HI3-0201HS-5 ,High Speed, Quad SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchGeneral Description
Maxim's HI-201HS is a monolithic, CMOS, quad, single-
pole-single-throw (SP ..
HI3026JCQ ,8-Bit, 120 MSPS, Flash A/D ConverterFeatures Description• Differential Linearity Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.5 LSB The HI302 ..
HI3-0303-5 , Dual, SPDT CMOS Analog Switch
HI3-0303-5Z , Dual, SPDT CMOS Analog Switch
HI3-0507-5 ,SINGLE 16 AND 8/ DIFFERENTIAL 8 CHANNEL AND 4 CHANNEL CMOS ANALOG MULTIPLEXERSFeatures4-Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers• Low ON Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
HI3-0508-5 ,Single 16 and 8/Differential 8-Channel and 4-Channel CMOS Analog MultiplexersHI-506, HI-507, HI-508, HI-509Data Sheet June 1999 File Number 3142.2Single 16 and 8/Differential 8 ..
HN1C05FE ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) (Q1, Q2 Common) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ ..
HN1C07F ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) (Q1,Q2 Common) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition MinTyp. ..
HN1C26FS ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitCollec ..
HN1D01F ,Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Ultra High Speed Switching ApplicationHN1D01F TOSHIBA Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type HN1D01F Ultra High Speed Switching Application ..
HN1D01FE ,Switching diodeElectrical Characteristics (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Common; Ta = 25°C) TestCharacteristic Symbol Test Condit ..
HN1D01FU ,Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Ultra High Speed Switching ApplicationHN1D01FU TOSHIBA Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type HN1D01FU Ultra High Speed Switching Applicatio ..
High-Speed, CMOS, Quad, SPST Analog Switch
19-0117; Rev 1; 11/94
MliglhMhtmadl, (MODS, Quad,
Gonornl Description
Maxim's HI-201HS is a monolithic, CMOS, quad, single-
poIe-singIe-throw (SPST), high-speed analog switch
featuring fast switching times (ttyer, tON s 50ns) and low
on resistance (50ft max). It is pin compatible with the
industry-standard DG201A.
Maxim's new high-voltage silicon-gate technology in-
creases the maximum supply-voltage rating to 44V. This
improvement allows continuous operation with i20V sup-
plies, which is not permitted with the original
manufacturer‘s devices. Maxim's Hl-201HS operates
from dual supplies ranging from EN to t2tN, or from
single supplies from +12V to +20V. Logic levels are
TTL-ICMOS-compatible with single or dual supplies
$5957 Analog Switch
t am Slnghr9qtpty Operation: +12V to +20V
. Guammad Dual Supplies: 15V to i20V
0 Fan Switching Times: '
ton =30m
tors = 40ntt
t Low, son Max On Raslstance
. TrLVCMOSAhmtpatlbttt
. “V Max Supply Rating
Ordering Information
within these ranges. PART TEMP. RANGE PlN-PACKAGE
Maxim's HI-201HS is guaranteed not to latch up if power Hl3-0201HS-5 0°C to +700 16 Plastic DIP
supplies are disconnected while the analog-switch inputs HI6-0201HS-5 0°C to +70°C 16 Narrow SO
are present, provided the switch continuous-current ratings Hl1-0201HS-5 0°C to +70%; 16 CERDIP
og g p po pp y . HI3-0201HS-9 MO''C to +85°C 16 Plastic DIP
Applications H60201HS-9 -40°c to +990 16 Narrow so
Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) Hl1-0201HS-9 MOT to +85°C 16 CERDIP
Heads-Up Displays Hl1-0201HS-2 -55°C to +125°C 16 CERDIP
Communication Systems Hl4-0201HS-8 -55°C to +1290 20 LCC"
Sample-and-Hold Circuits . . . .
. ' I Contact factory for dice specifications.
Military " Contact factory for availability
Integrator Reset Circuits .
Ftmttttonat Diagram An Configurations
M" Al sei i.iyea n
m 5 i l
HI-201Hs thm [if-U 15 00T2
f/lil' WI cr 14 1112
LEVELSHIFIER AND umvsn v- E "hfgh2' 13 v.
-.- l ouu CE-e ,1 iu,-,iii outs
- v. M [34> 'ako- 9 A3
Pin tkt*gurations continued on lastpage. l OFF
Maxim Integrated Product: 1
3H ”- OZ'IIM
Hfl-ZO 11 [HIS
Mi'glloSpeed, CMOS, Quad,
SPST Analog Switch
Voltage Referenced to V-
V+ ._.V-V_...___l.Flt..llr._ 44V
GND ........................................ 25V
Digital Inputs Vs, VD (Note 1) . . . (V- - 4V) to (V+ + 4V) or 30mA
(whichever occurs first)
Current (any terminal, except S or D) ............... 30mA
Continuous Current, s or D ....................... 20mA
Peak Current, S or D
(pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle max) .............. 40mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70"C, Note 2)
16-Pin DIP (derate 10.53mWI' C above +70'C) _..... 842mw
16-Pin Wide so (aerate 9.52mWI' C above +70'C) ' . . 762mW
16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/‘ C above +70'C) . . 800mW
20-Pin LCC (derate 9.09mWI‘ C above +70'C) ...... 727mW
Operating Temperature Ranges:
HA)201HS-5/-6 ......................... O'C to +70'C
Hl-0201HS-9 .......................... MO''C to +85'C
HI-0201HS-2l-8 ....................... -55'C to +125'C
Storage Temperature Range ............. ~65'C to +150‘C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) .............. +300'C
Note 1: Signals on Sx, Dx, or INx exceeding V+ or V- are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward current to maximum current
Note 2: All leads soldered or welded to PC board.
Stresses b and those listed under 'Absolure Maximum Ratings'may cause permanent damage to the _devict These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation o the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational secnons of the specifications is not implied Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, GND = 0V, TA = +25'C, unless otherwise noted.)
HI-201HS-2l-8 HI-201HS-5l-GI-9
I (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 3) (Note 4)
[ Analog-Signal Range VANALOG -15 15 -15 15
Drain-Source On - - -
I Resistance (Note 5) '08 (on) " - t10V, VIN - 0.8V. IS - 1mA 30 50 30 50 n
Source-Off Leakage l v = 3 OV vs = 14V, VD = -14V -1 10.01 1 -1 10.01 1 nA
Current s (off) IN ' vs = -14v. VD = 14V -1 10.02 1 -1 10.02 1
Drain-Off Leakage I v = 3 ov VD " 14v, vs = .14v -1 10.01 1 -1 10.01 1 A
Current D (oft) IN V VD = -14v, vs = 14V -1 10.02 1 -1 10.02 1 n
I Drain-On Leakage ID (rm) VD = -14V,V1N = 0.8V -1 10.10 1 -1 10.10 1 nA
r Current (Note 6) VD = 14v. VIN = o.ev -1 10.15 1 -1 10.15 1
mput Currentwilth IINH VIN = 3.0V -l 0 1 -l 0 1 WA
I Input Voltage High VIN = 15V -1 0 1 -l 0 1
Input Current with - - _
Input Voltage Low " Vito - 0.8V 1 0 1 1 0 1 “A J