HEDS-9140 ,HEDS-9140#A00 · Three Channel Optical Incremental Encoder ModulesApplicationsEmitting Diode (LED) as its lightintegrated phasing technique, thesource. The light is ..
HEDS-9140 ,HEDS-9140#A00 · Three Channel Optical Incremental Encoder Modulesapplications include printers,I and I is sent to the indexof multiple sets of photodetectorsplotter ..
HEDS-9141 ,HEDS-9141#A00 · Three Channel Optical Incremental Encoder ModulesBlock DiagramThe HEDS-9040 and 9140 havetwo channel quadrature outputsplus a third channel index ou ..
HEDS-9200 ,HEDS-9200#300 · Linear Optical Incremental Encoder ModulesFeatures codestrip, these modules detectrelative linear position.• High Resolution: Up to 2048Cycle ..
HEDS-9700 ,HEDS-9700#F50 · Small Optical Encoder ModulesApplications the final outputs for channels Asource. The light is collimatedand B. Due to this inte ..
HM514800CLJ-7 , 524,288-word X 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory
HM514800CLJ-8 , 524,288-word X 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory
HM514800CLJ-8 , 524,288-word X 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory
HM514800CLJ-8 , 524,288-word X 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory
HM514800CLTT-7 , 524,288-word X 8-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory
HM5164405FTT-6 , 64 M EDO DRAM (16-Mword × 4-bit) 8 k Refresh/4 k Refresh