MAX359EWE ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexerGeneral Description
Maxim's Hl-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single-
ended (1 of 8) multiplexer ..
MAX3600CTL+ ,Laser Driver for ProjectorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.3V Q5%, T = 0NC to +70NC, T P +125NC, EN_MAIN high, V R 0.9V, unle ..
MAX361CSE ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesGeneral Description ________
MAX361CSE+ ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V, T = T t ..
MAX361EJE ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesFeatures' Low On Resistance: < 45Ω Typical (85Ω Max)The MAX361/MAX362 are precision, quad, single-p ..
MAX361EPE ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX362CPE 0°C to +70°C 16 Plastic DIPSample-and-Hold CircuitsMAX362CSE 0°C to +70°C 16 ..
MAX7231BFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/DriversGeneral Description
The MAX7231/32/33/34 family of integrated circuits
is a complete line of tr ..
MAX7231BFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/Drivers7 --'----
MAX7231CFEPL ,8-Digit, Triplexed LCD Decoder DriverFeatures
. MAX7231 drives 8 digits/7 segments; parallel
input format; 2 annunciators per digi ..
MAX7231CFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/DriversGeneral Description
The MAX7231/32/33/34 family of integrated circuits
is a complete line of tr ..
MAX7233AFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/Driversapplications where power
consumption is a primary concern. Many applica-
tions also take advantag ..
MAX7233BFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/DriversFeatures
. MAX7231 drives 8 digits/7 segments; parallel
input format; 2 annunciators per digi ..
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer
19-0d49,' Pev f), 4/88
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer
General Description
Maxim's HI-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single-
ended (1 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection.
Maxim's HI-509A and MAX359 are 4 channel differ-
ential (2 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection.
Using a series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel
structure, these multiplexers provide significantly
improved fault protection. If the power supplies to
the Maxim fault-protected multiplexer are inadver-
tently turned off while input voltages are still applied,
all channels in the multiplexer are turned off, and
only a few nanoamperes of leakage current will flow
into the inputs. This protects not only the multiplexer
and the circuitry driven by the multiplexer, but also
protects the sensors or signal sources which drive
the multiplexer.
The Maxim series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel
protection structure has two significant advantages
over the simple current limiting protection scheme
of the first generation fault protected multiplexers.
First, the Maxim protection scheme limits fault currents
to nanoamp leakage values rather than many milli-
amperes. This prevents damage to sensors or other
sensitive signal sources. Second, the Maxim fault-
protected multiplexers can withstand a continuous
1i35V overvoltage, unlike the first generation which
has a continuous overvoltage limitation of about
l-ION/ imposed by power dissipation considerations.
All digital inputs have logic thresholds of 0.8V and
2.4V, ensuring both TTL and CMOS compatibility
without requiring pullup resistors. Break-before-
make operation is guaranteed. Power supply currents
have been reduced and typical power dissipation is
less than 2 milliwatts.
Data Acquisition Systems
Industrial and Process Control Systems
Avionics Test Equipment
Signal Routing between Systems
. Improved 2nd Source (See "Maxim
Advantage" on 3rd and 5th page)
. All Switches Off with Power Supplies Off
. On Channel Turns OFF if Overvoltage Occurs
. Only Nanoamperes of Input Current under All
Fault Conditions
t Latchup-proot Construction
. Operates from :45 to i18V Supplles
. All Digital Inputs are TTL and CMOS
- Ordering Information
MAX358CPE (Y'C to +75°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX358CWE 0°C to +75°c 16 Lead Wide so
MAX358CJE 0°C to +75°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX358EPE -400C to t85°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX358EWE -40OC to 185°C 16 Lead Wide so
MAX358EJE -40''C to 485°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX358MJE -55''C to +125°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX358C/D" 0°C to 175°C Dice
MAX359CPE 0°C to 45°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX359CWE 0°C to 45°C 16 Lead Wide so
MAX359COE 0°C to +75°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX359EPE -4(Y'C io +85°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX359EWE -40oC to +85°C 16 Lead Wide so
MAX359EJE -40''C to ‘85°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX359MJE -55°C to 425°C 16 Lead CERDIP
MAX3590/D" 0''C to +75°C Dice
(Ordering Information is continued on last page.)
