HIP6004BCV ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM) Controller and Output Voltage MonitorHIP6004BHIP6004BTMData Sheet February 1999 FN4567.2Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM)
HIP6004CB ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM) Controller and Output Voltage Monitorfeatures a 15MHz gain-bandwidth product and• Small Converter Size6V/µ s slew rate which enables hig ..
HIP6004CB ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM) Controller and Output Voltage Monitorapplications. It is designed to drive two- Voltage-Mode PWM ControlN-Channel MOSFETs in a synchrono ..
HIP6004CB ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM) Controller and Output Voltage MonitorHIP6004Data Sheet March 2000 File Number 4275.2Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM)
HIP6004CB ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier (PWM) Controller and Output Voltage Monitorapplications. It is designed to drive two- Voltage-Mode PWM ControlN-Channel MOSFETs in a synchrono ..
HIP6004DCB ,Buck and Synchronous-Rectifier PWM Controller and Output Voltage Monitorfeatures a 15MHz gain-bandwidth product and- Constant Frequency Operation6V/µ s slew rate which ena ..
HPMX2005 ,Silicon Bipolar RFIC 100 MHz Vector ModulatorBlock Diagramand 5.7 GHz ISM (Industrial-Scien-VCCtific-Medical) bands requiring digi-tal modulatio ..
HPMX-2005 ,Silicon Bipolar RFIC 100 MHz Vector ModulatorFeaturesHewlett Packard’s HPMX-2005 is a• 25 - 250 MHz Outputsilicon RFIC vector modulatorFrequency ..
HPMX-2005 ,Silicon Bipolar RFIC 100 MHz Vector Modulatorapplications such as NorthQ 512 Iref refTransmitters and LANsAmerican Digital Cellular, GSM,Q ..
HPMX2006 ,0.8Features Package Pin Configuration• Wide Band OperationLO in 1 16 Mixer VcRF Output: 800 - ..
HPMX2006 ,0.8features a single- draw to around 15 mA. The entire The HPMX-2006 is manufacturedended 50 Ω match o ..
HPMX2006 ,0.8features a single- draw to around 15 mA. The entire The HPMX-2006 is manufacturedended 50 Ω match o ..