HEF4557BT ,1-to-64 bit variable length shift registerINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC04 LOCMOS HE40 ..
HEF4557BT ,1-to-64 bit variable length shift registerFeatures and benefits Fully static operation 5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings Standardized ..
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1-to-64 bit variable length shift register
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
1-to-64 bit variable length shift register HEF4557B
DESCRIPTIONThe HEF4557B is a static clocked serial shift register
whose length may be programmed to be any number of
bits between 1 and 64. The number of bits selected is
equal to the sum of the subscripts of the enabled length
control inputs (L1, L2, L4, L8, L16 and L32) plus one. Serial
data may be selected from the DA or DB data inputs with
the A/B select input. This feature is useful for recirculation
purposes. Information on DA or DB is shifted into the first
register position and all the data in the register is shifted
one position to the right on the LOW to HIGH transition of
CP0 while CP1 is LOW or on the HIGH to LOW transition CP1 while CP0 is HIGH. A HIGH on master reset (MR)
resets the register and forces O to LOW andO to HIGH,
independent of the other inputs.
PINNINGDA, DB data inputs
A/B select data input
CP0 clock input
CP1 clock enable input asynchronous master reset
L1 to L32 bit-length control inputsO buffered outputs
FAMILY DATA, IDD LIMITS category LSISee Family Specifications
HEF4557BP(N): 16-lead DIL; plastic
HEF4557BD(F): 16-lead DIL; ceramic (cerdip)
HEF4557BT(D): 16-lead SO; plastic
(SOT109-1) ): Package Designator North America
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
1-to-64 bit variable length shift register HEF4557B
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
1-to-64 bit variable length shift register HEF4557B
Notes The moment Dn appears at O depends on the
bit-length shown in the table below. H= HIGH state (the more positive voltage)L= LOW state (the less positive voltage) X= state is immaterial = positive-going transition = negative-going transition Dn= either HIGH or LOW
AC CHARACTERISTICSVSS= 0 V; Tamb =25 °C; input transition times≤ 20 ns
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
1-to-64 bit variable length shift register HEF4557B
AC CHARACTERISTICSVSS= 0 V; Tamb =25 °C; CL= 50 pF; input transition times≤ 20 ns
Interpolation table (see note next page)
Notes H= HIGH state (the more positive voltage)L= LOW state (the less positive voltage) X= state is immaterial
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
1-to-64 bit variable length shift register HEF4557B
AC CHARACTERISTICSVSS= 0 V; Tamb =25 °C; CL= 50 pF; input transition times≤ 20 ns; see also waveforms Fig.4
Note The set-up, hold and recovery times vary with the minimum number of bits selected. For other values as specified
one may interpolate as shown in the table (see previous page).