FDG6332C ,20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsFDG6332CFDG6332C® ®PowerTrench The N & P-Channel MOSFETs are produced using• 0.7 A, 20V.R = 300 ..
FDG6332C ,20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsapplications where the bigger more expensiveTSSOP-8 and SSOP-6 packages are impractical.• High perf ..
FDG6332C ,20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise notedAMinTypUnitsV = 0 V,I = 250 μAVDDrain–Sou ..
FDG6332C ,20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsApplicationsDS(ON)low RGSDS(ON) @ VGSDS(ON) @ VQ2GSDS(ON) @ VGSDS(ON) @ VQ1
FDG6335N ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFDG63 135NFDG6335N® ® NV-Channel hThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed• 7 A, R = m Ω = specific ..
FDG6342L ,Integrated Load SwitchApplications High performance trench technology for extremely low rDS(on) Power management Compa ..
FP301 ,TR:NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating Uni[TR]CV ollector-to ..
FP303 ,TR:NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating Uni[TR]CV ollector-to ..
FP304 ,TR:NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC ConverterAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating Uni[TR]CV ollector-to ..
FP31QF , 2-Watt HFET
FP31QF-F , 2-Watt HFET
FP3-3R3-R , Low Profile Inductors
20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETs
FDG6332C FDG6332C Ò Ò PowerTrench The N & P-Channel MOSFETs are produced using · 0.7 A, 20V.R = 300 m W = 4.5 V Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench R = 400 m W = 2.5 V process that has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and yet maintain superior · –0.6 A, –20V.R = 420 m W = –4.5 V switching performance. R = 630 m W = –2.5 V These devices have been designed to offer exceptional power dissipation in a very small footprint · Low gate charge for applications where the bigger more expensive TSSOP-8 and SSOP-6 packages are impractical. · High performance trench technology for extremely · SC70-6 package: small footprint (51% smaller than · DC/DC converter SSOT-6); low profile (1mm thick) · Load switch · LCD display inverter S G 16 D 25 D G Pin 1S34 o T=25C unless otherwise notedA Units VDrain-Source VoltageV VGate-Source Voltage ± ±V IDrain Current– ContinuousAD – Pulsed PPower Dissipation for Single OperationWD T, TOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range–55 to +150 °CJ Thermal Characteristics °C/WRThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient q Device MarkingReel SizeTape widthQuantity FDC6332C3000 units Ó FDC6332C Rev C1 (W)2001 8mm7’’.32 Device Package Marking and Ordering Information JA 415(Note 1) STG 0.3(Note 1) –22.1 –0.60.7(Note 1) GSS 1212 DSS –2020 Q2Q1ParameterSymbol Absolute Maximum Ratings Complementary SC70-6 Applications DS(ON) low R GSDS(ON) @ V GSDS(ON) @ VQ2 GSDS(ON) @ V GSDS(ON) @ VQ1 FeaturesGeneral Description MOSFETs20V N & P-Channel December 2001