HPC46003V20 ,High-Performance microControllersapplications. TheÐ FASTÐ200 ns for fastest instruction when usingHPC16083 has 8k bytes of on-chip R ..
HPC46003V20 ,High-Performance microControllersapplicationstypical- Y52 general purpose I/O lines (memory mapped)ly performed by microprocessors a ..
HPC46400EV20 ,20 MHz, 100 mA, 7 V, high-performance communication microcontrollerapplications
- Programmable frame address recognition
- Up to 4.65 Mbps serial data rate
- Built ..
HPC46400EV20 ,20 MHz, 100 mA, 7 V, high-performance communication microcontrollerElectrical Characteristics Vcc = 5.0V k 10% unless otherwise specified, TA = 0°C to +70°C for
HPC4 ..
HPDL1414 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric DisplaysHFour Character SmartAlphanumeric DisplaysTechnical DataHPDL-1414HPDL-2416
HPDL-1414 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric DisplaysHFour Character SmartAlphanumeric DisplaysTechnical DataHPDL-1414HPDL-2416
HY5DV641622AT-33 , 64M(4Mx16) DDR SDRAM
HY5DV641622AT-36 , 64M(4Mx16) DDR SDRAM
HY5DV641622AT-5 , 64M(4Mx16) DDR SDRAM
HY5DV641622AT-5 , 64M(4Mx16) DDR SDRAM
HY5DW283222BF-28 , 128M(4Mx32) GDDR SDRAM
HY5FS123235AFCP-09 , 512M (16Mx32) GDDR4 SDRAM
High-Performance microControllers
April 1994
High-Performance microControllers
General Description
The HPC16083and HPC16003are membersofthe HPCTM
familyof High Performance microControllers. Each memberthe familyhasthe same core CPUwitha unique memory
and I/O configurationto suit specific applications. The
HPC16083has8k bytesof on-chip ROM. The HPC16003
hasno on-chip ROM andis intendedforuse with external
direct memory. Each partis fabricatedin National’sad-
vanced microCMOS technology. This process combined
withan advanced architecture provides fast, flexibleI/O
control, efficient data manipulation,and high speed compu-
The HPC devicesare complete microcomputersona single
chip.All system timing, internal logic, ROM, RAM,andI/O
are provided onthe chipto producea cost effective solution
for high performance applications. On-chip functions such UART,upto eight 16-bit timers with4 input capture regis-
ters, vectored interrupts, WATCHDOGTM logicand MICRO-
WIRE/PLUSTM providea high levelof system integration.
The abilityto addressupto64k bytesof external memory
enablesthe HPCtobe usedin powerfulapplications typical- performedby microprocessorsand expensive peripheral
chips. The term ‘‘HPC16083’’is used throughoutthis data-
sheetto refertothe HPC16083and HPC16003 devicesun-
less otherwise specified.
The microCMOS process resultsin verylow current drain
and enablesthe userto selectthe optimum speed/power
productforhis system. The IDLEand HALT modes provide
further current savings. The HPCis availablein 68-pin
PLCC, LDCC, PGAand 80-Pin PQFP packages.
Features HPC familyÐcore features: 16-bit architecture, both byteand word 16-bit data bus, ALU,and registers64k bytesof external direct memory addressing FASTÐ200nsfor fastest instruction when using
20.0 MHz clock,134nsat30 MHz High code efficiencyÐmost instructions are single
byte16x16 multiply and32x16 divide Eight vectored interrupt sources Four 16-bit timer/counters with4 synchronous out-
putsand WATCHDOG logic MICROWIRE/PLUS serialI/O interface CMOSÐverylow power withtwo power save modes:
IDLEand HALT UARTÐfull duplex, programmable baudrate Four additional 16-bit timer/counters with pulse width
modulated outputs Four input capture registers52 general purposeI/O lines (memory mapped)8k bytesof ROM,256 bytesof RAMon chip ROMless version available (HPC16003) Commercial (0§Cto a70§C), industrial (b40§Cto
a85§C), automotive (b40§Cto a105§C) and military
(b55§Cto a125§C) temperature ranges
For applications requiring more RAM and ROM see
HPC16064 data sheet.
Block Diagram (HPC16083with8k ROM shown)
Series32000É,TapePakÉand TRI-STATEÉare registeredtrademarksof National Semiconductor Corporation.
MOLETM,HPCTM,COPSTM, MICROWIRE/PLUSTMandWATCHDOGTMare trademarks ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
UNIXÉisa registeredtrademarksofAT&TBell Laboratories.
VAXTMisa trademark ofDigitalEquipment Corporation.
IBMÉand PC/ATÉare registeredtrademarksof InternationalBusiness MachinesCorporation.
SUNÉisa registeredtrademark ofSun Microsystems.
SunOSTM isatrademarkofSun Microsystems.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.