FDS5672 ,60V N-Channel PowerTrench?MOSFETApplications DC/DC convertersBranding Dash5 46 3517 2238 14SO-82005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corpor ..
FDS5680 ,60V N-Channel PowerTrench TM MOSFET ..
FDS5680_NL ,Single N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET ..
FDS5690 ,60V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fairchild 7 A, 60 V. R = 0.028 Ω @ V = 10 VDS(on) ..
FDS5690_NL ,N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETApplications High power and current handling capability.• DC/DC converter Motor drivesD54DD6 3D7 ..
FDS6064N3 ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETApplications • High power and current handling capability • Synchronous rectifier • DC/DC converter ..
FQD6P25TF ,250V P-Channel QFETFeaturesThese P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect -4.7A, -250V, R = 1.1Ω @V = -10 VDS(o ..
FQD6P25TM ,250V P-Channel QFETApril 2000TMQFET QFET QFET QFETFQD6P25 / FQU6P25250V P-Channel MOSFET
FQD7N10L ,100V LOGIC N-Channel MOSFETapplications such as highdirect operation from logic drivesefficiency switching DC/DC converters, a ..
FQD7N20L ,200V LOGIC N-Channel MOSFETFeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 5.5A, 200V, R = 0.75Ω @V = 10 VDS(on) ..
FQD7P06 ,60V P-Channel MOSFETFeaturesThese P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect • -5.4A, -60V, R = 0.45Ω @V = -10 VDS(o ..
FQD7P06TM ,60V P-Channel QFETFQD7P06 / FQU7P06May 2001TMQFETFQD7P06 / FQU7P0660V P-Channel MOSFET
60V N-Channel PowerTrench?MOSFET
® FDS5672 N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET July 2005 FDS5672 ® N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 60V, 12A, 10mΩ Features General Description r = 10mΩ, V = 10V, I = 12A This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to DS(ON) GS D improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using r = 14mΩ, V = 6V, I = 10A DS(ON) GS D either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for low gate charge, low High performance trench technology for extremely low r and fast switching speed. DS(ON) r DS(ON) Low gate charge High power and current handling capability Applications DC/DC converters Branding Dash 5 4 6 3 5 1 7 2 2 3 8 1 4 SO-8 ©2005 1 FDS5672 Rev. A