monitored by the
feedback loop which controls the duty cycle (D) through the
PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) which in turn, modulates the
amount of energy being transferred from the input to the
output. Figure 2 shows the waveforms of a continuous
mode flyback converter (primary current b is DC biased).
VP 'ON rorr 1=1/r
-- /'''
FIGURE 2. Typica! Flyback Waveforms
The Forward Principle
The forward converter is a little more complex and requires
more components than the flyback, but the output ripple
voltage is smaller. Figure 3 shows a simplirad diagram of a
forward converter.
When the switch turns-on, a voltage Vs = v, M Nam,
appears at the secondary of the transformer. The diode D2
FIGURE 3. Typical Forward Functional Diagram
Typical Applications (Continued)
is off while D, turns-on, allowing the current to flow through
the inductor L (ld1 and IL), storing energy in its core, and
supplying the load current (lout) and the capacitor current
(Ic) at the same time. When the switch turns-off, the mag-
netic energy stored in the core of the inductor creates a
current (tag) which flows through the diode Da. The load
current lout therefore. equals to lug + Ic.
During the "off" time of the switch, some residual magnet-
ism will stay in the core of the transformer and has to be
removed before the next cycle, so that it does not accumu-
late, leading to core saturation.
A demagnetizing winding is used to "dump" the residual
energy back to the input or output of the converter. The
h, == Voltage at primary
Vn " Voltage across the switch
V, = Voltage at secondary
ID " Current at primary
Id1 = Current through diode th
ke --- Cummt through diode h
'ds -- Current through diode 03
IL - Current through Inductor L
IC = Current through output cap
log, = Output current of the converter
Al - Hippie current
F = Switcting frequency
D = Ton I ' + Ton)
v, “Vin X N1/Na Va = Vin
V2 == Vin + v,
V4 = Saturation voltage of the switch
Vs == Vin X Nam, Vs = Vin X N2/N3
Figure 4 shows the waveforms of the forward converter.
When the switch is off, Vas = Vin + (Vin M N1/N3) during
the demagnetization time (T d) and then, drops to Vas = Vin
as indicated in Figure 4.
functional principle of the demagnetizing winding is similar
to the flyback in the sense that, during the turn-oft time, the
residual magnetism will generate a reverse voltage at the
demagnetizing winding (with respect to the dotted terminals)
turning on the diode Da.
In the forward mode, when the switch is off, the load current
is supplied by the energy stored in the output capacitor and
the choke inductor but when the switch is on, it is supplied
by the input source through the transformer. This accounts
for the lower output ripple voltage.
The output voltage is monitored by the feedback loop,
which controls the duty cycle through the PWM, which in
turn modulates the amount of energy being transferred from
the input to the output.
v, To Ton Torr T=1/F
V1‘ - -
FIGURE 4. Typical Forward Waveforms
Typical Applications (Continued)
With both flybatrk and forward topologies, it is possible to
design an inverting converter by using an external op-amp
(Figure ti).
Flyback Step-Up Application
Figure tt shows flyback converter in a step-up mode where
an input voltage of +12V to + 30V will be converted into a
regulated output voltage of + 50V.
Performance Data
Parameter Condltlons Result
Efficiency Vout = 50V @300 mA tt
Vin = 15V 82 A
Line Regulation Vout = 50V @300 mA 0 2%
12V tg Vin K 30V .
Load Regulation Vin = 15V
Vout = 50V 0.2%
50 mA s IOU, s 300 mA
1211 to sov
ssopr 1 NF
D - Unltrode UES1302
T - Pulse Engineering PEB4428
to " 100 kHz
'out(min) - 50 mA
4 HS7OS7 s
1 NF th33 ur
Isolated Flyback Convener
Figure 7 shows an isolated flybaek converter using a sense
winding for feedback. Although, in practice the line regula-
tion is acceptable. the load regulation can be marginal if the
coupling between the windings is poor. However. the sense
winding cannot detect any ohmic voltage drop In the main
output so, a heavier gauge wire should be used to reduce
this regulation error. Also, the sense winding will not sense
the non-linear voltage drop across the diode, and this tttV
counts for most of the load regulation inaccuracy. There-
fore, the sense winding method is only recommended for
applications where load variations are small.