"The substrate may be allowed to float or be tied to V‘
(Jl CMOS),
Pin Configuration
Au CE Ct] A1 A0 I E AI
ml CE HI-508A E 'llsom, Itiu 4 HI-509A E (h,
m2 E El m5 Ilia E CE) mm
ma CE CEI m6 "is [E IO m38
m4 1: E] m, itla ll E] ltim,
OUT E El Ills OUT. I: a nun,
The "Manm Advantage" Signities an upgrarredqua/rty level. At no admlional cost we ollera second-sourcedewce ma! IS subject lo the Io/lowuig guaranteed
performance over temperature along erh tighter test specifications on many keypararnvters, anddewce enhahcements. when needed. that result ll) Vniploved
performance Without changing the functionality
Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
V609/V809 'IH ‘699/898XVW
MAX358/359, Hl-508A/509A
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer
Voltage between Supply Pms ........................... +44V
V+ r22V
Digital Input Overvoltage:
V (r) .................................. +4V
V , v Supply .
EN A 1 sl- ) ................................... -4V
Analog Input Overvoltage with Multiplexer Power On:
Vs ppl (+ ) ...................................... +20V
VS 1 S” 11‘ ....................................... -20V
Analog Input Overvoltage with Multiplexer Power Off:
vs/u/ttrd) ........ +35V
VSUpp.Y( -) ...................................... -35V
Continuous Current, S or D -.V..Fr_-.l-P._ 20mA
Peak Current, s or D
(Pulsed at lms, 10% duty cycle max) ................. 40mA
Power Dissipation (Note 1) (CERDIP) ..................
Operating Temperature Range:
MAX358/359M; Hl-508A/509A-2, -8 ...... -55oC to 425°C
MAX358/359C; Hl-508A/509A-5 ............ . 0°C to '75''C
MAX358/359E -40oC to '85"C
Storage Temperature Range ................. -65"C to +150°C
Note 1: Dera1e12.8mW/°C above TA : +75°C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to (he dewce. These are stress raungs only and luncllonal
operanon of the dsvrce at these or any other canthtions above those indicated In the operational sections of the specfcatiamr IS not implied, Exposure IO
absolute maximum ralmg condmons for exlanded periods may affect dewce reliability,
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Hl-508A/509A (See facing page for MAX358/359.)
Supplies = +15V. -15V,' VAH (Logic Level High) = +4.0V. VAL (Logic Level Low) t +0.8V (unless otherwise noted).
-55''C to +125°C tPC to +75°c ,
. VD = t10V, ls 2100;.AA +25°C 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8
ON Resistance rrosioro VAL = 0.8V. vAH = 4V Full 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.0 ktl
OFF Input Leakage l Vs , t10V, VD = rr10V '25°C 003 0 03 nA
Current S(OFF) VEN = 0.8V (Note 2) Full 50 50
vD = t10V, vs = TION/ are 0.1 0.1
I',','',,,)"'"" Leakage 'o1om vEN = 0BV Hl-508A Full 200 200 nA
(Note 2) Hl-509A Full 100 100
VSLAL’L- VD _ V:10v (Nate 2) +25°C JI 0.1
gmgfme' Leakage IBM, {IEN HI- 508A Full 200 200 nA
V2: =0 8V Hl-509A Full 100 100
Analog Signal Range VAN Full -15 +15 -15 '15 V
Differential, OFF
Output Leakage Current IDIFF (HI-509A only) Full 50 50 , nA
Output Leakage Current I D = 0V r25''C 4.0 4.0 .1 nA
(wuth Overvoltage) 010m Analog Overvoltage = t33V Full 2.0 L PA
Input Low Threshold VAL (Note 3) Full 05 0 8 V
Input High Threshold VAH Full 4.0 4.0 F
Input Leakage VA = 4V or 0V
Current (High or Low) IA (Note 4) Full ll) 10 ps/k
Access Time ta +25°C 0.5 1.0 os 1.0 us
Break-Before-Make Delay toN-tcor, KEN; 1'l,' $0230" +25°c 25 80 25 80 ns
o. l, 2 g
" D 300 00 300
Enable Delay (ON) IOMEN) Fillc 15000 1000 ns
25°C 300 500 300 7
Enable Delay (OFF) torrcN) Il'; 1000 1000 ns
Settling Time (0.1%) a 1.2 1.2 -
L (0.01%) ‘SETT r25 C 3.5 3.5 pas
Note 2: Ten nanoamps is the practical lower limit for high speed measurement in the production test enwonment
Nate 3: To drive from DTL/TTL Circuits, 1kfl pull-up resistors to +5.0V supply are recommended.
Note 4: Digital input leakage is primarily due to the clamp diodes, Typical leakage Is less than 1nA at +25°C.
lVI/J X I lVl