FZH211S ,Driver and Level ConverterCharacteristics in the 5 V Range
Temperature range 1 and 5
Description Symbol Test conditions min ..
FZH215S ,Driver and Level ConverterDriver and Level Converter FZH 211 S
Incl. Automatic Threshold Changeover FZH 215 S
Bipolar IC
T ..
FZL4141D ,(FZL4145D) FZL4141DCharacteristics
Supply voltage 4.5 Vs; V5330 V
FZL 4141 D 0°CSTAS+70°C
FZL 4145 D --25 °CS TAS; ..
FZL4145D , Quad Driver Incl. Short-Circuit Signaling
FZL4145D , Quad Driver Incl. Short-Circuit Signaling
FZL4146G ,Function and Industrial ICsFZL 4146Quad Driver Incl. Short-Circuit SignalingBipolar IC
Driver and Level Converter
Driver and Level Converter FZH 211 S
Incl. Automatic Threshold Changeover FZH 215 S
Bipolar IC
Type Ordering Code Package
EFZH 211 s Q67000--H639-S1 J P-DF-16
BFZH 215 s Q67000-H2431
Four NAND drivers with open collector outputs, 2 inputs, and N input for delay circuits.
The input threshold can be switched to LSL, TTL., or CMOS level, depending on the supply
voltage used.
Typical Application
Driver up to 30 V/150 mA, relay driver, and level converter.
Calculation of the load resistance for wired AND connection is carried out as described for
FZH 161/181 (refer to LSL data book). In the case of wired AND connection and N wiring,
the capacitors CN must have identical values.
Maximum Ratings
Description Symbol Test conditions min max Unit
Supply voltage VS 0 30 V
Input voltage V. -0.5 30 V
VoItage between 2 inputs bl 30 V
Voltage at output, V,
output transistor cut off Q H 30 V
Voltage at output,
output transistor conducting Vo L 0 V
Output current Io L 150 mA
Capacitance at Q ck 5 nF
Capacitance between N and Q CN 0.1 p.F
Voltage at N --l 0.6 V
Current at N - 1 0 2 mA
Storage temperature Tstg --65 125 oC
Thermal resistance
system - air Re, SA 60 K/W
Operating Range
Supply voltage range 1 VS TTL threshold at A, B 4 7 V
Supply voltage range 2 Vs LSL threshold at A, B 9 30 V
Supply voltage Vs Switching of threshold 4 30 V
atA, Bat Vs=8V,
Ambient temperature
FZH 211 s (range 1) TA 0 70 "C
FZH 215 s (range 5) TA -25 85 °C
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 292
FZH 211 S
FZH 215 S
Characteristics in the 5 V Range
Temperature range 1 and 5
Description Symbol Test conditions min typ max Unit
Supply voltage Vs 4 7 V
H-input voltage V. H Vs = Vss 2 V
L-input voltage " L Vs = VSA and V58 0.8 V
Static noise immunity Vsn 0.4 1.0 V
L-output voltage Va L 10 L Tr..".' 1.6 mA V = 8 V 0.7 0.8 V
L-output voltage Va L k L P..'.'r. 100 mA ill-C. V 1.3 V
L-output voltage‘) Va L 10 L = 150 mA s sf 1.5 V
H-input current I H th H = 30 V I V - V 1 WA
L-input current -l L V, L == 0 V IH - SA 5 50 pA
H-output current Ia L VI L = 0.8 V, Vo H = 30 V, 50 pA
Vs = Vse
Supply current
per package Is VS T.= 7 V, V. = 0 V 1.5 3 5 mA
Characteristics in the 12 V, 15 V, 24 V Ranges
Temperature range 1 and 5
Supply voltage VS 9 30 V
H-input voltage V, H VS == V33 8 V
L-input voltage V. L Vs == VSA and Vs, 6 V
Static noise immunity Vsn 2.5 5.0 V
L-output voltage Vo L h, L = 100 mA VLH = 8 V 1 1.3 V
L-output voltage‘) Vo L la L = 150 mA VS = VSB 1.5 V
H-lnput current I, H V. H = 30 V I 1 pA
L-input current -l, L VI L = O V VS = VSA 5 50 pA
H-output current fa H V. L = 6 V, Va H = 30 V, 50 WA
Vs = Vsa
Supply current
per package Is vs = 30 V, V. = 0 V 1.5 3 5 mA
Switching Characteristics at VS = 12 V, T, = 25°C
Signal propagation time ts, LH V - 12 V 550 ns
ts, HL kfL--7's"o Q 200 ns
. . . . C -
Signal transition time tr LH C = 15 pF 90 ns
tr HL L 25 ns
Signal transition times at Q
with CNwiring between N and Q:
rTHL= 6 'CN -(Var, - VOL)
s, F,V
ITLH=15‘CN'(VoH-VQL) (11 p. )
typical values for CH > 0.02 pF
1) The sum of all output currents per package may not exceed 400 mA for the FZH 211 S and 350 mA
for the FZH 215 s.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 293