Figum 7shows an isolated flybeck converter with an output
of 5V at 2A. The input voltage range is from +10V to
+40V. The output can be adjusted to +5V by using the
5 kn trimpot
Performance Data
Parameter Conditions Result
Effldenw Vout = 51/ @ 2A 0
Vin = 30V 75 'h
Line Regulation Vout = 5V @ 2A 5%
10V s Vin s 40V
Load Regulation Vin = 30V "
1A s Iout s; 2A I
Isolated Forward Converter
As described previously, forward converters exhibit lower
output ripple voltage and the opto-coupier feedback
scheme provides good regulation as well as input to output
An opto-coupler feedback is usually difficult to implement
because the transfer function of the opto-coupler is non-lin-
ear, the current transfer ratio changes with time and temper-
ture and also from one unit to another. Figure 8 shows the
circuit diagram of a 5V @ 3A power converter with an input
voltage range of + 14V to +30V using an isolated forward
0300 m
2.2 NF
TL/ K18746-1 1
A 12V to 80V Input Voltage Range is possible by replacing the H5706? with a Hs7107. The converter will operate In a discontinuous made above 30V with a
300 mA load (the transformer‘e secondary current drops to zero batore the switch turns on) and therefore, may generate more switching noise.
FIGURE th Flyback Stop-Up Convener
Typical Applications (Continued)
o, = International Rectifier 5080060
D2 == IN4148
lam (m) - 1A
to = 100 kHz
T = Transformer made of a core Fenoxcube 1811PA2503B7
Primary =s8tumswith5Btrttndsr29
Secondary = emmawith 15 strands #30
Sense = 25 tumswnh 1 strand #30
windings shouid be interleaved in order to improve
the ooqoling and regulation.
5 8 5V
10V TO 40V HS7067 3 02A
l 2 22 arll ti . |__l
q 3300pf
330 uF O. " uL- T ---o IN
2N5772 -
1503 il .131;
2.2 "T P "
- FIGURE 7. Isolated Flyback Converter ELECTROLYTIC ChPACirDit TL/K/s74s-12
th = D2 = International Rectifier 5030060
03 = Unitrode UES1302
T = Pulse Engineering P564423
o L = Pulse Engineering PE52711
3 T to = 50 kHz
. lam (mh) =0.5A
5 8 58
IW TD NN 4 HS7067 3 03A
1 2 -l .
CASE _22yf
mm" 2m 1NF - ov
- - - 1200
3 m 0.33 pr - 3852 .
2N5772 15 kn
45.3 kn
FIGURE 8a. Isolated Forward Converter TLnO6746-13
:2 a mi a7raYp
mm: tepaaat ====
:22 a==t, WT=ar
w. 1 _
f r v:
M'r''r' t
Figum at: shows the typical forward converter waveforms ln continuous mode which can be obsetvsd using the circuit from Figure alt. Top waveform is the vottage
across the switch (20V/div). Bottom waveform is the current throughout the switch (1A/dv). Horizontal Scale n 5 pS/dir. Vm = 20V; Vout = 5V 9 3A.
Figure 8b.
Typical Applications (Continued)
An LM 3852 (adjustable reference) is used as a comparator Perfttrttttmtttt Data
and error amplifier. This reference always wants to maintain
1.2V between pins 1 and 2 and will draw as much current as Parameter Conditions Result
necessary from the opto-ooupler to achieve this. Therefore, Etmieney VI = 5.1V © 2A
the feedback loop is virtually independent of the gain of the Vit = - 12V 4t 150 mA tt
Opto-coupler. Vs = 12V tit 100 mA 62 Yo
lvinl = 48V
Performance Data . .
Une Regulation 40V s; lvinl s 60V
Parameter Condnlons Result on Main Secondary v, = 5.1V tip 2A 0 8 y,
Efficiency Vout = 5V © 3A 78'% V2 = -12V @150 mA . o
vin=3ov q vs--- +12V@150mA
Line Regulation Vout = 5V © 3A 0 1% Load Regulation lvinl = 48V
14V s; Vin 3 30V ' on Main Secondary V, = 5.1V
. = tit 1%
Load Regulation Vout = 5V V2 12V 150 mA
V3 = 12V tit 150 mA
Vin=20V 0.1% OSSI s2A
0.5A s Iout tC 3A . out
Load Regulation [vinl = 48V
Isolated Telecom Converter on 12V Secondary v, = 5.1V © 2A
Figure 9 shows an isolated triple output converter which will for Simultaneous Va = - 12V 5%
transform a positive or negative input voltage of 32V to 60V Load Changes V3 = 12V
to gn uncommitted triple output of +12V, -12V, and 5V, 75 mA g lout s 150 mA
which may be later referenced to the system ground. This
converter is ideal for a step down converter of high positive
voltage or high negative voltage such as -48V used in tela-
com circuits.
kl +12V
7' tt o 0150 mA
D1 = Da = Da Unitrode UES1302 o . :3 V:
T =- Pulse Engineering PE64379 330 pF
to = 100 kHz tt
Pout (min) = 5W tsl ' I
' I::.l V2
T q 330 M
A -12v
Z m . 0150 m
. 5 a +5.1V
4 HS7107 s t ' tt2A
1 2 - . 3 .
