HFA320NJ40D ,400V 320A HEXFRED Doubler Diode in a TO-244AB Non-Isolated packageapplications whereswitching losses are significant portion of the total losses.TO-244ABAbsolute Max ..
HFA32PA120C ,1200V 16A HEXFRED Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeatures2V = 1200V• Ultrafast Recovery R• Ultrasoft RecoveryV (typ.) = 2.3VF• Very Low IRRMI = 16AF ..
HFA3421IB96 ,1.7GHzFeaturesThe Intersil HFA3421 PRISM® is a high• Low Noise Figure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
HFA3424IB ,2.4GHzHFA3424Data Sheet January 1997 File Number 4131.22.4GHz - 2.5GHz Low Noise Amplifier
HFA3424IB96 ,2.4GHzFeatures™ The Intersil 2.4GHz PRISM™ chip set is• Low Noise Figure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
HFA3524IA ,2.5GHz/600MHz Dual Frequency SynthesizerHFA3524TMData Sheet March 2000 File Number 4062.82.5GHz/600MHz Dual Frequency
HM62W16256BLTT-7SL , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HM62W16258BLTT-5 , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HM62W16258BLTT-5SL , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HM62W16258BLTT-7 , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HM62W16258BLTT-7 , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
HM62W16258BLTT-7SL , 4 M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit)
400V 320A HEXFRED Doubler Diode in a TO-244AB Non-Isolated package
TOR Rectifier
PD -2.513 rev.A 02/99
. Reduced RFI and EMI
. Reduced Snubbing
. Extensive Characterization of
Recovery Parameters
Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode
Base AC
HEXFRED"1diodes are optimized to reduce losses and EMI/RFI in high frequency
power conditioning systems. An extensive characterization of the recovery
behavior for different values of current, temperature and di/dt simplifies the
calculations of losses in the operating conditions. The softness of the recovery
eliminates the need fora snubber in most applications. These devices are ideally
suited for power converters, motors drives and other applications where
switching losses are significant portion of the total losses.
VR = 400V
VF(typ.)a = 1V
|F(AV) = 320A
er (typ.) = 420nC
IRRM(typ.) = 8.7A
trr(typ.) = 45ns
di(rec)M/dt (typ.)® = 280A/ps
Absolute Maximum Ratings (per Leg)
Parameter Max. Units
VR Cathode-to-Anode Voltage 400 V
IF @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Forward Current 321
IF @ To = 100°C Continuous Forward Current 160 A
IFSM Single Pulse Forward Current co 1200
EA3 Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy © 1.4 m]
Po @ Tc = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 625 W
PD @ Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 250
To Operating Junction and
TSTG Storage Temperature Range -55 to +150 C
Thermal - Mechanical Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Rm Junction-to-Case, Single Leg Conducting - - 0.24 "CMI
Junction-to-Case, Both Legs Conducting - - 0.12 KAN
Rmcs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface - 0.10 -
Wt Weight - 79 (2.8) - g (oz)
Mounting Torque GD 30 (3.4) - 40 (4.6) .
Mounting Torque Center Hole 12 (1.4) - 18 (2.1) b''.,);
TerminalTorque 30 (3.4) - 40 (4.6) ( m)
Vertical Pull - - 80 Ibf-in
2 inch Lever Pull - - 35
Note: (D Limited byjunction temperature
© L = 100pH, duty cycle limited by max TJ
© 125°C
© Mounting surface must be smooth, flat, free or burrs or other
protrusions, Apply a thin even mm or thermal grease to mounting
surface. Gradually tighten each mounting bolt in 5-10 Ibf-in steps
until desired or maximum torque limits are reached. Module
HFA320NJ40D International
(7 . .
PD-2.513 rev.A 02/99 TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics (per Leg) @ To = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
VBR Cathode Anode Breakdown Voltage 400 - - V IR = 100PA
VFM Max Forward Voltage - 1.10 1.35 IF = 160A
- 1.30 1.55 V IF = 320A See Fig. 1
- 1.00 1.20 IF: 160A,TJ= 125°C
IRM Max Reverse Leakage Current - 2.0 12 pA VR = VR Rated See Fig. 2
- 3.0 16 mA To = 125°C, VR = 320V
CT Junction Capacitance - 370 500 pF VR = 200V See Fig. 3
Ls Series Inductance - 5.0 - nH From top ofterrmnal hole to mounting
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
tn Reverse Recovery Time - 45 - IF = 1.0A, dif/dt = 200A/ps, VR = 30V
tm - 90 140 ns To = 25''C See Fig.
trrz - 290 440 To = 125°C 5 IF = 160A
IRRM1 Peak Recovery Current - 8.7 20 A To = 25''C See Fig.
IRRMZ - 18 30 To = 125°C 6 VR = 200V
Qm Reverse Recovery Charge - 420 1100 nC To = 25°C See Fig.
er2 - 2600 7000 To = 125°C 7 dif/dt = 200A/ps
dkrec)M/dt1 Peak Rate of Fall of Recovery Current - 300 - Alps To = 25°C See Fig.
80.01 3.150 --e f )
-- 40.26_(1.585) ( ) - 13.3; (3333) DIA.
39.75 (1.565) ,
"s, r ,
_ , 1 (ii) 0100 J (l) 1270-itf-lr0fl1)
7.49 (0.295) DIA./ .l,s'-"sssssss, 1-ANODE
6.99 (0.275) - 34.925 (1.375 - 4.95 (0.195) 2-CATHODE
(2 PLCS.) REF. - m DIA. 3- ANODE
63.50 (2.500)
60.96 (2.400)3 / 1/4 20 SLOTTED HEX
23.55 (0.927) mm TPY" l
20.42 (0.304) I I I li75fi20l CONFORMS TO JEDEC
1 I I ' I 14-99 (0.590) 0UTLINETO-244AB
I I I I , Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)
3.35 (0.132)
l 3:022:23; l3.02(0.119)