HEF4794BT ,8-stage shift-and-store register LED driverLogic diagram.PINNINGSYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTIONhandbook, halfpageSTR 1 strobe inputVSTR 1 16DDD 2 data ..
HEF4894BP ,12-stage shift-and-store register LED driverGeneral descriptionThe HEF4894B is a 12-stage serial shift register. It has a storage latch associa ..
HEF4894BP ,12-stage shift-and-store register LED driverFeatures and benefits Fully static operation 5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings Standardized ..
HEF4894BT ,12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4894B12-stage shift-and-store register LED driverRev. 8 — 22 November 2011 Product data sheet1.
HEF4894BT ,12-stage shift-and-store register LED driverLogic diagram5. Pinning information5.1 Pinning STR 1 20 VDDDO 2 19ECP 3 18 QP6QP0 4 17 QP75 16QP1 Q ..
HEF4894BT ,12-stage shift-and-store register LED driverFeatures and benefits Fully static operation 5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings Standardized ..
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8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
APPLICATIONS Automotive Industrial.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe HEF4794B is an 8-stage serial shift register having a
storage latch associated with each stage for strobing data
from the serial input to parallel LED driver outputsto O7. Data is shifted on positive-going clock
transitions. The data in each shift register stage is
transferred to the storage register when the strobe (STR)
input is HIGH. Data in the storage register appears at the
outputs whenever the output enable (EO) signal is HIGH.
Two serial outputs (OS and OS') are available for
cascading a number of HEF4794B devices. Data is
available at OS on positive-going clock edges to allow
high-speed operation in cascaded systems in which the
clock rise time is fast. The same serial information is
available at OS' on the next negative-going clock edge and
provides cascading HEF4794B devices when the clock
rise time is slow.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
Table 1 Function table; note1
Note H= HIGH state;= LOW state;= don’t care;= positive-going transition;= negative-going transition;= high-impedance OFF state;= no change;
O6'= the information in the seventh shift register
stage. At the positive clock edge the information in theth register stage is transferred to the 8th register
stage and the OS output.
FAMILY DATASee “Family Specifications” except for: rating for DC
current into any open-drain output is 40 mA.
IDD LIMITS CATEGORY MSISee “Family Specifications” for ratings.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
AC POWER CHARACTERISTICSVSS =0V; Tamb =25 °C; input transition times≤20 ns; unless otherwise specified.
Note Where:=∞;= input frequency (MHz);= output frequency (MHz);= load capacitance (pF);
Σ(foCL)= sum of outputs;
VDD= supply voltage (V).
AC TIMING CHARACTERISTICSVSS =0V; Tamb =25 °C; CL=50 pF; input transition times ≤20 ns; unless otherwise specified.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
Note Definition of symbol equivalent to 3-state outputs.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver HEF4794B
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