FDS4410 ,Single N-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrench TM MOSFETGeneral Description MOSFETN-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrenchSingle DS441 F O( TAV ..
FDS4410_NL ,Single N-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description MOSFETN-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrenchSingle DS441 F O( TAV ..
FDS4410A ,Single N-Channel, Logic-Level, PowerTrench® MOSFET®FDS4410A Single N-Channel, Logic-Level, PowerTrench MOSFET ..
FDS4410A ,Single N-Channel, Logic-Level, PowerTrench® MOSFETapplications where low in-line power loss and fastR DS(ON)switching are required. High power and cu ..
FDS4410A ,Single N-Channel, Logic-Level, PowerTrench® MOSFETGeneral Description 10 A, 30 V. R = 13.5 mΩ @ V = 10 V This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produce ..
FDS4435 ,30V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This P-Channel MOSFET is a rugged gate version of • –8.8 A, –30 V R = 20 mΩ @ V = –10 V DS ..
FQB70N08 ,80V N-Channel MOSFETapplications such as automotive, highefficiency switching for DC/DC converters, and DC motorcontrol ..
FQB70N08TM ,80V N-Channel QFETapplications such as automotive, highefficiency switching for DC/DC converters, and DC motorcontrol ..
FQB70N10 ,100V N-Channel MOSFETapplications such as audio amplifier,high efficiency switching DC/DC converters, and DC motorcontro ..
FQB7N10 ,100V N-Channel MOSFETapplications such as audioamplifiers, high efficiency switching DC/DC converters, andDC motor contr ..
FQB7N10L ,100V LOGIC N-Channel MOSFETapplications such as high Low level gate drive requirments allowingefficiency switching DC/DC conv ..
FQB7N10LTM ,100V N-Channel Logic Level QFETFQB7N10L / FQI7N10LDecember 2000TMQFET QFET QFET QFETFQB7N10L / FQI7N10L100V LOGIC N-Channel MOSFET
Single N-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrench TM MOSFET
Absolute Maximum Ratings