HIP1012CB-T ,Dual Power Distribution ControllerHIP1012, HIP1012AData Sheet November 1999 File Number 4419.4Dual Power Distribution Controller
HIP1013CB ,Low Cost Dual Power Distribution ControllerHIP1013Data Sheet May 1999 File Number 4516.2Low Cost Dual Power Distribution
HIP1015CB ,Power Distribution ControllersApplicationsTape and Reel• Power Distribution ControlHIP1016CB 0 to 85 8 Lead SOIC M8.15• Hot Plug ..
HIP1016CB ,Power Distribution ControllersFeaturesThe HIP1015 and HIP1016 are hot swap power controllers.• HOT SWAP Single Power Distribution ..
HIP1016CB-T ,Power Distribution Controllersapplications. Each has an• Undervoltage Monitoring and Notificationundervoltage (UV) monitoring and ..
HIP1016CB-T ,Power Distribution ControllersApplicationsTape and Reel• Power Distribution ControlHIP1016CB 0 to 85 8 Lead SOIC M8.15• Hot Plug ..
HPA100 ,Very High-Definition Color Display, Horizontal Deflection Output ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C unitCollector-toi" Voltage VCBO 1500 VCollector-toil; Voltage V ..
HPA72 ,Very High-Definition Color Display, Horizontal Deflection Output ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25''CunitCollector-to-Base Voltage VCBO 1500 VColleetoratoaimieter ..
HPC3130 ,Hot Plug Controller
HPC3130APBK ,Hot Plug Controller
HPC36400EV20 ,20 MHz, 100 mA, 7 V, high-performance communication microcontrollerFeatures have
been added to support V. MO, the 8-bit mode has been en-
hanced to support all inst ..
HPC46003 ,High-Performance Microcontrollersapplications. TheÐ FASTÐ200 ns for fastest instruction when usingHPC16083 has 8k bytes of on-chip R ..