HIP4081AIP ,80V/2.5A Peak/ High Frequency Full Bridge FET DriverHIP4081A80V/2.5A Peak, High FrequencyFull Bridge FET DriverNovember 1996
HIP4081IB ,80V/2.5A Peak/ High Frequency Full Bridge FET DriverHIP408180V/2.5A Peak, High FrequencyNovember 1996 Full Bridge FET Driver
HIP4081IP ,80V/2.5A Peak/ High Frequency Full Bridge FET DriverFeatures Description• Independently Drives 4 N-Channel FET in Half BridgeThe HIP4081 is a high freq ..
HIP4082IB ,80V/ 1.25A Peak Current H-Bridge FET DriverHIP408280V, 1.25A Peak CurrentH-Bridge FET DriverMarch 1995
HIP4082IP ,80V/ 1.25A Peak Current H-Bridge FET DriverFeatures Description• Independently Drives 4 N-Channel FET in Half The HIP4082 is a medium frequenc ..
HIP4083AB ,80V/ 300mA Three Phase High Side Driverapplications thatrequire the high side FETs to be on for extended periods ofOrdering Informationtim ..
HPC46400EV20 ,20 MHz, 100 mA, 7 V, high-performance communication microcontrollerapplications
- Programmable frame address recognition
- Up to 4.65 Mbps serial data rate
- Built ..
HPC46400EV20 ,20 MHz, 100 mA, 7 V, high-performance communication microcontrollerElectrical Characteristics Vcc = 5.0V k 10% unless otherwise specified, TA = 0°C to +70°C for
HPC4 ..
HPDL1414 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric DisplaysHFour Character SmartAlphanumeric DisplaysTechnical DataHPDL-1414HPDL-2416
HPDL-1414 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric DisplaysHFour Character SmartAlphanumeric DisplaysTechnical DataHPDL-1414HPDL-2416
HPDL2416 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric Displaysapplications where a good-Typical
HPDL-2416 ,Four Character Smart Alphanumeric DisplaysFeatures• Process Control Equipment• Smart Alphanumeric Display• Test EquipmentBuilt-in RAM, ASCII ..