FSUSB30 ,Low-Power 2-Port High-Speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbps) SwitchFeatures DescriptionLow On Capacitance: 3.7pF (Typical) The FSUSB30 is a low-power, two-port, high- ..
FSUSB30 ,Low-Power 2-Port High-Speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbps) Switchfeatures anWide -3dB Bandwidth, >720MHz?extremely low on capacitance (C ) of 3.7pF. The wide? 8kV E ..
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Low-Power 2-Port High-Speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbps) Switch
FSUSB30 — Low-Power, Two-Port, High-Speed USB 2.0 (480Mbps) Switch April 2013 FSUSB30 Low-Power, Two-Port, High-Speed USB 2.0 (480Mbps) Switch Features Description Low On Capacitance: 3.7pF (Typical) The FSUSB30 is a low-power, two-port, high-speed USB ? ? Low On Resistance: 6.5 (Typical) 2.0 switch. Configured as a double-pole double-throw Low Power Consumption: 1µA (Maximum) ? (DPDT) switch, it is optimized for switching between two – 10µA Maximum I over an Expanded Control high-speed (480Mbps) sources or a Hi-Speed and Full- CCT Voltage Range (V = 2.6V, V = 4.3V) Speed (12Mbps) source. The FSUSB30 is compatible IN CC with the requirements of USB2.0 and features an Wide -3dB Bandwidth, >720MHz ? extremely low on capacitance (C ) of 3.7pF. The wide ? 8kV ESD Protection ON bandwidth of this device (720MHz), exceeds the band- Power-Off Protection when V = 0V; D+/D- Pins can ? CC width needed to pass the third harmonic, resulting in sig- Tolerate up to 5.5V nals with minimum edge and phase distortion. Superior ? Packaged in: channel-to-channel crosstalk minimizes interference. – 10-lead MicroPak™ (1.6 x 2.1mm) – 10-lead MSOP The FSUSB30 contains special circuitry on the D+/D- – 10-lead UMLP (1.4 x 1.8mm) pins which allows the device to withstand an overvoltage condition when powered off. This device is also designed Applications to minimize current consumption even when the control Cell phone, PDA, Digital Camera, and Notebook LCD ? voltage applied to the S pin, is lower than the supply volt- Monitor, TV, and Set-top Box age (V ). This feature is especially valuable to ultra- CC Related Application Notes portable applications such as cell phones, allowing for AN-6022 Using the FSUSB30 / FSUSB31 to Comply direct interface with the general purpose I/Os of the ? with USB 2.0 Fault Condition Requirements baseband processor. Other applications include switch- ing and connector sharing in portable cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras, printers, and notebook computers. Ordering Information Order Package Product Code Number Number Top Mark Package Description FSUSB30L10X MAC010A FJ 10-Lead MicroPak, 1.6 x 2.1mm 10-Lead Molded Small Outline Package (MSOP), JEDEC MO- FSUSB30MUX MUA10A FSUSB30 187, 3.0mm Wide FSUSB30UMXMLP010A GJ 10-Lead, Quad, Ultrathin, MLP (UMLP) 1.4 x 1.8mm FSUSB30 V CC 1D+ D+ USB2.0 Controller 1D– USB Set Top Box Connector (STB) CPU or D– DSP 2D+ DVR or Processor Mass Storage Control 2D– Controller S OE Figure 1. Typical Application MicroPak is a trademark of . © 2006 FSUSB30 Rev. 1.1.8