FFB5551 ,NPN Multi-Chip General Purpose AmplifierFFB5551FFB5551E2B2Dual-Chip NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is deisgned for general purp ..
FFB5551 ,NPN Multi-Chip General Purpose Amplifierapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations
FFH15S60STU , Stealth 2 Rectifier
FFH30US30DN ,30A, 300V Stealth DiodeApplicationsFormerly developmental type TA49449. Switch Mode Power Supplies Power Factor Correcti ..
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NPN Multi-Chip General Purpose Amplifier
FFB5551 FFB5551 E2 B2 Dual-Chip NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is deisgned for general purpose high voltage amplifiers. C1 E1 is Pin 1. C2 B1 E1 SC70-6 Mark: .P1 Absolute Maximum Ratings* T =25°C unless otherwise noted C Symbol Parameter Value Units V Collector-Emitter Voltage 160 V CEO V Collector-Base Voltage 180 V CBO V Emitter-Base Voltage 6.0 V EBO I Collector Current - Continuous 200 mA C T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range - 55 ~ 150 °C J STG * These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. NOTES: 1) These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C. 2) These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations Electrical Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted C Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Max. Units Off Characteristics V Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage * I = 1.0mA, I = 0 160 V (BR)CEO C B V Collector-Base BreakdownVoltage I = 100µA, I = 0 180 V (BR)CBO C E V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage I = 10µA, I = 0 6.0 V (BR)EBO E C I Collector Cut-off Current V = 120V, I = 0 50 nA CBO CB E V = 120V, I = 0, T = 100°C 50 µA CB E A I Emitter Cut-off Current V = 4.0V, I = 0 50 nA EBO EB C On Characteristics * h DC Current Gain V = 5.0V, I = 1.0mA 80 FE CE C V = 5.0V, I = 10mA 80 250 CE C V = 5.0V, I = 50mA 30 CE C V (sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I = 10mA, I = 1.0mA 0.15 V CE C B I = 50mA, I = 5.0mA 0.20 C B V (sat) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage I = 10mA, I = 1.0mA 1.0 V BE C B I = 50mA, I = 5.0mA 1.0 C B Small Signal Characteristics f Current gain Bandwidth Product V = 10V, I = 10mA 100 300 MHz T CE C f = 100MHz C Output Capacitance V = 10V, I = 0, f = 1.0MHz 6.0 pF obo CB E * Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300µs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0% ©2003 Rev. A, June 2003