FMS6403MTC20X ,Triple Video Drivers w/Selectable HD/Progressive/SD/ Bypass Filters for RGB and YPbPr SignalsFMS6403 Triple Video Drivers w/Selectable HD/Progressive/SD/Bypass Filters for RGB and YPbPr Signa ..
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Triple Video Drivers w/Selectable HD/Progressive/SD/ Bypass Filters for RGB and YPbPr Signals
FMS6403 Triple Video Drivers w/Selectable HD/Progressive/SD/Bypass Filters for RGB and YPbPr Signals October 2004 FMS6403 Triple Video Drivers w/Selectable HD/Progressive/SD/ Bypass Filters for RGB and YPbPr Signals Features Description ■ Three video anti-aliasing or reconstruction filters The FMS6403 offers comprehensive filtering for TV, set top box or DVD applications. This part consists of a triple 6th order filter ■ 2:1 Mux inputs for YPbPr and RGB inputs with selectable 30MHz, 15MHz, or 8MHz cutoff frequencies. ■ Supports D1, D2, D3 and D4 video D-connector The filters may also be bypassed so that the bandwidth is limited (EIAJ CP-4120) only by the output amplifiers. ■ Selectable 8MHz/15MHz/30MHz 6th order filters plus bypass A 2 to 1 multiplexer is provided on each filter channel. The triple ■ Works with SD (480i), Progressive (480p) and HD filters are intended for YPbPr and RGB signals. The DC clamp (1080i/ 720p) levels are set according to the RGB_SEL control input. YPbPr ■ AC-coupled inputs include DC restore /bias circuitry sync tips are clamped to 250mV, 1.125V and 1.125V respectively ■ All outputs can drive AC or DC coupled 75Ω loads and while RGB sync tips are all clamped to 250mV. Sync clamp timing provide either 0dB or 6dB of gain can be derived from the Y/G inputs or from the external SYNC_IN ■ 0.4% differential gain, 0.22° differential phase pin. The 8MHz and 15MHz filter settings support bi-level sync while the 30MHz filter setting and bypass mode support tri-level ■ Lead (Pb)-free packaging sync. Applications All channels nominally accept AC coupled 1Vpp signals. Select- able 0dB or 6dB gain allows the outputs to drive 1Vpp or 2V pp ■ Progressive scan signals into AC or DC coupled terminated loads with a 1V pp ■ Cable set top boxes input. Input signals cannot exceed 1.5Vpp and outputs cannot ■ Home theaters exceed 2.5V . pp ■ Satellite set top boxes ■ DVD players ■ HDTV ■ Personal Video Recorders (PVR) ■ Video On Demand (VOD) Ordering Information Model Part Number Lead Free Package Container Pack Qty. FMS6403 FMS6403MTC20_NL Yes TSSOP-20 Tube 94 FMS6403 FMS6403MTC20X_NL Yes TSSOP-20 Tape and Reel 2500 Temperature Range: 0°C to +70°C ',6&/$,0(5 ',6&/$,0(5 )$,5&+,/'6(0,&21'8&7255(6(59(67+(5,*+7720$.(&+$1*(6:,7+287)857+(5127,&(72$1<352'8&76 )$,5&+,/'6(0,&21'8&7255(6(59(67+(5,*+7720$.(&+$1*(6:,7+287)857+(5127,&(72$1<352'8&76 +(5(,172,03529(5(/,$%,/,7<)81&7,2125'(6,*1)$,5&+,/''2(6127$6680($1</,$%,/,7<$5,6,1*2872)7+( +(5(,172,03529(5(/,$%,/,7<)81&7,2125'(6,*1)$,5&+,/''2(6127$6680($1</,$%,/,7<$5,6,1*2872)7+( $33/,&$7,212586(2)$1<352'8&725&,5&8,7'(6&5,%('+(5(,11(,7+(5'2(6,7&219(<$1</,&(16(81'(5 $33/,&$7,212586(2)$1<352'8&725&,5&8,7'(6&5,%('+(5(,11(,7+(5'2(6,7&219(<$1</,&(16(81'(5 ,763$7(175,*+761257+(5,*+762)27+(56 ,763$7(175,*+761257+(5,*+762)27+(56 /,)(683325732/,&< /,)(683325732/,&< )$,5&+,/'¶6352'8&76$5(127$87+25,=(')2586($6&5,7,&$/&20321(176,1/,)(6833257'(9,&(625 )$,5&+,/'¶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ev. 1.0.0 ©2004