HI3-509A ,(HI3-508A) CMOS Analog MultiplexersFeatures
Improved 2nd Source (See "Maxim
Advantage" on 3rd and 5th page)
All Switches Off wi ..
HI3-5701K-5 ,6-Bit, 30MSPS, Flash A/D ConverterBlock Diagramφ1 φ2 φ1 φ1 φ2VINDR/2OVERFLOWQV +REF (OVF)CLCOMP 64DRQ D5 (MSB)CLDQD4RCLCOMP 63COMPARA ..
HI3-5701K-5 ,6-Bit, 30MSPS, Flash A/D ConverterBlock Diagramφ1 φ2 φ1 φ1 φ2VINDR/2OVERFLOWQV +REF (OVF)CLCOMP 64DRQ D5 (MSB)CLDQD4RCLCOMP 63COMPARA ..
HI3-574AJN-5 ,Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor InterfaceHI-574A, HI-674A,HI-774Complete, 12-Bit A/D ConvertersAugust 1997 with Microprocessor Interface
HI3-574AJN-5Z , Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Converters with Microprocessor Interface
HI3-574AKN-5 ,Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor InterfaceHI-574A, HI-674A,HI-774Complete, 12-Bit A/D ConvertersAugust 1997 with Microprocessor Interface
HN27512P-25 , 512K (64K X 8 BIT ) UV AND OTP EPROM
HN27C101AFP-15 , 1m UV and OTP eprom
HN27C101AG-10 , 1m UV and OTP eprom
HN27C101AG-10 , 1m UV and OTP eprom
HN27C101AG-10 , 1m UV and OTP eprom
HN27C101AP-12 , 1m UV and OTP eprom
(HI3-508A) CMOS Analog Multiplexers
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS um 1) CCI 55713651. "0001mm ann'
General Description
Maxim's HI-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single-
ended (1 of 8) multiplexers wlth fault protection.
Maxim's HI-509A and MAX359 are 4 channel differ-
ential (2 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection.
Using a series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel
structure, these multiplexers provide significantly
Improved fault protection. If the power supplies to
the Maxim fault-protected multiplexer are inadver-
tently turned off while Input voltages are still applied,
all channels in the multiplexer are turned off, and
only a few nanoamperes of leakage current will flow
into the in uts. This protects not only the multiplexer
and the c rcuitry driven by the multiplexer, but also
protects the sensors or slgnal sources whlch drive
the multiplexer.
The Maxim series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel
protection structure has two significant advantages
over the simple current limiting protection scheme
of the first generation fault protected multiplexers.
First, the Maxim protection scheme limits fault currents
to nanoamp leakage values rather than many milli-
amperes. This prevents damage to sensors or other
sensitive signal sources. Second, the Maxim fault-
protected multiplexers can withstand a continuous
iSSV overvoltage, unlike the first generation which
has a continuous overvoltage limitation of about
:10V Imposed by power dissipation considerations.
All digital Inputs have logic thresholds of 0.8V and
2.4V, ensurln both TTL and CMOS compatibility
without requ ring pullup resistors. Break-before-
make operation is guaranteed. Power supply currents
have been reduced and typical power dissipation is
less than 2 mllliwatts.
Data Acquisition Systems
Industrial and Process Control Systems
Avionics Test Equipment
Signal Routing between Systems
/M/J] 2Cllytlbdl] ----"
FauIt-Protected Analog Multiplexer
. Improved 2nd Source (See "Maxim
Advantage" on 3rd and 5th page)
. All Switches Oil wllh Power Supplies Oil
. On Channel Tttms OFF ll Overvollage Occurs
. Only Nanoamperes of Input Current under All
Fault Conditions
. Latchup-prool Construction
. Operates from i4.5 to i18V Supplies
. M Dlgltal Inputs are TTL and CMOS
Ordering Information
MAX358CPE tPC to +75°C 16 Lead Plastlc PIP
MAX358t31NE tPG to +75°c 16 Lead Wide so
MAxesacJE tPC to +75°c 16 Lead CERDlP
MAX358EPE -40°C to +85°G 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX358EWE -40°C to 485°C 16 Lead Wide so
MAX358EJE -40°C to 985°C 16 Lead. CERDtP
MAX358MJE -55''C to +125°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX358C/D" tPC to +75°C oice
MAX3590PE 0°C to +75°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX359CWE IPC to +76°c 16 Lead Wlde so
MAxasecJE tPC to +75°c 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX359EPE -4tPC to +35°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX359EWE -40°C to +85°C 16 Lead Wide so
MAX359EJE -40°C to +85°G 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX359MJE -tilPG to +125°c 16 Lead CERDIP
MAXSSSC/D" tPG to +15°C Dice
(Olderlng Informatlon Is contlnued on last page.)
“The substrate may be allowed to float or be tied to V’
(dl CMOS).
