FDH600 ,High Conductance Ultra Fast DiodeFDH600 / FDLL600Discrete POWER & SignalTechnologiesFDH / FDLL 600COLOR BAND MARKING DEVICE 1ST BAN ..
FDI038AN06A0 ,N-Channel PowerTrench ?MOSFET 60V, 80A, 3.8mOhmApplications•r = 3.5mΩ (Typ.), V = 10V, I = 80A Motor / Body Load ControlDS(ON) GS DQ (tot) = 95 ..
FDI3632 ,N-Channel UltraFET ?Trench MOSFET 100V, 80A, 9mOhmApplicationsr = 7.5mΩ (Typ.), V = 10V, I = 80A DC/DC converters and Off-Line UPSDS(ON) GS DQ (t ..
FDI3632 ,N-Channel UltraFET ?Trench MOSFET 100V, 80A, 9mOhmFDB3632 / FDP3632 / FDI3632July 2002FDB3632 / FDP3632 / FDI3632®N-Channel UltraFET Trench MOSFET100 ..
FDI3652 ,N-Channel PowerTrench ?MOSFET 100V, 61A, 16mOhmApplications•r = 14mΩ (Typ.), V = 10V, I = 61A DC/DC Converters and Off-line UPSDS(ON) GS DQ (to ..
FDJ1027P ,-20V P-Channel 1.8V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETApplications capability • Battery management/Charger Application • High performance trench technol ..
FP50R12KE3 , Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties
FP50R12KE3 , Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties
FP50R12KT3 , IGBT-modules
FP50R12KT4 , EconoPIM2 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT4 and EmCon4 diode
FP75R12KE3 , Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties
FP75R12KT3 , EconoPIM3 module with fast trench/fieldstop IGBT3 and EmCon High Efficiency diode
High Conductance Ultra Fast Diode
FDH600 / FDLL600 Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies FDH / FDLL 600 COLOR BAND MARKING DEVICE 1ST BAND 2ND BAND FDLL600 RED WHITE LL-34 THE PLACEMENT OF THE EXPANSION GAP DO-35 HAS NO RELATIONSHIP TO THE LOCATION OF THE CATHODE TERMINAL High Conductance Ultra Fast Diode Sourced from Process 1R. See MMBD1201-1205 for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Value Units W Working Inverse Voltage 50 V IV I Average Rectified Current 200 mA O I DC Forward Current 400 mA F i Recurrent Peak Forward Current 600 mA f Peak Forward Surge Current i f(surge) Pulse width = 1.0 second 1.0 A Pulse width = 1.0 microsecond 4.0 A Storage Temperature Range -65 to +200 C T ° stg T Operating Junction Temperature 175 °C J *These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. NOTES: 1) These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 200 degrees C. 2) These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations. Thermal Characteristics TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol Characteristic Max Units FDH/FDLL 600 P Total Device Dissipation 500 mW D Derate above 25°C 3.33 mW/°C R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 300 C/W θ ° JA ã1997