FDG6322C ,Dual N & P Channel Digital FETGeneral DescriptionDigital FETDual N & P C322C F O(TATypeV VVo oI C CΔ / Δ TJoI CI V V 1 µ ATI V ..
FDG6323 ,Integrated Load SwitchElectrical CharacteristicsDROPO (T = 25 C unless otherwise noted )AT = 125°CV = 5VIN JV ..
FDG6323 ,Integrated Load SwitchFeaturesVV @ V=5V, IA. R = 0.55 Ω DINL)This is particularly suited for compactV ..
FDG6323 ,Integrated Load Switchapplications:First select R2,100 - 1KΩ, for Slew Rate control.Then select R1 such that R1/R2 ratio ..
FDG6323L ,Integrated Load SwitchGeneral Description 6323March (TAI V 8 V 1 µ A )V V V I VLV V V IL R Q V A2 D ΩVDI V V ALV V V.in1 ..
FDG6324L ,Integrated Load Switchfeatures a small Very small package outline (SC70-6).N-Channel MOSFET (Q1) together with a large P- ..
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Dual N & P Channel Digital FET
February 1998 DG6 hannel These dual N & P-Channel logic level enhancement mode A, 25 V, R = 4.0 W @ V V, field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's R = 5.0 W @ V V. proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density process is especially tailored to minimize P1 A, R = 1.1 W @ V-4.5V, on-state resistance. This device has been designed R = 1.5 W @ VV. especially for low voltage applications as a replacement for bipolar digital transistors and small signal MOSFETs. Since Very small package outline SC70-6. bias resistors are not required, this dual digital FET can replace several different digital transistors, with different biasl direct operation in 3 V circuits (V< 1.5 V). resistor values. GS(th) ESD ruggedness 6kV TM 8 1 66 G2 Q1 D1 25 D2 Q2 n1 34 SC70-6 o TA VV DSS V 8 V I AD P WD T J 6 R) JA q © 1998 FDG6322C Rev.F °C/W415(Note1Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Human Body Model (100pf / 1500 Ohm) kVElectrostatic Discharge Rating MIL-STD-883D ESD STG °C-55 to 150ature RangeOperating and Storage Temper,T 0.3 (Note 1) Power DissipationMaximum -1.20.65- Pulsed -0.410.22Drain Current - Continuous GSS -8Gate-Source Voltage -2525Drain-Source Voltage UnitsP-ChannelN-Channel ParameterSymbol C unless other wise noted = 25 Absolute Maximum Ratings Mark: .22 S1 pi G1 S2 SOIC-14 -6SuperSOTSOT-23 SO-SOT-8SC70-6 Human Body Model).(> r Gate-Source Zener fo ow level gate drive requirements allowing Very GSDS(ON) -2.7= GSDS(ON) = ,-25V-Ch -0.4 GSDS(ON) 2.7= GSDS(ON) 4.5= N-Ch 0.22 Features General Description Digital FETDual N & P C 322C F