FOD2711 ,OPTICALLY ISOLATED ERROR AMPLIFIERAPPLICATIONS • Power supplies regulation • DC to DC convertersPIN DEFINITIONSPin Number Pin Name Pi ..
FOD2711S ,8-PIN DIP Error Amplifier Optocouplerapplications.8The device comes in a 8-pin dip white package.11 FUNCTIONAL
FOD2711SD ,8-PIN DIP Error Amplifier OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS •Power supplies regulation • DC to DC convertersPIN DEFINITIONSPin Number Pin Name Pin ..
FOD2711SDV ,8-PIN DIP Error Amplifier OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS •Power supplies regulation • DC to DC convertersPIN DEFINITIONSPin Number Pin Name Pin ..
FOD2711SDV ,8-PIN DIP Error Amplifier Optocoupler OPTICALLY ISOLATEDERROR AMPLIFIERFOD2711DESCRIPTIONThe FOD2711 Optically Isolated Am ..
FOD2711SV ,8-PIN DIP Error Amplifier Optocoupler OPTICALLY ISOLATEDERROR AMPLIFIERFOD2711DESCRIPTIONThe FOD2711 Optically Isolated Am ..
G3D ,GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER Document Number 860862 Rev. 2, 28-Jan-03G3A to G3MVISHAYVishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristi ..
G3K ,GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER Document Number 860864 Rev. 2, 28-Jan-03G3A to G3MVISHAYVishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Subst ..
G3NE-205T , Compact, Low-cost, SSR Switching 5 to 20 A
G3NE-205TL , Compact, Low-cost, SSR Switching 5 to 20 A
G3NE-210T , Compact, Low-cost, SSR Switching 5 to 20 A
G3SBA60 ,GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIERFeatures0.140 (3.56)0.880 (22.3) • Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory0.130 (3.30)0.860 (21 ..
DESCRIPTIONThe FOD2711 Optically Isolated Amplifier consists of the popular RC431A precision
programmable shunt reference and an optocoupler. The optocoupler is a gallium arsenide
(GaAs) light emitting diode optically coupled to a silicon phototransistor. The reference
voltage tolerance is 1%. The current transfer ratio (CTR) ranges from 100% to 200%.
It is primarily intended for use as the error amplifier/reference voltage/optocoupler
function in isolated ac to dc power supplies and dc/dc converters.
When using the FOD2711, power supply designers can reduce the component count and
save space in tightly packaged designs. The tight tolerance reference eliminates the need
for adjustments in many applications.
The device comes in a 8-pin dip white package.
FEATURES Optocoupler, precision reference and error amplifier in single package 1.240V ± 1% reference CTR 100% to 200% 5,000V RMS isolation UL approval E90700, Volume 2
CSA approval 1296837
VDE approval 40002463
BSI approval 8702, 8703
APPLICATIONS Power supplies regulation DC to DC converters