"f" V1
it, 3300 pF
0 100 pF 22 psf 0V
F2 - - 1200 Lit
ii 3852 .
5 23.7 "
- 47o kn ', 76.8 "
Not. 10: An input voltage of - 10V to - 30V may cause the transformer to operate at a higher temperature at full load. TL/K/6746-14
FIGURE 9. Taecom Flyback Converter
Application Hints
In a flyback converter, the error amplifier sees 0V at the
output of the converter during the initial turn-on, and forces
the duty cycle to 100% until it sees the output voltage rising
to the final value; but no voltage will appear if the switch
does not turn off (see flyback principle). The result is that
the core will saturate, reducing the effective impedance of
the transformer to about on, and destroying the pass tran-
sistor. To prevent this, the duty cycle must be limited to a
value at which the core does not saturate. A diode connect-
ed between pins 1 and 2 (Figure to), will limit the duty cycle
to about 80%.
------5 KS707 r----
HS7067 2
'- INSH -L
FIGURE 10. Duty Cycle Llmltlng Clrcult
For any converter, connecting a large capacitor (20 to
200 pF) between pin 2 and the case is recommended to
allow the reference voltage to slowly reach its final value
after start-up. This allows the HS 7067/7107 to start-up
smoothly and minimizes the inrush current. The time con-
stant can be calculated by:
T = 103 x C
It is always a good practice to incorporate soft start and duty
cycle limiting when designing a switching power converter.
especially when a current limit circuitry is not utilized.
The schematic in Figure ff shows how to protect the pass
transistor against excessive current. by sensing the current
through a series resistor, and shorting the PWM control volt-
age at pin 1 to ground, using transistor 2N5772 (this is made
possible by the 5 Mn output impedance of the error amplif-
er), which will cause the pass transistor to turn off.
--- 5 “$7107 8
FIGURE 11. Current Llrttlt Circultry
The sense resistor should be a low inductance type, other-
wise the series inductance creates a high impedance at
transients and activates the shutdown circuitry. If such a
resistor cannot be found, a 0.1 p.F connected in parallel with
it will compensate the series inductance.
When such a circuitry is used, the duty cycle limiting diode
becomes optional, but the soft start capacitor should still be
at least 10 pF.
Special attention should be given to the decoupling of the
HS 7107/7067 itself at the input (pin 5), where the capacitor
must be at least 100 'd' and connected as close to the
device as possible. Large switching spikes at the input of
the pass transistor can cause breakdown of the junction
and destroy the device. (See Figure 12.)
The waveform at the top of the picture represents the volt-
age across the switch of a typical BUCK (step down) con-
verter. When the switch is turned off, the current in the in..
ductor falls to zero (see waveform at the bottom) and a
switching spike occurs across the switch. This spike can
reach several tens of volts on top of the normally expected
voltage across the switch and lead to stress on the device if
the overall voltage exceeds the maximum rating.
The picture below shows a spike of about ten volts with a
330 “F capacitor of average quality.
PIN 5 ' PM 8
The reference voltage (pin 2) must be decoupled with at
least 10 pF and the compensation network (pin 1) should
be decoupled with a ceramic capacitor of 1 nF to 10 nF.
Switching noise on the reference voltage pin (pin 2) or on
the compensation pin (pin 1) can create different types of
oscillations and instabilities.
Because of the high current and high voltage capability of
the HS 7107/7067 a single point grounding or, at least a
grounding where the force ground is separated from the
circuit ground, is highly recommended.
Ordering Information (Transformers and Inductors)
7250 Convoy Court
San Diego, CA 92111
Tel: (619) 268-2400
TWX: 910-335-1527
FAX: 619 268-2515
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
HS7107K - product/hs7107k?HQS=T|-nu|l-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
HS7107CK - product/hs7107ck?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
HS7067CK - product/hs7067ck?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
HS7067K - product/hs7067k?HQS=T|-nu|l-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe