HI3-0201-5 ,Dual/Quad SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesGeneral Description
The Maxim HI-201 monolithic CMOS quad single-pole-
single-throw (SPST) anal ..
HI3-0201-5 ,Dual/Quad SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)
(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, GND = 0V, TA = +25°C, unless other ..
HI3-0201-5 ,Dual/Quad SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesApplicationsTTL and CMOS compatible for maximum applicationversatility. HI-200/HI-201 are ideal com ..
HI3-0201HS-5 ,High Speed, Quad SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchGeneral Description
Maxim's HI-201HS is a monolithic, CMOS, quad, single-
pole-single-throw (SP ..
HI3026JCQ ,8-Bit, 120 MSPS, Flash A/D ConverterFeatures Description• Differential Linearity Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.5 LSB The HI302 ..
HI3-0303-5 , Dual, SPDT CMOS Analog Switch
HN1C05FE ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) (Q1, Q2 Common) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ ..
HN1C07F ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) (Q1,Q2 Common) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition MinTyp. ..
HN1C26FS ,Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitCollec ..
HN1D01F ,Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Ultra High Speed Switching ApplicationHN1D01F TOSHIBA Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type HN1D01F Ultra High Speed Switching Application ..
HN1D01FE ,Switching diodeElectrical Characteristics (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Common; Ta = 25°C) TestCharacteristic Symbol Test Condit ..
HN1D01FU ,Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Ultra High Speed Switching ApplicationHN1D01FU TOSHIBA Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type HN1D01FU Ultra High Speed Switching Applicatio ..
Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switch
2fllA] /I|XI]/MD
Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switch
General Description
The Maxim HI-201 monolithic CMOS quad single-pole-
single-throw (SPST) analog switch is a plug-in upgrade
for the Harris HI-201. Maxim has eliminated the need for
a VREF supply, which is normally required for operation
with power supplies other than i15V. And Maxim's part
consumes 1/4 the power (4mW typ), making it better
suited for portable applications.
Maxim's switch can be continuously operated with power
supplies ranging from i4.5V to :18V, or single supplies
over a range of +5V to +30V. Each switch can be
independently selected and features fast switching (ton--
260ns, tort = 100ns typ) and low on resistance (45n typ).
Maxim guarantees these switches will not latchup if the
power supplies are disconnected with switch input sig-
nals still present. Logic inputs are both CMOS and TTL
compatible without the need for puII-up resistors.
Disk Drives
Test Equipment
Communication Systems
Guidance and Control Systems
Heads-Up Displays
Typical Operating Circuit
. No VREF Supply Required
t Monolithic, Low-Power CMOS Design
. Guaranteed Single-Supply Operation trom
+5V to o30V
. Guaranteed M.51/ to K18V Operation
. Fast Switching Times: ton = 260ns (typ)
toft = 100ns (typ)
. 459 (typ) On Resistance
. Non-Latching with Supplies Turned Off and Input
Signals Present
. CMOS and TTL Logic Compatible (0.8V/2.4V)
Ordering Information
HI3-0201-5 CC to +70''C 16 Plastic DIP
Hl6-0201-5 0'C to r70''C 16 Wide SO
Hl1-0201-5 JC to +70°C 16 CERDIP
Hl0-0201-6 0°C to +70'C Dice
Hl3-0201-9 -40T to +85"C 16 Plastic DIP
Hl6-0201-9 -40°C to +85°C 16 Wide so
Hl1-0201-9 -40"C to +850 16 CERDIP
H|1-0201-2 -55“C to +1250 16 CERDIP
HI4-0201-8'' -55"C to +125°C 20 LCC
. Contact Factory for A vailability
Pin Configurations
40m 5ld2
i r15V
Programmable Gain Amplifier
Note: . Pins 1, 8, 9 and 16 are logic control inputs
A1 cry) it < kg] A2
oun [E-o :1 a’s—E oun
m1 IE 3 E IN
v- Mm” E V+
M [E E IN3
oun [2—341 l..c,_-1'r) outs
M Imi> Q3 as
Pin configurations continued on page 7.
lVl/J X l IVI
Maxlm Integrated Products 1
MAXIM is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products,
Guard SPST CMOS Analog Switch
Supply Voltage Between Pins 4 and 13 ............ 44V (122) Operating Temperature
VREFto Ground ............................. +2OV, -5V HI_-0201-5,6 ........................... CC to +70'C
Digital Input Voltage ...................... +VSUPPLY +4V Hl_-0201-9 ........................... -40°C to +85°C
-VSUPPLY -4V Hl_-0201-2,8 ........................ -55''C to +125°C
Analog Input Voltage (One Switch) ......... oi/SUPPLY +2.0V Storage Temperature ................... -65°C to +150“C
-VSUPPLY -2.0V Power Dissipation (Note 1)
Analog Current - Continuous, Peak ............ 30mA, 80mA 16-Pin CERDIP (Note 2) ........................ 900mW
Power Dissipation (any package) .................. 750mW 16-Pin Plastic DIP (Note 3) ...................... 470mW
Derate Above +75°C ......................... 8mW/T) 16-Pin Wide so (Note 4) ....................... 400mW
Note 1: Device mounted with all pins soldered to PC board,
Note 2: Derate 12mW/“C above +75°C.
Note 3: Derate 6.5mW/'C above +25°C.
Note 4: Derate TmW/TD above +25'C.
Stresses listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings''may be applied (one at a time) to devices without resulting in permanent damage. These are stress ratings
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied
Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability,
(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, GND = 0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
PARAMETER SYMBOL couornous Hl_.0201-2/8 Hlv0201-5/6/9 uurrs
(Note 5) (Note 6) (Note 5) (Note 6)
Analog-Signal Range VANALOG -15 15 -15 15
Drain-Source On - - -
Resistance (Note 7) ms (on) VD - tlov, VIN - 0.8V. Is - 1mA 45 7O 45 80 n
Source-Off Leakage l _ VS = 14V, VD = -14V -5 tom 5 -10 $0.01 10
ff VIN - 2.4V nA
Current s (o ) vs = -14v, VD = 14V -5 +102 5 -10 10.02 10
Drain-Off Leakage 1 v = 2 4V VD = 14v. vs = -14v -5 10,01 5 -10 10.01 10 nA
Current D Wtf) IN ' VD = -14v. Vs = 14V -5 10,02 5 -10 10.02 10
Drain-On Leakage ID (on) vs = -14v. VIN = 0.8V -5 10.1 5 -10 ton 10 nA
Current (Note 8) VD = 14v. VIN = 0.8V -5 10.15 5 -10 10.15 10
Input Current y.lth “NH VIN = 2.4V _ -l 10.0004 1 -1 10.0004 1 0A
Input Voltage High VIN = 15V -l 0.003 1 -1 0.003 1
Input Current with - _
InputVoltage Low 'INL VIN - 0V -1 10.0004 1 1 10.0004 1 11A
2 1m lle/Vl