FSUSB22BQX ,Low Voltage Ultra Low Power USB High Speed (480 Mbps) Dual DPDT Switchapplications of the switching of high
Low Voltage Ultra Low Power USB High Speed (480 Mbps) Dual DPDT Switch
FSUSB22 Low Voltage Ultra Low Power USB High Speed (480 Mbps) Dual DPDT Switch January 2005 Revised March 2005 FSUSB22 Low Voltage Ultra Low Power USB High Speed (480 Mbps) Dual DPDT Switch General Description Features FSUSB22 is a low power high bandwidth analog switch40dB OFF Isolation at 250MHz specially designed for applications of the switching of high40dB non-adjacent channel crosstalk at 250MHz speed USB 2.0 signals in handset and consumer applica- 4.5: typical On Resistance (R ) ON tions such as cell phone, digital camera, and notebook with 3dB bandwidth: 750MHz hubs or controllers of limited USB I/O. The wide bandwidth (750MHz) of this switch allows signals to pass with mini-Low power consumption (1uA max) mum edge and phase distortion. Superior channel-to-chan- Control input: TTL compatible nel crosstalk results in minimal interference. It is Bidirectional operation compatible with high speed USB2.0 standard. USB high speed and full speed signaling capability Applications • Cell phone, PDA, digital camera, and notebook Ordering Code: Order Number Package Number Package Description FSUSB22BQX MLP016E Pb-Free 16-Terminal Depopulated Quad Very-Thin Flat Pack No Leads (DQFN), JEDEC MO-241, 2.5 x 3.5mm FSUSB22QSC MQA16 16-Lead Quarter Size Outline Package (QSOP), JEDEC MO-137, 0.150" Wide (Preliminary) FSUSB22MTC MTC16 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide Devices also available in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending suffix letter “X” to the ordering code. Pb-Free package per JEDEC J-STD-020B. © 2005 DS500899