HFA240NJ40C ,400V 240A HEXFRED Common Cathode Diode in a TO-244AB Non-Isolated packageapplications whereswitching losses are significant portion of the total losses.TO-244ABAbsolute Max ..
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HM62V8512CLFP-5SL , 4 M SRAM (512-kword x 8-bit)
HM62V8512CLFP-5SL , 4 M SRAM (512-kword x 8-bit)
400V 240A HEXFRED Common Cathode Diode in a TO-244AB Non-Isolated package
15.21% Rectifier
PD -2.453 rev. B 02/99
Featu res
. Reduced RFI and EMI
. Reduced Snubbing
. Extensive Characterization of
Recovery Parameters
HEXFRED"diodes are optimized to reduce losses and EMI/RFI in high frequency
An extensive characterization of the recovery
behavior for different values of current, temperature and di/dt simplifies the
calculations of losses in the operating conditions. The softness ofthe recovery
eliminates the need for a snubber in most applications.
ideally suited for power converters, motors drives and other applications where
power conditioning systems.
Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode
ANODE1 ANODE 2 Vr(typ.)cs) = IV
|F(AV) = 240A
BASE COMMBN CATHODE di(rec)M/dt (typ.)o = 270A/ps
er (typ.) = 290nC
IRRM(typ.) = 7.5A
trr(typ.) = 50ns
switching losses are significant portion of the total losses.
These devices are
Absolute Maximum Ratings (per Leg)
Parameter Max. Units
VR Cathode-to-Anode Voltage 400 V
IF @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Forward Current 244
IF @ To = 100°C Continuous Forward Current 122 A
IFSM Single Pulse Forward Current C) 900
EAs Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy © 1.4 ntl
PD @ Tc = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 460 W
PD @ Tc = 100''C Maximum Power Dissipation 185
To Operating Junction and
TSTG Storage Temperature Range -55 to +150 C
Thermal - Mechanical Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max Units
Rm Junction-to-Case, Single Leg Conducting - - 0.27 °CNV
Junction-to-Case, Both Legs Conducting - - 0.14 KAN
Rmcs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface - 0.10 -
Wt Weight - 79 (2.8) g (oz)
Mounting Torque © 30 (3.4) - 40 (4.6) .
Mounting Torque Center Hole 12 (1.4) - 18 (2.1) (mfg;
TerminalTorque 30 (3.4) - 40 (4.6)
Vertical Pull - - 80 lbf-in
2 inch Lever Pull - - 35
Note: (I) Limited byjunction temperature © Mounting surface must be smooth, flat, free or burrs or other
© L = 100pH, duty cycle limited by max TJ
© 125°C
protrusions. Apply a thin even film or thermal grease to mounting
surface. Gradually tighten each mounting bolt in 5-10 Ibf-in steps
until desired or maximum torque limits are reached. Module
PD-2.453 rev. B 02/99
152R Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics (per Leg) @ Tu = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
VBR Cathode Anode Breakdown Voltage 400 - - V IR = 100PA
VFM Max Forward Voltage - 1.1 1.3 IF = 120A
- 1.3 1.5 V I}: = 240A See Fig.1
- 1.0 1.2 IF=120A,TJ=125°C
IRM Max Reverse Leakage Current - 1.5 9.0 pA VR = VR Rated See Fig. 2
- 2.3 12 mA T: = 125°C, VR = 320V
CT Junction Capacitance - 280 380 pF VR = 200V See Fig. 3
Ls Series Inductance - 6.0 - nH From top of terminal hole to mounting
Dynamic Recovery Characteristics (per )@ Tu = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
trr Reverse Recovery Time - 50 - IF = 1.0A, dif /dt = 200A/us, VR = 30V
tm - 77 120 ns T: = 25°C See Fig.
trr2 - 290 440 T: = 125°C 5 IF = 120A
|RRM1 Peak Recovery Current - 7.5 14 A T: = 25''C See Fig.
IRRM2 - 16 30 T: = 125°C 6 VR = 200V
Qm Reverse Recovery Charge - 290 780 nC T: = 25''C See Fig.
er2 - 2300 6300 T: = 125°C 7 dif/dt = 200A/ps
di(rec)M/dt1 Peak Rate of Fall of Recovery Current - 320 - Alps T: = 25''C See Fig.
dkrecw/dtz During tr, - 270 - T: = 125°C 8
7.49 (0.295) DIA _/
80.01 (3.150)
-- 40.26 (1.535)
39.75 (1.565)
10.41 (0.410) DIA
9.65 (0.380) .
'"ss, 10961021
17.78 (0.700)
90.17 (3.550)
6.99 (0.275) - 34.925 (1.375)-- _ 4.95 (0.195) DIA
(2 PLCS.) REF. 4.70 (0.185) .
63.50 (2.500)
60.96 (2.400) -114-20 SLOTTED HEX
23 55 (o 927) _JTUT| ITUH/ l
20.42 (0.804) I I 15-75i0i20) 0.620
l l , l I 14.99 (0.590)
I I l f 1
3.35 (0.132)
l 92.71(3.650) , 3.02 (0.119)
Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)