HCPL-3000 ,Power Bipolar Transistor Base Drive OptocouplerFeatures Description rating of 1.5 kV/μs this optocoup-ler readily rejects transients found• High O ..
HCPL3020 ,HCPL-3020 · 0.2 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Drive Optocouplerapplications.N/C 4 5 VEE Available in DIP 8 and SO-8SHIELDThe high operating voltagepackagesrange ..
HCPL-3020 ,HCPL-3020 · 0.2 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Drive OptocouplerAgilent HCPL-3020/HCPL-03020.2 Amp Output Current IGBTGate Drive OptocouplerData Sheet
HCPL-3020 ,HCPL-3020 · 0.2 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Drive OptocouplerFeatures• 0.2 A minimum peak outputcurrent High speed response: 0.7 µsmaximum propagation delay ov ..
HCPL3100 ,Power MOSFET/IGBT Gate Drive OptocouplersHPower MOSFET/IGBT GateDrive OptocouplersTechnical DataHCPL-3100HCPL-3101
HCPL-3100 ,Power MOSFET/IGBT Gate Drive OptocouplersFeatures Description The HCPL-3100 switches a 3000pF load in 2 μs and the HCPL-• High Output Curren ..
HD74HC08RPEL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates
HD74HC08RPEL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates
HD74HC08RPEL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates
HD74HC08RP-EL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates
HD74HC08RP-EL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates
HD74HC09FPEL , Quad. 2-input AND Gates (with open drain outputs)