FDS9412 ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesThis N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produced• 7.9 A, 30 V. R = 22 mΩ @ V = 10 VDS(ON) GSu ..
FDS9412_NL ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications such as notebook computer DC-DCconverter where fast switching, low conduction loss and ..
FDS9431A ,P-Channel 2.5V Specified MOSFETGeneral DescriptionThis P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced• -3.5 A, -20 V. R = 0.130 Ω @ ..
FDS9431A_F085 ,-20V P-Channel 2.5V Specified MOSFETApplicationsDS(ON) High power and current handling capability. DC/DC converter Power management ..
FDS9431A_NL ,P-Channel 2.5V Specified MOSFETApplications High density cell design for extremely low R .DS(ON) DC/DC converter High power an ..
FDS9435A ,30V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This P-Channel MOSFET is a rugged gate version of • –5.3 A, –30 V R = 50 mΩ @ V = –10 V DS ..
FRM3Z231LT , InGaAs-PIN/Preamp Receiver
FRP1615 ,Ultra-fast POWER planar Rectifiers 16 A/ 50-200 V5L: DE aummu unamua 3 r”
I V 3469674 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR -. V 840 27842 n
tll-Ml-ll- FRP ..
FRP1620 ,Ultra-fast POWER planar Rectifiers 16 A/ 50-200 Vfeatures:
q Ultrafast " ns Reverse Recovery Time
. Soft Recovery (S > 0.5)
. Low lamzc)
. 1 ..
FRP2005CC ,Ultra-fast POWER planar Rectifiers 10-20 A/ 50-200 Vfeatures: >$©
o Ultrafast 35 ns Reverse Recovery Time
. Soft Recovery (S > 0.5)
. Low Ima ..
FRP2010CC. ,Ultra-fast POWER planar Rectifiers 10-20 A/ 50-200 VELI DEIHHE‘IEWI 0027636 l ICC”:i “‘43:“1":“':“:“‘“"':““““ L
FRP2020CC ,Ultra-fast POWER planar Rectifiers 10-20 A/ 50-200 Vfeatures: >$©
o Ultrafast 35 ns Reverse Recovery Time
. Soft Recovery (S > 0.5)
. Low Ima ..
Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
FDS9412 i FDS9412 Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features s N-Channel Logic Level T SFEOMs icde • . V, 309 ARm = 22 Ω V = 10(OGS irchild Smicctse advanc R(Om = 36 ΩGSV. = 4 Poweh proc ttha has been escily tilao t ommiithe on-ste ressceit and yet tiimnnaa • e cwoVec.meroiitcr shows e devices are partclaiuy situfor lwo volt sitcginhw• s icniocsuh as notk ctumpo c lhere f,s ccer wat itcgtionoshin lwow • myteroc tem threro cycfii Rwlo(O • in alitiu .ckt pamciauw D D 5 4 D D 6 3 7 2 G S 8 1 S SO-8 S o Absolute Maximum Ratings T5C unliess othesede notrwA Symbol Parameter Ratings Units Vte VloVS Vtloee±VSGS Ii(Note 1a)9AD s– Plu nio SeiisreosiPwo(Note 1a)5PWD (Note 1b)2 (Note 1c)0 TmJitioJG°C Thermal Characteristics imboiJ, ela(Note 1a)RθJA°W (Note 1)ReoiJ, ela°WθJC Package Marking and Ordering Information Device Marking Device Reel Size Tape width Quantity ’mts Wv)FSDairchemictorion 2000 Fd Silonduc Corporat 9412 Re D( 2500 uni12m13’FDS9412FDS9412 C/25Therm Resiancstuncton-t-Cas C/ 50Therm Resiancstuncton-t-Aent ST -55 t +150Operatng and Sorage uncton Teperature Range, T 1. 1. 2.paton fr Dingl Operat 24ed 7.– ContnuousDrain Current 20Gatourc-S Vage DS 30Drain-Sourcage =2 delrfed sy usoune age High power and crrent handlapabing cy DSN) hiengh ef are needed. High perfancenchnology fr exel andonduonvertss DC-DCer ebooapplat High speedageed rlThes upering perfan ry lharge. gat anatze ni redpealessrTrenc 5 @ VDSN) edonduor’Faing us DSN) @ V7. produThi 000l 2Apr