Pin Configura tion
A V m l TOP VIEW A tr u E] A
n 1 a 1
Atmtr IE "t'111" E tlllll Alum, LE 1;:ng E 'hem,
lil, cr HI.608A E +Vaumv " CE HI-509A E oh,
1112 E m, mu E 1:2] ma
m, E III m. 1113. E El mm
m CE MI m, m“ E TEI IU,
our E El Ili, out. E II our,
The “Maxlm Attrirntagesignifltrs an Ufgraded quality level. At no additionalcost we oller a second-saurcs devlce that Is sub/ect to (he following: guaranteed
tighter test 'patritltratlons on man y ks y parameters; and device enhancements, when needed, that result!» Improved
ptrrfarmamm oval temperature along w t
parformamm without changlng (ha uncl
MAXIM is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
Haxlm Integrated Products 1..25
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MAX358/359, Hl-508A/509A
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HLED "iii'
5671-155]; 000110011 ll EINXN
T- s9rect
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer . .
"1ttr.t.".'.tey.5f."....ls.y. ................._...... +44v
.._. +22V
.. ..... . ..... ....... -22V
Digital Input Overvollage:
VEN, VA l Vsuppry“) .
VSu up -)
Analog Input Overvollage with Multiple e o e .
Vs tg,',':)),') ......... F............................ +20V
Analog Input” Overvollage Gi/ Multiplexer Power Ott:
V (+). .. B......................... ...... +35V
It 8uppty
5 {V VSUPWH ... ........ '.y.y.'.."..Cy.1C.C.C...a'i(,
Continuous Current.Sor D ................ ...... ...... 20mA
Peak Current, s or D
(Pulsed at Ima, 10% duty cycle max) .................. 40mA
Power Mssipatlon (Note " (CERDIP) . . . . . . . . .. . ' .. . . . . 1,28W
Operating Temperature Range. _
MAX358/359M; Hl-508AAi09A-2, -8 . . ... . .-55''0 to +125°C
MAX858/3590; HI-508Am09A-5 . .. ......... . tPO to +76°G
MAX358/359E ......F.._. ... MtPGtor85''t3
Storage Temperature Range . . .. . . . . .... . ' . . . -65°c to +150°C
Note 1: Derate 12.8mW/°C above TA = +75°C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause ermanonl damage to the device. These Brit stress rating: only and Iunctlanal
operation ot ma devics at these or an other conditions above those Indica ad In tlm oparalional sections a! the sparMeatlons " not Implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating condition: or exlendad periods may allacl device reliability.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Hl-508A/509A (See facing page for MAX358/359.)
Supplies , "tiv, -15V; vo, (Logic Level ngh) = +4.0V. VAL (Logic Level Low) = +0.8V (unless otherwlse noted).
-55°C to "NPC tpt) to 'rly'tt
ltr, = d:10V, ls a 100M +2510 1.2 M 1.5 1.8
ON Res'S'ance 'DSION) vAL = O.8V, Var, = 4V Full 1.5 1.8 t.8 2.0 Mt
OFF Input Leakage I Vs = MOV, Vo = T10V +25'C 0.03 0.03 n A
Current StOFFt Van = NN (Note 2) Full 50 50
VD I fcttN Vs = T10V +25'C 0.1 0.1
85:31:11,111 Leakage Imorn vEN = o.av Hl-508A Full 200 200 nA
(Note 2) Hl-509A Full 100 100
V = V94 = +1OV (Note 2) +25°C 0.1 Oh
gyrngnnel Leakage hrioro 7,",,'1:-la'e H1505 A Full 200 200 nA
v2: = 0. av HMi09A Full 100 100
Analog Signal Range VAN Full -15 +15 -15 +15 V
Difftrrtmtlal, OFF
Output Leakage Current Imrr (HI'SOQA only) Full 60 tit) nA
Output Leakage Current I VD =0V +25'C 4.0 4.0 nA
twith Overvollage) B(OFF) Analog Ovarvollaga= A33V Full. 2.0 . pA
Input Low Threshold VAL (Note 3) Full 0,8 0,8 V
Input High Threshold Var, Full 4.0 4.0 V
Input Leakage v, = 4V or 0V
Current (High or Low) IA (Note 4) Full 1,0 " pA
Access Time ts +25°C 0.5 " 0.5 1.0 . us
Braak-Bafore-Make Delay tarrtorr 1fei,,'11'islirii',iilt" +25°c 25 so 26 so _ ns
Enable Delay (ON) ttmteto $3 300 (gt MO 1000 ns
Enable Delay (OFF) tomsrn 'ielif' 300 (gt 300 1000 ns
Settling Tlme (0.1 %) . 1.2 1.2
(0.01 %) tser, +25 c " " "3
Note 2.. Ten nanoamps Is the pracllcal lower llmll tor hlgh speed measurement in the production test environment.
Note 3: To drive from DTL/TTL Clrcults. Ikn pulI-up veslstora to *5.0V supply are recommended.
Note 4: Dlgltal Input leakage Is prlmarlly due to the clamp diodes. Typlcal leakage Is less than 1nA at +25°c.
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