FDN371N ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETapplications.• Low gate charge (7.6 nC typical)• Load switch• Fast switching speed• Battery protec ..
FDN371N ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFDN371NFDN371N® ®PowerTrenchThis 20V N-Channel MOSFET uses Fairchild’s high• 2.5 A, 20 V. R = 50 m ..
FDN372S ,30V N-Channel PowerTrench SyncFETFeatures The FDN372S is designed to replace a single MOSFET • 2.6 A, 30 V. R = 40 mΩ @ V = 10 V D ..
FDN5618 ,60V P-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFETApplications• DC-DC converters • High performance trench technology for extremelylow RDS(ON)• Load ..
FDN5618P ,60V P-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFETFeaturesThis 60V P-Channel MOSFET uses Fairchild’s high• –1.25 A, –60 V. R = 0.170 Ω @ V = –10 VDS( ..
FDN5630 ,60V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETfeatures very low R in a small SOT23DS(ON) Low gate charge.footprint. Fairchild’s PowerTrench t ..
FPN560 ,NPN Low Saturation TransistorFPN560 / FPN560AFPN560FPN560ATO-226CBENPN Low Saturation TransistorThese devices are designed for h ..
FPN560A ,NPN Low Saturation TransistorFPN560 / FPN560AFPN560FPN560ATO-226CBENPN Low Saturation TransistorThese devices are designed for h ..
FPN560A ,NPN Low Saturation Transistorapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.Thermal Characteristics TA = 25°C u ..
FPN660 ,PNP Low Saturation TransistorFPN660/FPN660AFPN660/FPN660APNP Low Saturation Transistor• These devices are designed for high curr ..
FPN660A ,PNP Low Saturation Transistorapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.3) All voltage (V) and currents (A) are ..
FPN660A ,PNP Low Saturation TransistorFPN660/FPN660AFPN660/FPN660APNP Low Saturation Transistor• These devices are designed for high curr ..
20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
FDN371N FDN371N Ò Ò PowerTrench This 20V N-Channel MOSFET uses Fairchild’s high · 2.5 A, 20 V. R = 50 m W @ V = 4.5 V voltage PowerTrench process. It has been optimized for R = 60 m W @ V = 2.5 V power management applications. · Low gate charge (7.6 nC typical) · Load switch · Fast switching speed · Battery protection · Power management · High performance trench technology for extremely DD S GS G o T=25C unless otherwise notedA RatingsUnits VDrain-Source VoltageV VGate-Source VoltageV± IDrain Current– ContinuousAD – Pulsed PPower Dissipation for Single Operation0.5WD T, TOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range–55 to +150 °CJ Thermal Characteristics Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Rq °C/W RThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case °C/W qJC Device MarkingReel SizeTape widthQuantity FDN371N3000 units Ó FDN371N Rev C (W)2001 8mm7’’371 Device Package Marking and Ordering Information 75(Note 1) JA 250(Note 1a) STG 0.46 (Note 1b) (Note 1a) 10 2.5(Note 1a) 12GSS DSS 20 ParameterSymbol Absolute Maximum Ratings SuperSOT -3 TM DS(ON)low R Applications GSDS(ON) GSDS(ON) FeaturesGeneral Description MOSFET20V N-Channel September 2001